I would say Traffy.
From my POV, guy’s life was a total disaster, his family (and friends and entire nation) got burned to the ground just because of a disease the government couldn’t control, he was raised carrying hatred towards the people of the world, joined up with some bad mofos The DD group, his link up with Corazon was a unique storyline, he somehow was able to fix that fractured part of the young boy without completely destroying his life or driving him mad (the way you think about, Law could have been just like DD, a wealthy child brought down by the wraith of WG/ celestials/ people and rose up as a vengeful child that wants nothing but to hurt and kill others)
The moment his views about life starts to redeem themselves again, corazon, the man who helped change these views gets murdered in front of his own eyes trying to protect him, at this point he can easily choose to be a villain and declare war on everything, but he chose to change, to be better, to save himself just like corazon wanted.
I love law’s story, and everything it represents.