General & Others Was WCI one of the best arcs of One Piece?

Was WCI one of the best arcs of One Piece?

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Because half of it was just kata punching luffy and luffy getting up. That’s not interesting especially on a weekly basis
That was the part when Luffy was trying to learn FS. Off panelling all these hours of fight wouldn't be good either.

But yeah, Luffy's endurance was ridiculous at this point. I felt like there was no real consequence of tanking G2+/G3+ attacks for hours - Luffy got up over and over again.
I call it Whole Cake Diabetes. Sugar taste great until you have too much of it, permanently affecting your health for the worst(and ya teeth). WCI was doing too much with the 2nd half.

The amount of times a chapter ended on a cliff hanger teasing the SHs demise, only for them to narrowly escape time and time again only erased the tension of the arc.

Unlike other arcs where the goal was clear(aka beat the bad guy), the goal post of WCI kept changing left and right.

The threat level and competence of the Big Momma Pirates was compromised repeatedly, with events like Daifiku destroying his own fleet or Smoothie almost sinking her own ship that threw off her slash being frequent.

There was simply too much nonsense going on to make the SHs escape and plot points were left incomplete. A great start with bad payoffs.
At first I liked that arc a lot. There was some decent stuff in it. For example the appearance of Cracker gave me goosebumps, wasn't this hyped since the Kaido intro tbh. Seriously, most of the arc I was totally in.

But sadly there were a lot of stuff that felt very, very cheap later on. All those plot conveniences during the sea chase (those fake tension/cliffhanger scenes legit killed me "Jinbei suddenly becoming a helmsman and sliding through that wave"- prime example), Sanji's Vinsmoke plot never really payed off and in general could have been handled much better, I sadly wasn't one bit invested in Pedro, so his death held zero emotional weight for me, there could have been less wasted panels on the seducing woods, the sea chase and Big Mom screaming around for example (still nothing in comparison to the "collosseum guys running" weeks in Dr tho), the cake plot felt weak even if it was somewhat necessary, Luffy constantly getting beaten up with visuals where he looks legit unconscious/beaten and he still can go on like it did not happen (seriously just don't make him look like he's freakin dead, if he can still go on, and it would have been much more fine) , and in general the execution of the main fight could have been better (even tho I liked it overall). If I'd rereead it, there would be plenty more. That was just out of my head.

All I can say is, it left a rather negative impression on me, which is actually weird, cause I know that I liked it until very late into the arc, definitely up until that scene with Pedro and before the sea chase started.
I even liked the seducing woods chase, cause there Big Mom wasn't totally memed yet and she showed some monstrous feats like "mighty nation", running through solid ground, which actually made her look like a real threat.
Now she's mainly only interesting to me, because of her powerlvl. Sadly, even tho I do not even dislike the idea of her hunger pangs, it's just the execution was lacking. Still hyped for her tho.

No. 1 "arc killer" still are those fake tension moves. Once in a while it's okay, but if things go overboard it becomes blunt.
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The only reason Prometheus grew that big was because Jinbe did not deal with him immediately when he was much smaller.

Besides, how does growing bigger make him immune to seawater? Lol. Just because he is bigger does not mean that the canonical weakness that he has always had has suddenly vanished into thin air.

Just because Jinbe says “blah” does not mean the reader should not question it if what he says does not make sense.

Tell me, in the panel below, what was preventing Jinbe from telling someone to take the wheel while he doused Prometheus yet again and drop Linlin’s arse into the ocean?
The answer is nothing. Why did he not do it? Simple. The answer is “plot”.

As for Jinbe telling everyone to “abandon ship”, this is the same Jinbe that called the Sunny “invincible”. Lol.
Thus one of the greatest problems with the entire cake chase sequence revealed.

Fake tension.

Fake tension created by the fact that all the characters on board are obviously going to live (the Straw Hats are obviously not going to die and Carrot is supposedly carrying on Pedro’s will) and the Thousand Sunny, Franky’s dream ship, is never going to be in any real danger that would have actual consequences.

Fake tension created by the fact that at every opportunity where there was a chance for any of these characters to kill each other, they don’t because plot demands it even when the opportunity is utterly obvious.

Fake tension created by the characters consistently flip flopping between “We’re screwed! We’re saved!! We’re screwed!!! We’re saved again!!!!”

