Voted white tiger. Hard to believe that Kaido being the captain of a crew full of zoan users would give his only kid anything less then a mythical zoan. Honestly, anyhting other then a mythical type zoan would be underwhelming and disappointing.
I could also see a nue, but that is a distant second guess, more becuase of the color scheme of yamato and that we have seen how a nue would look and it would fit her color scheme since we have already seen how oda designed a nue.
If I would take several guesses I would say.
1 Mythical white tiger (byakko) by far
2 Nue
3 Kirin
I could also see a nue, but that is a distant second guess, more becuase of the color scheme of yamato and that we have seen how a nue would look and it would fit her color scheme since we have already seen how oda designed a nue.
If I would take several guesses I would say.
1 Mythical white tiger (byakko) by far
2 Nue
3 Kirin
IMO, it's White Tiger and after that Western Dragon.
My heuristic is "Mythical Zoan that has some relationship to Kaido's Azure Dragon".
Byakko directly opposes Seiryu.
A Western Dragon would signify how Yamato is very much alike (e.g. exact same fighting style, similar weapons) yet still different from Kaido (e.g. her Kanabo lacks the spikes).