General & Others Was WCI one of the best arcs of One Piece?

Was WCI one of the best arcs of One Piece?

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First she go gets her ass sick.
Then she goes and gets her ass kidnapped
Then she gets her ass pounded by Kaido

All of this manipulated Luffy's actions. All of this in a matter of chapters.
So all your seeing is a consequence of Kaidou's tyrany. Tama is giving an organic motivation to take down Kaidou. and you're having a problem with that? On top of which she's/was connected a little bit to Ace, Luffy's brother... I'd hate to think what you see other things as with less involved in it's writing.
Why don't you answer @Owl Ki's post instead of this?
I answer it when I have time. Building a post takes time after all. Why don't you answer my posts in other threads than running away from them?
Post automatically merged:

Least favourite arc even though I liked some of the BM Pirates
Shit was garbage bro . Only like cracker the kata vs luffy fight was boring as hell
Shit was garbage bro . Only like cracker the kata vs luffy fight was boring as hell
Majority says otherwise about the arc. YOu guys just grasping on straws cause it never fit the way you wanted overall. Respect your opinion, but WCI is very much enjoyed by many in long run.


Zoro Worshipper
Man, you cannot write two coherent and legible sentences in a row. I already explained to you that English is my major, therefore I don't make mistakes whilst expressing myself in English. Nor am I a child, but from the looks of it you might be one. Honestly I am just wasting my time trying to communicate properly with you. Bye bye.
Next time he may claim I don't know what an actuator is.