I) Katakuri flip flopped between “I will do anything to protect my family” to “I sure like the guy that assisted in nearly killing my mother, choked my sister into unconsciousness and brutally assaulted my various siblings. What a swell bloke”.

Not to mention the whole “I won’t underestimate you Straw Hat” schtick that went 180 after he assumed Luffy was dead (so much for the “perfectionist”) because he was too busy on randomly deciding to eat donuts out of nowhere because plot.

II) Pudding’s development was tied with her interaction with Sanji that culminated in the kiss..... that she then erased Sanji’s memory of this thus bringing the entire relationship back to square one.

Never mind the fact that she had a flashback of Lola that ultimately also went nowhere and a desire to be free of BM’s influence since that also went nowhere too.

Pudding’s character went nowhere.

III) There was nothing to suggest that Carrot and Pedro were anything more than well acquainted work colleagues before Pedro blew himself up. Considering that Pedro was the leader of the Whale Forest Guardians thus being one of the highest ranked individuals in Zou’s military and Carrot was a messenger between the two Mink faction rulers then it is hardly surprising that they “knew” of each other considering how Pedro would obviously be famous in the Mink community due to his rank and the fact Carrot goes to deliver messages to one of aforementioned faction leaders, Nekomamushi, whom Pedro serves.

Two characters simply knowing of each other is not enough on its own to suggest a relationship as close as student/mentor.

This is irrelevant projection.

Complete codswallop. Luffy had the perfect chance to deal with Katakuri in a most gloriously opportunistic moment when he managed to trap Katakuri.
Luffy then grabbed the BMP’s greatest asset in maneuverability, Brûlée. The mirrors in the Mirror World only turn into portals when Brûlée comes into physical contact with them, so capturing Brûlée means that anyone already in the Mirror World (i.e. Big Mom’s forces) is permanently stuck there
From here, Luffy could have easily dealt with two of the largest threats to the crew in a single move.

Trapping Katakuri in the Mirror World while dragging Brûlée onto the Sunny and knocking her out with haki would have been an excellent move. That would have permanently solved the problem of Katakurui along with whatever forces were in the Mirror World, prevent the BMP from using the Mirror World and allow Luffy to protect his crew from Linlin.

Hell, if Luffy felt like it, he could have tossed Katakuri into the water to drown and truly solve that problem permanently. He sure had no problem in assisting to kill a mentally broken granny earlier in the arc.

However, Luffy does none of these smart things. What does he do instead?

Instead of dragging Katakuri into a disadvantageous scenario that can prevent him from harming the crew, he instead puts Katakuri in a wholly advantageous situation and abandons his crew to deal with the Yonko threat by themselves because he wants to smash Katakuri.

Not only that but in bringing Brûlée back into the Mirror World with the rest of the BMP forces, the BMP are now free to invade or destroy the Sunny.
Luffy is downright responsible for nearly killing his own crew after abandoning them to fend from themselves against a Yonko, all because he wanted to punch Katakuri in the face. :lawsigh:

Firstly, not “everyone” has a gag. Especially not major arc primary antagonists.

Crocodile, Rob Lucci, Captain Morgan, Gekko Moriah, Aokiji, Akainu, Doflamingo, the Boa Sisters, Hody Jones, Jack, Enel, Don Krieg, Kuro, Arlong etc. etc. are all straight laced characters that have no gags.

Even out of the rare few that do (e.g. Kizaru’s snail gag and Magellan’s diarrhea attacks), these gags never directly interfere with their ability to be effective antagonists and are only an introductory joke to begin with.

Secondly, Linlin’s hunger attacks are not a gag in the first place since they were never designed to be funny. The introduction of this personality trait is actually one of the most terrifying moments in One Piece.

At no point is this personality trait introduced as a comedic gag.

In a story, the first impression is always the strongest and the impressions established in this scene are;
1) Linlin cannot be reasoned with at all in this berserk state.
2) She does not recognize anyone, including family.
3) She is a threat to everyone and feels no remorse for murdering family.
4) She is completely lethal.
5) She is more dangerous in this state for the above reasons.

All of this is re-established in this scene with the apparent death of Opera and everyone panicking for their lives.

All of this is completely undone in these panels (and others too).

