General & Others Why do people HATE ability Countering All of a sudden?

He was bleeding, clutching his wounds, sweating and using his club to stay on one knee. He was hurt but as you said he recovered. The point is how Kinemon shouldn't be able to hurt Kaido, hard counter or not. There's lots of plot and circumstances allowing that and other scenes to happen. Preskip didnt need to do that.

And Kaido is the same guy who showed fear and avoided death. As thing stand, Kaido is a contradictory mess while matters remain unexplained.
In Pre TS we have for example water-luffy... Do you really enjoyed that aside from being a gag? OP has lots of asspulls, just erase your headcannon

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Big Mom is the female equivalent to Luffy who always falls victim to shit like that due to his simple minded nature, and she's no different. In fact it makes much more sense for her to fall victim to it due to the fact that she hasn't suffered any real damage in god knows how long. She's complacent and carefree because of her own natural durability. So when stuff like that happens to her it's just easier to chalk it up to her being in an idgaf mode for most of her life.
Enel got beat up by Luffy cause of his extreme god complex. Croc got beat up by Luffy cause of his arrogance and thinking Luffy was trash. Lucci got beat up by Luffy cause of his blood thirsty nature and allowing Luffy to live. All of their shortcomings were because of their personalities and background, against an opponent who is a threat to them. Even for Magellan, who was league's above Luffy in ID was brought to his knees cause he underestimated Luffy. Same goes for Mr3 who could stop Magellan's attacks when Croc and Jinbe couldn't but Mr3 was still powerless, which is very consistent with the narrative.

BM on the other hand is stated to be intelligent yet short tempered. She getting knocked around 24/7 by people WAY below her level(and had to get nerfed as an excuse for Jinbe or Chopper to do something) and portrayed to be powerless to stop their shenanigans(like Robin rolling her outside). BM could have easily stopped it.

It's not like BM vs Brooke; Brooke countered BM but he's clearly no match for her. He only lasted so long cause BM underestimated him and wanted him alive for her collection. That makes perfect sense.
Kinemon logically shouldnt do a thing a Kaido, hard counter or not.
Kin'emon says "There's no fire I cannot cut"

Kin'emon cuts Dragon fire


Oden cuts Kaido using ryo

Kin'emon cuts Kaido with Ryo


Please I'm asking. What mechanics in the story gave you the impression that Kin'emon can cut fire BUT NOT DRAGON FIRE?

Also what mechanics in the story say that Oden usigr Ryou to cut Kaido means NO ONE ELSE WITH RYOU can cut Kaido as well?

I want you to show your train of logic here
Enel got beat up by Luffy cause of his extreme god complex. Croc got beat up by Luffy cause of his arrogance and thinking Luffy was trash. Lucci got beat up by Luffy cause of his blood thirsty nature and allowing Luffy to live. All of their shortcomings were because of their personalities and background, against an opponent who is a threat to them. Even for Magellan, who was league's above Luffy in ID was brought to his knees cause he underestimated Luffy. Same goes for Mr3 who could stop Magellan's attacks when Croc and Jinbe couldn't but Mr3 was still powerless, which is very consistent with the narrative.

BM on the other hand is stated to be intelligent yet short tempered. She getting knocked around 24/7 by people WAY below her level(and had to get nerfed as an excuse for Jinbe or Chopper to do something) and portrayed to be powerless to stop their shenanigans(like Robin rolling her outside). BM could have easily stopped it.

It's not like BM vs Brooke; Brooke countered BM but he's clearly no match for her. He only lasted so long cause BM underestimated him and wanted him alive for her collection. That makes perfect sense.
The thing is, we've only seen Big Mom put her guard up twice I believe. The first time was when she was attacked by G4, and the second time was when she clashed with Kaido. Both times against people she perceived as threats.

Every other time we've seen her get attacked, she would just take it, and shrug it off. No attempts to dodge or block whatsoever. Oda doesn't do things without just reason. There is always an inverse explanation to why things unfold the way they do. He's not treating Big Mom the way he does simply for gags (That's part of the reason), but he's doing it, because it's meant to be inline with her character.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Kin'emon says "There's no fire I cannot cut"

Kin'emon cuts Dragon fire


Oden cuts Kaido using ryo

Kin'emon cuts Kaido with Ryo


Please I'm asking. What mechanics in the story gave you the impression that Kin'emon can cut fire BUT NOT DRAGON FIRE?

Also what mechanics in the story say that Oden usigr Ryou to cut Kaido means NO ONE ELSE WITH RYOU can cut Kaido as well?

I want you to show your train of logic here

Never said Kinemon shouldn't be able to cut fire.

-Kinemon can cut fire
-Kinemon has ACOA
-Kaido didnt expect him to be able to that

The issue is due to the plot and PIS that allows Kinemon to achieve that, given how under normal circumstances Kaido would annihilate them all no problem.

-Kaido isnt using full strength
-Kaido isn't using haki
-Kaido is still casual and careless with them despite having the Ryou of the man who almost killed him
Never said Kinemon shouldn't be able to cut fire.

-Kinemon can cut fire
-Kinemon has ACOA
-Kaido didnt expect him to be able to that

The issue is due to the plot and PIS that allows Kinemon to achieve that, given how under normal circumstances Kaido would annihilate them all no problem.

-Kaido isnt using full strength
-Kaido isn't using haki
-Kaido is still casual and careless with them despite having the Ryou of the man who almost killed him
Well then your problem isn't the point of this thread

I'm talking about people saying hard counters shouldn't exist if a character is SO STRONG. Like Nami shouldn't be able to Steal Zues since he's an Emperor's power as if that somehow means Nami's abilities just don't work because the term "Emperor" is being used


When were you under the impression this game is..
It is powerscaler's problem, not from casual reader. You can see in the spoilers when Kinemon use his cuting fire technique, some people defend Oda's writing and don't care about power level, and yet they are called as Kaido stans, Crydo fanboy etc.

Yonko fans hate ability encounter because it make their almighty look weak. Admiral fan denied ability encounter and just go with "it is because yonko is trash tier weak character"
They just bunch of FANBOYS
Don't pay attention to their nonsense
If it happens, it's because of how blatant the PIS became. Someone like Kinemon logically shouldnt do a thing a Kaido, hard counter or not. It took a combination of Kaido underestimating him and not using haki or his full strength for that to happen. Kaido is still messing around despite the fact the scabbards showing that they can hurt him pretty bad. The illogical moments are way more in your face postskip.

It's the same for BM....logically Jinbe shouldnt have been able to toss BM nor Robin spinning her out of the castle. BM could have easily slammed Jinbe or punched the ground around Robin's hands. Lots of PIS to get BM out of ther equation.

Things were more consistent and logical preskip. Daz Bones, Croc and Enel were done very well.
Hmm no matter how strong Kaido is he doesn't stop abilities. Kinemon can cut fire no matter what
Ability countering is a fine thing, it just has to work from a writing perspective.

Let's take HxH for example: Nen is a near perfect power system, where all kinds of countering can happen in an organic and believable way.

In OP's case, Oda has really devalued DFs more and more with the introduction and evolution of haki.

Having a DF ability, which was so cool in the past, simply doesn't matter one bit anymore. Just slap advanced CoO and CoA on a character and this character instantly becomes a top tier, who utterly destroys all logia users we've seen so far (except for the admirals, who could defend themselves because they have *drum roll* advanced haki, too).
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