Questions & Mysteries Why do you just assume Sanji defeated Page One?

Is the Anime Reliable?

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Not rly, Sanji beating or not beating page one would change nothing.

Sanji killing page one, THAT would change manga since it would remove page one from the series and if he would appear in the manga again that would make it impossible for toei to bring him back.
imagine page1 not returning in the manga though, then where the fuck did he go in the anime? or would they just write him into a random filler fight anyway? lol


Zoro Worshipper
Not rly, Sanji beating or not beating page one would change nothing.

Sanji killing page one, THAT would change manga since it would remove page one from the series and if he would appear in the manga again that would make it impossible for toei to bring him back.
Where is the panel of PO being defeated.

Sorry but I trust the anime as well.


Zoro Worshipper
There is no need arguing with them. They're hardcore Sanji fans and they can't accept the fact that Sanji did not defeat Page One. They just can't handle it.
They believe Toei can go as far as missing one of the main characters to defeat a relevant opponent just because lol.

Also there is no concrete proof of a defeated PO in the manga.
Yes Sanji most likely defeated P1 reason being that Sanji's motivations for engaging Page One in the first place were first and foremost to prevent the later from destroying the town & hurting the townsfolk in a search for him and then to lesser degree reduce the strength of Kaidou's forces by taking out one of his stronger members. After the Sanji fight, there is no sign that the destruction of the capital continued, and we also haven't seen any trace of Page One since then. Not to mention Sanji bailing on that fight would have defeated the purpose of him engaging Page One in the first place. Moreover, we know that the search for Sanji initially started with 3 pursuers however, that number was reduced to the 2 in the following scenes after the fight implying Page One has already been taken out and is unable to continue the search for Sanji.

That said, seems like most people for the most part agree that Page One has been taken out, except that some folks believe that it was Drake that took Page One out and not Sanji coz he's a marine spy but why would Drake have suddenly done that? There was no incentive for Drake to have take Page One out at that point as he didn't even know the SHs and Law were on Wano and only found that out later. Moreover, why would Drake have born the risk of taking out Page One given Hawkins who isn't in cahoots with him was also in the vicinity. That notion is very weak in comparison to the notion of Sanji having taken out P1 as 1.) Sanji had strong motivations to have done so and 2.) Sanji was clearly dominating him, indicating the had the ability to carry out what he said he was going to do.

Lastly, @kurwa has already kindly posted it but even Oda has said that the anime adaptation is different from the manga so there's no sense in using it to draw conclusions on the manga as the anime staff can take as many liberties with the anime as they want. I mean it's one thing for the anime to add fillers to fill in for gaps in the events but in the current one piece episode, they even went as far as to change the sequence of events in that fight to fit their narrative (i.e. I'm referring to the bit about Sanji saying he was going to have Usopp and Franky change the design of his raid suit).

In the Manga
Sanji takes P1's attack which destroys a large part of the town and then as result states that he has to end the fight quickly as to not further endager the town. Plummets up to the sky and then comments on having ussop and franky change the design of his raid suit, the scene the cuts of to Law and the others escaping the town and then we see Sanji land a devastating attack, which was felt all the way from outside the town buy the escaping trio of Law, Ussop and Franky, to which Page One with Page One screaming in pain.

In the Anime
Sanji takes P1's attack which destroys a large part of the town and then as result states that he has to end the fight quickly as to not further endanger the town. Plummets up to the sky, and then the scene the cuts of to Law and the others escaping the town and then we see Sanji land a devastating attack, which was felt all the way from outside the town buy the escaping trio of Law, Ussop, Franky, the fight then continues with Sanji and P1 and then after Sanji lands the O-soba mask whatever attack with Page One tanking it lolz....He says that P1 is very durable, and then mentions that he'd like Usopp and Franky to change the design of his raid suit before bailing.