Linlin can now suddenly be reasoned with, recognise family members, is suddenly remorseful at the thought of killing one of her children where there was none to be found before, is actually weaker in this state to the point she can get knocked around and have her weapons stolen all while she is slowly dying and just to add a humiliating cherry on top of all this, Moscato is miraculously alive again, thus utterly ruining the original scene altogether and even casting doubt on whether Opera is actually dead.

Alright, time to shoot down the inglorious return of the intellectually flawed “majority says” argument.

Question I) The “majority” of Western Europeans once believed the Earth was flat. Was their collective opinion factually correct through virtue of it being the “majority” opinion?

Question II) Galileo claimed that the Earth revolves around the Sun. The “majority” disagreed with him. Was Galileo wrong by virtue of the fact that he was in the “minority”?

If your answer is no then the flaw of the “majority says” argument should be transparently clear to you.

If your answer is yes then you desperately need some lessons in both astronomy and history.

Regardless, I am going to ignore any more drivel regarding the vapid opinion of the “majority” as it is irrelevant.
Not really, all the water in the world won't stop Prometheus especially you think he stand there and let Jimbei's slow ass hit him? He isn't dumb to fall to let Jimbei hit him back to back to back.

Jimbei said himself in panel I show you that 'Even Ocean Water Don't Do A Thing', so if he is expert how to deal with others stated that, then he is legit about it. The heat of flames are too much to be doused by Ocean Water if he tried even using it Homies don't work same like DF users if touch water they are defeated as they more elemental and aren't down from something like that.

So your idea is to ignore what he said and go with how he did early thinking he can still do the same? That just dumb logic as you don't get difference know understand of a tense situation if you think 'might' and 'power' can do the same and everything and everyone is safe. Your clearly not trying to understand Oda on what he is trying to do at all.

Give me proof he can easily got drop on her again and her not see it coming? Why you acting BM is stupid as well their homies to not move out of the way or tank his shit when facing him again? If it was simple, Oda would write it how easy BM is to defeat, but next time we saw her dominating them like babies. Your pushing projecting than canon stuff about the situation.

Ah yes the old 'If something doesn't make sense or wrong, blame plot'. You lost all credibility to say it's plot is issue here. You can't seem to fight off characters can admit when they are wrong or when situation change differently. It's not always plot, it just situation changes in logical standpoints against them and they make sense.

So driving through a wave is tougher than fighting an craze, but aware Yonko who is destroying your ship? That's your excuse him saying the 'invincible'? You do realize he said that as with the 'RIGHT' Helmsman, how it steers and work along the harsh waters make it 'invincible' not that they can get away from Yonko or beat her with the ship for that. Two different scenarios and situations. Your pushing too much your projecting man and failing on what you were getting at before.

Lame excuse again, just 'Fake Tension'? That's it? Dude your not trying here. Of course they live, but not in way of beating and overpowering an Yonko? Again your wishing this to be like DB with power-scaling going off the wacks to beat her. How they survive is being smart, not dominating and using strength especially Jimbei alone can barely tank on an YC himself.

1. That's not flipping-flopping, that's called not being an one-dimensional trash character. He still is protecting his family while respecting his opponent. Plus characters need flaws and this first time someone like Luffy cause problems for him while everyone else is easy. Make sense he saw his Awakening Move enough to kill him while he go take a break. Do you want him be Gary-Stue and know everything and beat everything without flaws? That hella boring and one-dimensional problem we are discussing here.

2. She only erased the kiss as the reason she did that was because she was 'undeserving' and to do kissing would mean they are 'legally married', so she remove his memories enough to forget that, but want to show her thanks on everything. It all make sense and put layers on what type of person she is truly. Sanji still remembers her if your worried on that, it's the kiss he doesn't recall, but not everything that has happen in WCI.

Nah, they went somewhere as she is free to do what she wants now more and that isn't last we see of her I bet as well getting freedom within BMP on what she want to do than usual before. It did lead to something in the end, but your not trying to truly see it.

3. There was defiantly hints and how he was charge to looking after her as well wanting to go public to join them before sneaking out to do so. It's implied, but Oda won't spoiled the whole relationship or else it exposed what happen to Pedro with going WCI early and thus takes away the surprise of his death and how much time he got left. Takes away that since we know he is going to die and will be desperate about it.

Again not able to admit the truth and 'projecting' excuse is getting old when someone is countering your claims. Your acting out, not me thinking about it. Your posts is proving that right now.

