Future Events When does Zoro Fight Mihawk


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Don't you agree that it's objectively better if Zoro defeats Mihawk and get the title, then defends it against new challenger like Shiryu.
Than him getting it in EoS yet he never defends it again nor there is nobody else going after that title?
Mihawk's story is about being so strong that he gets bored fighting Shanks. Then Zoro overcomes him and who will defend the title? Shiryu? It's like Luffy defeating Kaido and then having to fight enemies with Katakuri's strength.


World's Strongest Swordsman
You say this stupid shit so often. You know you're relying on some shitty translation right? Go pull up the raw and you won't find that word anywhere.
Cry he's a has been a bum whose probably already dead That's why hes gonna meet luffy in a non canon film
So who fights the weaker strawhats like Nami or Usopp? Or they wont matter in the final fight?
We don't know the capabilities of any later faction or their "weaker" members. Shanks has 6 other main members outside of his 3 commanders. On a relative platform, they are probably stronger on average than the F6 or BMs veterans or a group of Rear/Vice Admirals (not Garp) or WG members below Kong.

I'll leave point of contesting if they are higher than most of Blackbeard's titanic captains on average. Really could be the same for Marines/WG too, because between these 4 factions (Blackbeard, Shanks, Marines, WG), we don't really know who's last to go
When luffy achieved PK zoro will already be WSS, since the manga tells us that.

Mihawk wants to meet both luffy and zoro again, Shanks wants to meet luffy when hes a great pirate so post-wano. Mihawk will go meet up with shanks with the marines trying to capture him.


World's Strongest Swordsman
if it was a collective she wouldn't have said one of them

do you honestly believe 3 admirals beat all of WG forces, Imu, Gorosei, Cp0- Cp1, Garp, Sengoku all other marines and warlords combined?
No clown they are the strongest faction together
Against any other faction
Admirals > warlords
Admirals > vice Admirals
Admirals > cpo
Not Admirals beat everyone combined
Feel free to suggest more poll options.
Since Zoro was the first SH to come into contact with his endgame goal (in Baratie).
It will be more fitting for him to be the last SH to fulfill his dream, Zoro vs Mihawk should be the epilogue of the series, witnessed by all the SH. (again to mirror what happened in Baratie, everyone saw his defeat).

I'm mostly certain that Zoro will have a clash with Shanks, he needs to be acknowledged by Mihawk's rival, and that would be either before shanks's fight with luffy or after that.
So Mihawk joining the RHP is a dead idea to me.

After all things are settled (the final war with th WG), the epic & savage fight between 02 Yonko level beasts shall begin.
& it will be more appropriate for the WSS to get a mini arc, + a well developed flashback, not some low tier backstory (what king got).
Oda will touch on Mihawk's past, personality & what shaped his ambition.
Yeah, Mihawk will be the last top-tier we see in action.
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