It wasn't even like Sanji bailed because Drake and Hawkins came, he just decided to bailed just coz lolz which makes zero sense. I can only imagine that the anime wants to utilize Page One's character a bit more which is why they ended it the way they did given Oda didn't explicitly show Page One taken out. Maybe they thought it was a waste to have his character end as quickly as he was introduced and want to utilize him in some sort of filler scene or something?
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Sanji bailed, because Page One takes too much time to beat. He said Page One is really tough. He simply wasn't strong enough to beat him.
That was way too convenient lolz. Sanji wasn't struggling with P1 and he didn't show the full extent of his attacks either as he neither used Diable Janbe or hell memories and it wasn't like Drake and Hawkins arrived forcing Sanji to bail. What was stopping him from landing a few more powerful attacks? Moreover on the issue that it'd have taken to much time to beat P1, it was the anime's fillers that led to that conclusion, the manga never implied that. Rather I'd argue it did the opposite.
Weak argument.

You have to prove PO was defeated, not the opposite lol. Or else that's headcanon.
No, both sanji defeating page one and sanji not defeating page one is headcanon ATM, as we dont have enough information from the canon material.

I guess whether or not sanji ko'd page can still be questioned after this episode. Mainly because of the manga chapter.
If yall really want to argue everything in the anime being canon im sorry you just straight up wrong

What's not questionable is rs sanjis superiority over page in strength.
That was way too convenient lolz. Sanji wasn't struggling with P1 and he didn't show the full extent of his attacks either as he neither used Diable Janbe or hell memories and it wasn't like Drake and Hawkins arrived forcing Sanji to bail. What was stopping him from landing a few more powerful attacks? Moreover on the issue that it'd have taken to much time to beat P1, it was the anime's fillers that led to that conclusion, the manga never implied that. Rather I'd argue it did the opposite.
How do you know Sanji can use diable jambe when he's also using his RS? And yes, Sanji was beating Page One, but Page One is an ancient zoan and they're extremely durable. Sanji's attacks were not strong enough, so he had to run away. Sanji wasn't strong enough.
How do you know Sanji can use diable jambe when he's also using his RS? And yes, Sanji was beating Page One, but Page One is an ancient zoan and they're extremely durable. Sanji's attacks were not strong enough, so he had to run away. Sanji wasn't strong enough.
Why can't he use Diable Janbe whilst using the RS? was it explicitly shown that he can't? It's not like I'm just bring up some random Diable Janbe move outta my ass, we know Sanji is capable of using it, heck he used it the last episode.

Again fair enough according to the anime adaptation, Sanji's base attacks in the RS were unable to hurt Page One but we know Sanji still has Diable Janbe and Hell Memories in his locker, which is why it doesn't really make much sense that he bailed given his objective in the first place was to save the town and then to a lesser degree take out some of Kaidou's forces and not to test out the RS as there was still leeway for Sanji to have continued that fight.
The anime has its myriad of problems, but very, very rarely would have they directly changed something like this.
Sanji one shoted Raisin in the manga and we never saw him again in the Arc. In the Anime he came Right back after he got kicked into the tower - without any visible Damage - and started Fighting Niji. Or are you also gonna say ''there was no proof of him being defeated''?

It was said that Oda sees the Manga and Anime as 2 different things. So yeah, the Manga is canon and the Anime is not.

Sanji said he would take care of him quickly and reduce the enemy's Forces. He also did it to safe the people and the City.
We saw Sanji completely dominating P1 in this fight.
If P1 wasn't deafeted he would stil be wreaking the City and we would have seen him already with Drake and Hawkins. And not to mention, this whole fight would be pointless.

EDIT: Sanji fought him close to the Castle and we had multiple Panel where we could see the City and there was no ''explosions'' going on - so the fight was already over at this point.
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World's Strongest Swordsman
Sanji one shoted Raisin in the manga and we never saw him again in the Arc. In the Anime he came Right back after he got kicked into the tower - without any visible Damage - and started Fighting Niji. Or are you also gonna say ''there was no proof of him being defeated''?

It was said that Oda sees the Manga and Anime as 2 different things. So yeah, the Manga is canon and the Anime is not.

Sanji said he would take care of him quickly and reduce the enemy's Forces. We saw him completely dominating P1 in this fight.
If P1 wasn't deafeted he would stil be wreaking the City and we would have seen him already with Drake and Hawkins. And not to mention, this whole fight would be pointless.
No. Drake took him out.
Drake knows about osoba mask without sreing him.