Trap? With that? You do realize that's hardly trap on grapping your opponent nowadays? Katakuri can slip out with Mochi or just overpower with Haki? Your really going far saying him grabbing him with his Haki G3 is 'Trap'? Owl, your making lose faith in our talk more if you honestly believe that was enough to get Katakuri -.-...

Plus Katakuri saw into future and he meant dragging him to mirror world, not being trap like that as that hardly the case. If Luffy thought he was some guy they could take out together or on ship, he would have. He isn't and rightfully so being a damn YC1 with FS. Your downplaying Katakuri too much here man.

Brulee still in control as he didn't much capture as per-say drag her with him and Katakuri to get them inside, not as hostage as Katakuri prevented him touching her many times through the fight.

That would work, but you act like Katakuri isn't an FS YC1 for nothing and can simply allowed that and let him get away from it and plus why you act like even if Brulee was knockout, she won't wake up later? Hardly punching her won't do it since she tank a lot of stuff like Nami's attacks and Chopper and Carrot teamup as well. She isn't fodder as she looks like and she will wake up sooner rather than in hours later. That won't do anything, but anger Katakuri when he comes out and kill them all more. Now your clearly projecting your ideals than using canon facts on situation.

"Tossed Katakuri To The Water" :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:?! My God, Owl Ki, have you always been this headcannon on removing all canon facts and thinking top tiers like Katakuri are that weak and helpless? You just now make me lose faith in you entirely saying that and thinking Luffy can easily dust away an YC into water and Katakuri with his FS won't see that coming. Listen I like hearing all opinions and respecting them, but dumb ones like this is hard to swallow as you call me out on projecting, but this is 100% headcannon projecting thinking of you seeing Katakuri like a fodder who be pushed down and back like that after how much he shows.

That was smart thing to do and logical as Katakuri can easily kill his crew just like how he predictaed and done away their attacks like Carrot and Jimbei stated to be wary of him as well. Plus he told his crew to destroy all the mirrors which were better than dealing with endless army of soldiers coming in for them to defeat that Brulee can pull out anywhere within mirrors from Totland areas. Again you underestimating BMP and thinking enemies are weaklings is making me harder to take your side man. Nothing personal, but your not maing sense instead projecting your own ideals thinking it is right.

So it's better to have an YC and Yonko fighting you then separating them and making it less harder? That's what your saying as if they kept Katakuri out there, they would have die much easier and faster cause of that stupid logic thinking teamwork can overcome an Yonko and her YC1 together in a fight. Do you honestly believe they can defeat Katakuri and Big Mom together in a fight? Cause your acting as if they can be easily done away like fodders when hardly truth at all.

Lucci did had a gag and it was his bird especially undercover, Morgan was shown as non-serious threat and gag in hurting his statue lol which make sense since he is first marine enemy of the series, Moriah is lazy shit? No gags? Have you not seen how he was shown to be funny moment in that arc, Aokiji is gag with being lazy and doing things like sleeping and forgetting stuff, Kizaru has gag of being 'slow' in talking and personality of non-serious like Aokiji, but different, Boa Sisters? Is this joke? Hancock with her love gag for Luffy, and her sisters being gags about it and to their sister -.-...

Hody was non-serious threat much and only was after having steroids, but even then he wasn't that all hard as much truly, Jack has gag in there and it's being called the 'Dragdown' later and not taking things with precautions, Enel....:lusalty:Really....

Owl your disappointing and in true denial if you dare say this isn't an 'gag' here with this iconic face we all know and love. Now your clearly pushing away canon for your ideals in wrong light. Luffy make him have gag moments after Lightning doesn't work on him. Also Buggy counts in this too as major enemy as well. majority of enemies have gag moments and on them, not all all avoid of that. It's how Oda roles most of the time and has always been like this. Idk why your shock by this, but this is nothing new after so many years dealing with it.

Now as for LinLin, it's kinda mixture of both as it's both an gag, but serious thing to worried about as she comes after you with her hunger pains. It definitely has it's funny moments and serious moments.

Actually she can be as Perospero reason with her and send her attention to Strawhats, so she is somewhat or minorly conscious, but only if you discuss food with her or something important enough to get her attention. What you posted doesn't ruin her character as they never try stopping her before like this way until now when telling her about food and where it is. I would agree if it happen multiple times and they try to say 'food is over there', but it looks like they never done it before until that arc. It doesn't ruin her and they Strawhats were overly helpless to what she was doing and couldn't stop her from coming at them all until cake came to save them.

