General & Others Was WCI one of the best arcs of One Piece?

Was WCI one of the best arcs of One Piece?

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Zoro Worshipper
WCI was good arc if not best. Wano is the worst ever arc in one piece.
Any reasons for such bold claims?

WCI felt pretty annoying to me during several portions. The Katakuri v Luffy clash was fancy however and so the moments seeing Big Mom trying to capture the SHs and her small clash with them.

Wano however tastes better under so many layers, and it's not just about consistency of the plot.

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Snake Empress!🐍
How is it a plot hole that Whitebeard only learnt Kaido's location after the fact? Wano is an isolated country, a perfect base.
Oden could have told WB or Roger about Kaido and Orochi but no.
Tama was always shown to be able to tame gifters.
Yes but Usopp is the one that helps her to do the job properly.
We don't know what the reveal at the end of last chapter was. Its probably a fake out.
Either that or Oda is a pussy when it comes to killing characters.
Oden could have told WB or Roger about Kaido and Orochi but no.
How? He had no contact with the outside world. He had no way to contact the outside world.
Yes but Usopp is the one that helps her to do the job properly.
And how is this a plot hole?
Either that or Oda is a pussy when it comes to killing characters.
I'm not going to deny that Oda is definitely a pussy when killing off characters(he is), but I think this is definitely a fake out reveal.
If we consider that the entirety of Wholecake was essentially a setup arc for Wano, I'd even go as far as to say that it might be the best arc in the series. Suddenly, within a single plot line, the entire focus of one piece, as a series where numbers don't matter and aren't threatening, and where obviously all plans are doomed to fail, gets turned on it's head. Suddenly, Wano speculation about certain factions, certain crews, certain individuals changing sides, all becomes relevant. The entire concept of a Yonko Crew is finally understood, and one piece arcs can finally be given their "endgame window dressing".

That the actual standalone plot line managed to be even slightly satisfying after all of that setup it needed to do, definitely goes to show how masterfully it was all executed.
After watching WCI two times i realised it was a masterpiece
The contrast between the themes and the true nature of tutto land was really great
Big mom introduction song with perfect
It showed us what kind of person is big mom
The devil contract is what between big mom and her people
The concept of tea party that is the must brutal thing in one piece
And the arc had pretty good writing
The most creative arc in a shonen manga
I give it 9.5/10 easily . Perfect arc