It doesn't matter what I think, nor does it matter what you think.
That's what you don't understand.
That's what you don't understand.
I understand that right now, you think you are making a genuise point. You are not. You are defending a problematic behavior.
It's simply about being free to express criticism and disappointment.
Is the criticism over the top at times? Sure, as is the blind praisal of Oda for redundant stuff on the other hand, too.
If you aren't completely immature, you should be able to swallow that pill (it's people argueing over a fictional story for teens, dude).
What you completely miss, is that I'm not trying to tell you that you are wrong because I do no agree, I'm trying to tell you that you are wrong, because this hatred that you (you as in this forum fanbase) are spreading is having an impact on the behaviors toward others fans, toward the authors, toward the person working on this franchise and can, ni the end, become the reason why we end up with a very toxic fanbase.
I'm talking here from experience, because I already witnessed this exact phenomena with other fanbase, who have become the hive of the most problematic behaviors.
It's not about me here.
Reality is that readers who aren't as emotionally invested in the story usually come to the same conclusion: Great shonen work, that started to show some problems the longer it got.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Nothing more, nothing less.
You are completely missing the point here.
Most people love One Piece, the problem is a part of the fanbase who started to feel like they owned the story.
People gotta accept that there will always be negativity.
Negativity is not a fatality. And good criticizm do not necessarily have to be negativity. I can for example talk about the problematic representations of One Piece without being negative.
The problem are the behaviors here.
All these sociopathic attempts to manipulate thoughts and feelings to be a certain way is inhumane as fuck.
There is absolutely nothing wrong in wanting to create an environment where critics will be positive instead of negative. Where the problems of the story will be constructive instead of destructive.
"The sociopathic and inhumane as F" thing to do is to consider that global negativity is the new normal and must not be touched.
So many people and forums have attempted to eliminate toxicity by way of suppressing certain opinions(even harmless), and all it did is create echo chambers of toxic, entitled, and unstable people who can't handle the slightest form of criticism.
Calling problematic a system that is simply more positive but that you can't stand because YOU HATE the story and it's NOT NORMAL that other people do not.
Stop reading One Piece really if you have so much problem being positive about it.
Of course they claim they support constructive criticism, but the criticism must be something they agree with or else it's toxic.
It's crazy how you are so ready to denounce ultra positive system that do not stand blind negative behavior but you HAVE TO post to express how triggered you feel toward push for more positivity each time I explain that this forum is a negative echo chamber.
I wonder if I really am a snowflake here...
It's never about getting rid of toxicity, but the things they simply don't like.
But If i'm fighting against oppression and for more positivity... what do you think is the nature of the things I don't like ?