Oda defends in SBS how dangerous she is while in that state and how cake was sole solutions, so he made no mistakes on how situation was for her state and how craze she was.

Also well it's easy to keep them alive as she didn't crush their bones and make them into dust. Just take their souls. Why not give back soul you took from your children again after realizing it you kill them during your rampage. She not 'too heartless' to not revive them back as putting soul back is easy unless you cross her or did something unforgivable like Lola did to her which she doesn't care for children like that. So it's not something out of character or doesn't make sense how they came back to life as again she just took out their soul, not distergrate them, so it's easy to give them life by putting their soul back.

So your main thoughts are...ignore popular websites of Youtube, Twitter, Reddit, etc. who have people who are majority of sane mind and make compelling arguments and listen to this small website from small side thinking they are right and whole fanbase entirely are wrong ones.

I mean your example doesn't work same here as everyone is reading same series and make same outcome as it's not like everyone saw up in space to see Earth, so in defense majority didn't have access to that technology, but with OP who everyone can read around the world and see the chapters in their own languages, that's a different story. They make judgement and that is one of reason why OP is best selling manga series of all time and why those who review WCI see it as one of the best arcs in NW Saga.

So back to what I said before, your argument is to ignore those who made videos on Youtube to explain and defend the arc that got huge amount of views and likes, those who made posts on Twitter from explanations to videos on why arc is so good, those who made posts in Reddit and gain insane likes on posts and how they explain it, etc. and show on just to ignore them and say this website and this poll which doesn't have 1% of whole fanbase in it decide that it was 'bad arc' and understand that?

Dude, your argument here failed hard. I respect opinions, but only one who been projecting is your post here and your ideals from thinking Yonko and YC1 can be easily dealt with, major enemies don't have gags which is a lie, and now stating majority is wrong for thinking and liking this arc and minority is right? Sorry, but no, I disagree with you on many points and you have not change anything from me or anyone of whole fanbase view on what they think. If you have problems, talk to many who defend it and convince them on the major formats, but from what is shown and from research gather, majority loved WCI than hate it as the overall view.

If you dislike it, alright then. Power to you, but don't denied facts here for your projecting and think myself and others are thinking wrongly for enjoying and loving the arc ourselves. Agree to Disagree and learn to accept it.


I'll be honest, the arc was underwhelming. It was good but it ain't the best.

Luffy vs Cracker was meh.

Luffy vs Katakuri wasn't really great for the most part except Snakeman. Katakuri was dominating most of the fight, then Luffy suddenly won back the momentum and won even though kata's haki was stronger and kata hit luffy WAY MORE than luffy hit kata.

Sanji's plot was kinda wack. I hope I never see the vinsmokes again. They destroyed my hopes for seeing badass assassins and gave me power rangers instead.

Chopper did nothing the whole arc.

Big Mom was made into a meme chasing a ship the whole arc.

Smoothie was trash.
I love it. It pretty solid to me. Great flashback, great character interaction, great plot. Didn't expect it at first

Brook and pedro steal RP.
Chopper and carrot capture brulee and connect everyone and save pedro and brook.
Nami has quality time with luffy.
Jinbe comeback.
Sanji got a time with judge
Alliance rekt the tea party.
Love it
Imo is one of the worst arc in One Piece, if not the worst. It was confused (a lot of indecisions), full of stretches, bad character design excpet for a few characters. I almost dropped One Piece cause of it.
Its better than Dressrosa......infact you can argue the best content of post timeskip one piece is from the period of Zou to the Tea party in Wholecake island. Honestly from a manga perspective I think people had more discussions and theorys about wholecake island chapters than Wano. discussions have been pretty dry about wano chapters atleast until 983 and 984.

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Snake Empress!🐍
Do I have to make a essay about this?:seriously:

Anyway, WCI is probably the top 3 best arc in the New World so far (after Zou and Reverie) for me. The first half was 9/10 and then second half is 5/10:kayneshrug:The best part about WCI is Sanji's backstory, the Vinsmokes, Luffy vs Katakuri fight, Brook, Nami, and Chopper have their won spotlights. The worst part is Big Mom screaming "Wedding Cake":crazwhat:Smoothie being useless:seriously:And the pacing is bad as always:jordanmf: