ESC - Who shall win?

  • Entry 1

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 3

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Entry 4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 5

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 6

    Votes: 11 36.7%
  • Entry 7

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 8

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 9

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Entry 10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 11

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Entry 12

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Lead them to paradise.
Okay this also helps me understand your perspective a bit better. So you think that Fuji is sussy because he is promoting his own entry as the one that should win while also pushing the idea that EVC will win the ability? Are you worried that Fuji will win the ability or what is the true ping?
I dont even need to promote my entry to begin with its a no brainer, I only started doing so because I noticed some players were going for the writeup rewrite ability which can be used to harm town if scum gets it and the night talk ability which is meh.

Simply believed if there a chance ETC gets an ability out of this that the night lynch the best thing.

I dont care about winning myself tbh, I am simply aggravated by SKs reasons. Simple as that.
Okay this also helps me understand your perspective a bit better. So you think that Fuji is sussy because he is promoting his own entry as the one that should win while also pushing the idea that EVC will win the ability? Are you worried that Fuji will win the ability or what is the true ping?
Okay, here are the two posts from rej regarding this ESC thingy.

To show off your Talents!

12 talented individuals have signed up for the Euroweeb Song Contest 2023!
A round of applause for:
@Mashiro Blue
@Lord Tentei
@AL sama

The town, no...Europe...nah, not even that...The WHOOOLE World! will await your performances. For the remainder of D0, you guys will prepare your entries, in form of a supervised ability, created by you! It does not have to be shot restricted, if you decide not to go all out with it's influence to the game. Once all entries have been submitted, I will show them with the purpose of players being able to vote for the winning entry/performance.
Alongside glory and legend status, there will be some reward mechanism involved. This shall motivate you to give it your all! See ya on stage!

World? Are you READY?!

The Euroweeb Song Contest has closed it's entry phase!
The crafted work will be presented, but in order to keep integrity and spice things up, we will hide the creators of those entries and also the voters on the poll.

Now, every player may vote in the poll attached to the gamethread - which ability shall win this grand contest. There are a variety of rewards attached to winning to this contest! Let's enjoy the time on the couch and watch some good ol' ESC!

Edit: This contest ends at the end of the Third Cycle!

[Weeb Council][Active] - During the day, activate this to create a night talk the following night phase. [2-shots]

[I am townier!!!][Active] - You can target a player and challenge them to a towniness contest. The player with the least amount of lynch votes on them at the end of that day wins the contest and gains a double action the following night, or the ability to grant another player a double action. [1 cycle cooldown]

[Bond of Fate][Active] - In the event of a town being lynched activate this to allow for a night lynch. This does not enable a night chat. [1-shot]

[Detective Boys][Active] - You may target a player during the night phase, and place either a Bounty or a Gratuity on them.
If you place a Bounty, a player at random will be told that they must get them lynched the following cycle. If they succeed in doing so, they will receive a double action biff for the next cycle.
If you place a Gratuity, a player at random will be told they must ensure that said player survives the cycle. If the player fails to keep their target alive, they will be roleblocked through immunities for the following cycle. [1 cycle cooldown]

[Disruption Cube][Passive] - You investigate as innocent. When targeted with an investigation ability you absorb the ability into a one shot copy of the ability. The investigator then has to toss a one shot copy of the ability. The secondary effect of this ability can only occur once in the game!

[Archangel's Judgment][Day Active] - Calling upon the Archangel's power, and after 6 players have died in the game, you may pass judgement unto a player of your choice, as retribution for killing the weebs. You will get a list of 3 players and you have to brand them as [Guilty] or [Innocent]. If you correctly guess the player who killed the weebs and mark them guilty, you'll kill him regular. Alternatively if you're killed, [Archangel's Judgment] will also proc with the same effects, only this time you must correctly guess who killed you and it will be a superkill. This ability will activate regardless of whatever action you are targeted with. [1-shot]

.[Weebball][Active] - Revolutionary invention essential for catching and storing Weebs. Each cycle, try to capture a Weeb by guessing their role. If you guess their role correctly, gain a copy of one of their abilities for the next cycle only. Guess wrong and you won't be able to use this ability next cycle. Certain abilities cannot be copied. Critical Capture - Once per game, if you guess both their alignment and role, you'll also have an option to jail them for a cycle.

[Barbie Girl][Active] - Life is plastic and fantastic, you can fake a write up that has yet to be posted. [2-shots]

[Blessing of the Heavens][Passive] - If you were ever to die in the game via a regular kill or superkill, redirect your fate and swipe a player of your choosing to die instead of you. Choose the player within 24 hours of receiving this item. While this passive is effective, the holder of this passive, won't be able to get protected! [1-shot]

[Peeper][Active] - Target someone at night and if they are successful with an action, copy the action as a one-shot. [3-shots]

[The Beauty Of Voluntary][Active] - Investigate a player. If this ability ever fails, a random player will receive a one-shot cop ability, but the investigation has a 60% chance to give the sane result. [1-shot]

[Bending Reality][Active] - You can target any write up and redo it by adding, removing or changing certain parts. Does not rewrite faction kills or converts. [4 cycles cooldown][you can't add more then 1 kill 1 revive or 1 game removal]

I quoted them and here is my posts explaining what these two posts indicates.
Okay so I went back because there seems to be this narrative being pushed that the winning entry will be the ability of whoever ECS is. This does not seem the case from the wording of this and how it's presented, it's like a song contest more like but in the form of mafia. You vote for the ability that is most cool to you and think it's unique and stands out. Not vote for an ability because you think it will be used. I am not sure why fuji is pushing such narrative just to get his entry the win? lol.
No where does it indicate that the winner entry will be granted to ESC nor does it say that ESC wins anything, it might? maybe who knows but it also might not be the case. The way the wording and everything presented honestly demonstrate a signing competition but in the form of mafia and it only elaborates that whoever wins this competition will be rewarded mechanically wise and get a boost. It is presented in a way where we need to vote for the most unique ability we think, and it's also very important to take into consideration who will win this competition. Hence when this voting started I did state that it's important to know which player we are voting for here cause it's important in the grand scheme of things.

Now I noticed fuji really been going on for a while trying to get his entry to win by pushing a specific narrative when it was never indicated anywhere. Balancing abilities could be because whoever wins the competition gets to pick an ability out of the entires to add to their role. In the posts it did state that the winner will be rewarded mechanically and we are not sure ESC wins the highest voted entry or win anything at all, he might be able to get any entry he wants for that matter. So why are we jumping into one narrative is the question here? why using such nonexistence narrative to push your own entry for winning? Fuji is a crafty guy and I seen him do shady shit like this before. So yes, I will question him, and yes I am not liking his reaction so far. I don't see townie melting down like this over a simple discussion I brought up to question.
I dont even need to promote my entry to begin with its a no brainer, I only started doing so because I noticed some players were going for the writeup rewrite ability which can be used to harm town if scum gets it and the night talk ability which is meh.

Simply believed if there a chance ETC gets an ability out of this that the night lynch the best thing.

I dont care about winning myself tbh, I am simply aggravated by SKs reasons. Simple as that.
I agree entry three is the best one to vote for. I do think that EVC will most likely receive that ability.
Let's finally put tpein's lies to bed once and for all. this is all of the post in order, with time stamps. How am I getting outed for what I did when Charlie asked and I admitted my ability. Let's stop the cap ass lying and tell the truth. A townie would tell the truth not outright lie to people without providing actual evidence. This is the evidence of me telling the truth.
Not impressive.
Just like I said at all.
If you had denied it and claimed some other ability someone would had called you out.
If they proved to be more townie then you then we would all extra scum read you.
Right now what you are trying to do is get ahead of the sus.
You even provided various terrible reasons as to why you submitted such a scummy abilty.
Something about it was bait. (what?)
Something about it was not completed.
Something about You dont know how to make abilities.

All terribad excuses.
I dont even need to promote my entry to begin with its a no brainer, I only started doing so because I noticed some players were going for the writeup rewrite ability which can be used to harm town if scum gets it and the night talk ability which is meh.

Simply believed if there a chance ETC gets an ability out of this that the night lynch the best thing.

I dont care about winning myself tbh, I am simply aggravated by SKs reasons. Simple as that.
You need to look at the person intentions, and that's all that matters here, you are assuming too many things and act like you don't care about winning but been pinging everyone left and right about how your entry is the way to go and make up some narrative to back up the reasoning.

I pull up host quotes and question you and you see your world crumbles and start behaving like a child.


Lead them to paradise.
I agree entry three is the best one to vote for. I do think that EVC will most likely receive that ability.
SK came at me saying I was pushing a false narrative as if he knew what was truly gonna happen, like its the best assumption to make is that the winning ability goes to ESC.

Its how I would design it anyways.

Also there were others who believed this theory yet he singled me out. And I asked him many times what would ESC win then if it wouldnt be an ability and he either couldnt answer or told me it was an event.

So far the events have been listed like the waves and stuff, I assume anything else is player related. No reason not to.


Lead them to paradise.
You need to look at the person intentions, and that's all that matters here, you are assuming too many things and act like you don't care about winning but been pinging everyone left and right about how your entry is the way to go and make up some narrative to back up the reasoning.
I dont care about winning but I want town to get the best ability it can get in the case ETC gets a fucking ability, I said as much many times.

I pull up host quotes and question you and you see your world crumbles and start behaving like a child.
You pull up host quotes and I debunk them. I went off at you because of you saying me wanting town to maybe get a night lynch pinged you. Thats what made me go off on you, not your garbage ''host quotes'' that were instantly debunked.

Twisting narratives is not surprising coming from you.


Lead them to paradise.
Imagine that I ask people to vote for the entry that might grant us a night lynch, damn how dare I. Its almost like Im town and am invested in getting every advantage possible.
just a question the night vote, will be activated at any time? or can be later?

because if this goes to scum, with less town dead.....

and i don't know who the person who get it.

beside fuji creating it, as the top winning ability.
I dont care about winning but I want town to get the best ability it can get in the case ETC gets a fucking ability, I said as much many times.

You pull up host quotes and I debunk them. I went off at you because of you saying me wanting town to maybe get a night lynch pinged you. Thats what made me go off on you, not your garbage ''host quotes'' that were instantly debunked.

Twisting narratives is not surprising coming from you.
What you mean you debunk them? you didn't debunk anything, you only acted like an ape and went on tantrum cause you couldn't properly have a civil discussion. Not sure what I am twisting here when I am simply calling it how I see it and questioning you about it.
And you wanna know what's even crazier. Is Michelle has refused to actually read and just sheep tpein, refuse to provide her own updated reads list. How can you say you don't remember someone who has 200 post like almost triple of what you applied yourself and managed to read and catch up on all pages, provide content to be able to get read while working 12 hour days.

Proof is in the pudding.
I created disruption cube. I was figuring if town could cuck a potential mafia cop and screw them up it could give the town a second cop ability. But I also didn't get to finish refining the ability so it was unfinished and mafia role creation is not my strong suit which is why I never created a mafia game. which is why the first part of the ability didn't get removed.

I also was nervous about making an ability that would possibly help scum more. So I much rather no one votes for this ability whatsoever since I didn't finish refining it before the deadline.
If you are townie as you indicate then why did you think of trying of cucking a mafia cop? why your first thing to come to mind is to make an ability that makes you scan innocent? why not go for an ability that helps you to eliminate scum instead?


Lead them to paradise.
Okay so I went back because there seems to be this narrative being pushed that the winning entry will be the ability of whoever ECS is. This does not seem the case from the wording of this and how it's presented, it's like a song contest more like but in the form of mafia. You vote for the ability that is most cool to you and think it's unique and stands out. Not vote for an ability because you think it will be used. I am not sure why fuji is pushing such narrative just to get his entry the win? lol.
Because what does ESC wins from this? It makes sense that he gains the most voted ability. Also Rej limited and nerfed my ability and Ekkos so clearly he's trying to balance it, why would he try to balance it if its not gonna be used?

Just for my entry to win? Are you salty your ability isnt winning or something mate? Like can you not see the benefits of an extra lynch?
The entire point of the entries is like a song contest and instead of singing we are voting based on the ability uniqueness. Only rewards mentioned is the one with the highest vote would win.
What does ESC get from this ? They running a charity ?
Why are you assuming ESC wins an ability out of this when it's nowhere mentioned? it only says the highest vote entry gets rewarded. As for the balancing stuff it would very possible be to make all abilities submitted fair among all entries. Why do you think ESC wins the winning entry is the question here?

Not sure what this has to do with mafia here? I ain't as pity as you here. I am not the one pushing this false narrative based on assumption to get my ability to win. The wording of the posts are clear and it nowhere mentions whatever BS you are feeding the masses. If anything it looks manipulative so you can basically win. You been going on about it for some hot minute now how it will benefit us all the most when that's not the case at all.

The only thing specified in the post is that the winner gets rewarded and you as far as I am concerned is in my scum leans and I have no intentions on buffing you up. We need to take into consideration who is winning this as well and having a possible scum get free boast is not something I am keen about.
Well, according to the posts it only specifically mention that the winner of the entry/song will get rewarded. So taking into account which player wins here is important. Last thing we want is mafia to win.

Maybe the winning prize is to let the winning player decide an entry ability to choose from. Fuji pushing this false narrative is pinging me bad
This is what made me go off on you.
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