Controversial Why is the Spoiler Section the most Toxic and Negative section of this site?

The sad thing is that I don't even need to try.

You lost this debate the moment you acted the way you do and each new post from you makes it worse.

Unfortunately - since I have nothing against you personally - you seemingly don't understand this yet.
Did he act like smug about understanding the story. And talked like he is a god of story telling that gives you paragraphs worth of writing while acting like you are dumb for having a different opinion?

Classic Logiko. Thats why i dont argue with him anymore. I love that he is passionate but i cant deal with this type of attitude.
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Btw i am thinking same as Op about this topic i even write it to Spoilers room before.

I just thinking about this leak culture and how bad it is. Like leak culture is the reason why all these agenda wars are so bad. Like people dont care about the story but more about the hype. Everythinh has to be hype moments according to leak culture otherwise it sucks. All we are talking about are how much hype it has not the story.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
> I debunked this already. Oda never said that he dragged things on too long with WCI.
> He did say that he can't stop himself from adding stuff, which is normal for such a creative mind.
>Adding stuff is not synonymous of "dragging things down". It simply means adding stuff. The stuff you adds is usually necessary for the story.

> Oda never said that either (and trust me I searched everywhere)
> Foreshadowing are not always intentional. Sometimes, they can simply be the result of the logic of the story. By remembering something and using it later in his story, even if it wasn't meant to be a foreshadowing, it BECOMES one by nature once the story is written.

We have to be careful. What is important is not what Oda says, it's what Oda writes. If Oda writes a character as a jerk but didn't intend to do so, the character do not lose their "jerk" nature just because Oda said that it wasn't intentional.

> Which is something a lot of authors will say. The reality, as I explained earlier, is different.

You can't change important or even midly important plot points on a fly just because they have been predicted. There is a limit to what an author can change once the writing is set. Also, if that was really true, a LOT of plot points in One Piece would not exist as a LOT of plot point were predicted (which is logical, when you fire 1000 arrows on a target, there are little chances to miss)

> Again, something false that was never said. The editor simply told that he liked Carrot, never that Carrot was pushed because of him.

Carrot was pushed by the narration because she fits in the thematic of Whole Cake and in the thematic of the Dawn. And this is something we can analyze through the narration. Not through non existent interview.

Everything you said here is either false information or the missunderstanding of narration mate.

There are some flaws in One Piece, but to get those (and trust me, I can give some) you need to understand WHERE the flaws are.

And despite what this fanbase on this forum will have you believe through environemental pressure, the flaws of One Piece are ALMOST NEVER in the narration, but in the representations.
Not reading all that cause you're in no postion to scold anyone about Oda's writing. You claimed Oda must have changed his mind on Carrot or flat out doesnt understand his own creation, all because he didn't meet your expectations of Carrot being important or joining the SHs. You ignored Oda's entire story and had the gall to insinuate that you understood Carrot better than he did. And yet you pretend to be an Oda apologist lol

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
1. You confuse what producer tend to do and what the author wants to do. Producer and editors in that case NEED to make money, they have to if they want to keep the jump going. So yeah, they would love for One Piece to go on forever. But Oda is not the editors and his story has a finish lines. After that, it will be a question of desire.

2. Yes, some authors do think about money first. But those author are usually the one who do not care about their material. Mangaka can't afford not to care about what they write. They spend all their time working on it.

3. Try to project yourself in the mind of a mangaka instead of assuming things: When you are a mangaka it means:

- You will have to put YEARS into ONE story
- You don't know if you will be able to finish it due to something called death
- You spend ALL your time with your story, not only narratively but in term of art too
- Your story is your baby. It's not just a random content, it's something that you have put thousands of hours in

All of this means that you WANT to be able to end your story and mangakas are not the healthier people, meaning that they know that they are in danger and they know that they can't afford to spend time on something that is not really relevant to their story (unless they find it important).

So no, mangakas will not just extend their stories for money, it would simply be dumb. They can afford to make sequel if they want, but the prime material is sacred.
Do you unironically think Shueisha's holding their mangaka hostage in their offices or something? :kobeha:

These people can end their stories whenever they want. There is no "they have to keep One Piece/Kagurabachi going otherwise executive sama can't pay his bills". This is a billion dollar industry with plenty of new talent that can/has and will produce stories that will print money after juggernauts like JJK and My Hero have come to an end. Oh look at that! Two extremely successful manga that Jump had every incentive to drag them out for all they were worth, in fact did not do the thing you're insinuating. JJK (because of the anime) is the talk of the town rn, look at all the opportunities they lost by not forcing poor Gege to draw a manga he was basically done with writing for.

Do you think they need Oda to keep the cash cow going when they've already seen success with sequel manga like Boruto and Dragon Ball Super?

Like bro stop thinking Oda is some kind of slave who can't willingly pace his story like a normal person and end his story on his own fruition. You think Shueisha would rather have him supervising for the Live Action series when he could be drawing more cartoons and making them money. He's not doing that shit because some exec told him, hell I'd probably wager Jump didn't want him too heavily involved in the project initially, too late now way too deep into it. He's there because he saw the money trail. Do you think he's running some charity shit? :kobeha:

If Oda was so worried about dying before finishing his work, do you really think he'd be balls deep into working on OPLA?

Like come now C4N. You can do better.
Dude... I'm willing to die if it allows me to tell the story I want to tell. Don't underestimate the attachment of the authors for their stories, especially those who are spending DECADES creating them.
Yes but Oda has basically told his story already
it's something that you can feel in the writing as well.
I can feel that Oda is recycling his story 12 times over because all is said and done
You are overestimating the power of an editor. And editor is not here to tell an author to make his story longer, but to quality check the story and put in on the standards of the magazine were the chapter will be published.
I didn't bring up editors. Irrelevant to my post.
said lots of the foreshadowing is just coincidence, as he remembers an idea from years ago and just inserts it(Noland and the tontattas)
Also said that fan letters asking about previous characters remind him of said characters and then it ends up looking like foreshadowing
The sad thing is that I don't even need to try.

You lost this debate the moment you acted the way you do and each new post from you makes it worse.

Unfortunately - since I have nothing against you personally - you seemingly don't understand this yet.
You seriously think you have the moral high grand here ? By keeping the defense of the blind trashing of the manga ? Hehe.. that's funny

You have, indeed, nothing to say and that's the problem and that's why I'm showing my voice strongly here.

Did he act like smug about understanding the story. And talked like he is a god of story telling that gives you paragraphs worth of writing while acting like you are dumb for having a different opinion?

Classic Logiko. Thats why i dont argue with him anymore. I love that he is passionate but i cant deal with this type of attitude.
I already explained that I only act smug by reaction to a far worse global attitude. I can't fight global illiteracy and c*ckyness by simply being respectfull. You guys are actively trashing the story (and polluting the fanbase by doing so) without limits, so I need to act accordingly. I would be very much encline to have discussion with people who actually care to give good arguments.

But that's not what you do. So that's not what I will do. Again, I'm a mirror of this forum's behavior.

Not reading all that cause you're in no postion to scold anyone about Oda's writing.
Delivering false informations and proving my point at the same times.

Classic Van.

You claimed Oda must have changed his mind on Carrot or flat out doesnt understand his own creation, all because he didn't meet your expectations of Carrot being important or joining the SHs.
it's only a probability. Not a certainty.

I don't assume thing about the author and I do not trash the manga because my expectations are not met. For now, nothing is showing that Oda made a mistake.

You ignored Oda's entire story and had the gall to insinuate that you understood Carrot better than he did. And yet you pretend to be an Oda apologist lol
I actually did the opposite, and completely deconstructed his story. And It's a possibility. I spent 8 years analysing the character. So it's very possible that I can see something in his writing about Carrot specifically that he didn't really take conscious of. Authors can do things without realizing it, it happens quite a lot actually. And this one wouldn't be a big mistake since it's a deep characterization point.. It would just be a little oversight by Oda.

This doesn't remove anything to what I said about him here. There is globally no big problem with his writing. And it shows that when I make criticism, I actually makes arguments and I don't randomly call everything trash because of it.

Do you unironically think Shueisha's holding their mangaka hostage in their offices or something?
Why would you say that ?

These people can end their stories whenever they want.
Yeah, that's exactly what I said. They will end the story when they will feel like the story needs to ends.


There is no "they have to keep One Piece/Kagurabachi going otherwise executive sama can't pay his bills"
Indeed. That's exactly what I said. You don't read or what ?

Do you think they need Oda to keep the cash cow going when they've already seen success with sequel manga like Boruto and Dragon Ball Super?
No lol.

Why are you arguing here ? We agree on this. I don't think Shueisha are holding on Oda like a cashcow. They need money, but not at this point.


Like bro stop thinking Oda is some kind of slave who can't willingly pace his story like a normal person and end his story on his own fruition.
I don't think he is...

What the F did you write this ? lmao, I literally explained that Oda was not a entitled to the editors.


He's there because he saw the money trail. Do you think he's running some charity shit?
Well, now it's you who is assuming things. You assume that Oda is pushing those things because of money and do not think like an author.

Oda is millionnaires to a crazy point. There is absolutely no reason for him - with his life style - to push to get more money. It's all about reaching more people.

I would understand if you talked about a big business man. But Oda is a mangaka, an author. His business is secondary.

If Oda was so worried about dying before finishing his work, do you really think he'd be balls deep into working on OPLA?
An author must not only create his story, but also try to make it reach the more people possible. He is doing just that. His job.

Yes but Oda has basically told his story already
The story is not finished. I completely understand the mindset that he have.. and trust me, right now, Oda must consider that his story is ahead of him, not behind him.

That's how authors who are willing to risk everything to tell their story act. It's nothing until it's finished.

I can feel that Oda is recycling his story 12 times over because all is said and done
It's everything but that.

I didn't bring up editors. Irrelevant to my post.
I did. Because what you are talking about here, is the mindset of a businessman and those who are the holders of a big business. The editors have that role in the manga industry.
You seriously think you have the moral high grand here ? By keeping the defense of the blind trashing of the manga ? Hehe.. that's funny

You have, indeed, nothing to say and that's the problem and that's why I'm showing my voice strongly here.

I already explained that I only act smug by reaction to a far worse global attitude. I can't fight global illiteracy and c*ckyness by simply being respectfull. You guys are actively trashing the story (and polluting the fanbase by doing so) without limits, so I need to act accordingly. I would be very much encline to have discussion with people who actually care to give good arguments.

But that's not what you do. So that's not what I will do. Again, I'm a mirror of this forum's behavior.

Delivering false informations and proving my point at the same times.

Classic Van.

it's only a probability. Not a certainty.

I don't assume thing about the author and I do not trash the manga because my expectations are not met. For now, nothing is showing that Oda made a mistake.

I actually did the opposite, and completely deconstructed his story. And It's a possibility. I spent 8 years analysing the character. So it's very possible that I can see something in his writing about Carrot specifically that he didn't really take conscious of. Authors can do things without realizing it, it happens quite a lot actually. And this one wouldn't be a big mistake since it's a deep characterization point.. It would just be a little oversight by Oda.

This doesn't remove anything to what I said about him here. There is globally no big problem with his writing. And it shows that when I make criticism, I actually makes arguments and I don't randomly call everything trash because of it.

Why would you say that ?

Yeah, that's exactly what I said. They will end the story when they will feel like the story needs to ends.


Indeed. That's exactly what I said. You don't read or what ?

No lol.

Why are you arguing here ? We agree on this. I don't think Shueisha are holding on Oda like a cashcow. They need money, but not at this point.


I don't think he is...

What the F did you write this ? lmao, I literally explained that Oda was not a entitled to the editors.


Well, now it's you who is assuming things. You assume that Oda is pushing those things because of money and do not think like an author.

Oda is millionnaires to a crazy point. There is absolutely no reason for him - with his life style - to push to get more money. It's all about reaching more people.

I would understand if you talked about a big business man. But Oda is a mangaka, an author. His business is secondary.

An author must not only create his story, but also try to make it reach the more people possible. He is doing just that. His job.

The story is not finished. I completely understand the mindset that he have.. and trust me, right now, Oda must consider that his story is ahead of him, not behind him.

That's how authors who are willing to risk everything to tell their story act. It's nothing until it's finished.

It's everything but that.

I did. Because what you are talking about here, is the mindset of a businessman and those who are the holders of a big business. The editors have that role in the manga industry.
Go back to the politics thread please😂
Most of the One Piece community be like this ironically:

In a series about self expression, unapologetic emotional authenticity, rights for all innocent beings regardless of race too, freedom and such.

For such a "joyful" bunch, they want to suppress criticism and bully and shutdown any negative opinions and dehumanise them as haters, toxic, evil, scum etc. Exactly the OPPOSITE of what One Piece tries to be about and Oda's intentions with writing the story FFS.

r/Piratefolk is constantly brigaded and made fun of by the main One Piece subreddit (which is unironically mostly porn now and Kirosh was overruled as the one tyrannical mod and dethroned by an even more corrupt and FAR hornier mod who screwed over all the mods there) and also the memepiece subreddit which cant decide if it wants to be a diet version of the main subreddit or a diet version of piratefolk too.

For years I was constantly bullied and attacked by One Piece glazers for being upset with the series and having far milder criticisms of it han I do now. Its only because of the Youtuber Drizzt and this forum that I found somewhere I could truly express how I felt and say my real thoughts, not walk on eggshells and be forced to glaze the series and abide by the cult.

Its ironic in a fandom for a series all about love, freedom, compassion, empathy etc, the fandom is so narrow minded, aggressive, oppressive, hateful etc. I'm generalising a lot here ofc but they constantly do it to us too in the first place, so you reap what you sow too.

Ironically the more toxically positive a fandom is, the more it inspires more hate/criticisms of the series and in return/general. Equal and opposite forces. Every action has a parallel reaction. Yin and Yang. If a lot of criticisms were treated with more open mindedness, less ostracisations, demonisation and thus with more respect and given more of a fair chance than ridicule and insulting, maybe people wouldnt feel so alienated, disrespected, fed up, unheard and gradually become more hateful, bitter towards the fandom, series and author too?

Food for thought.
I like some parts of piratefolk but it is also sometimes used as a spoiler subreddit so the issues with the spoiler threads here are there too, and I would really like the one piece subreddit if not for the very many nsfw-ish cosplayers,
Not reading all that cause you're in no postion to scold anyone about Oda's writing. You claimed Oda must have changed his mind on Carrot or flat out doesnt understand his own creation, all because he didn't meet your expectations of Carrot being important or joining the SHs. You ignored Oda's entire story and had the gall to insinuate that you understood Carrot better than he did. And yet you pretend to be an Oda apologist lol
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OP is way to old to reach zoomers.They dont read over 1000 chapters

Kizaruber Eats

Loki gon give it to ya.
I like some parts of piratefolk but it is also sometimes used as a spoiler subreddit so the issues with the spoiler threads here are there too, and I would really like the one piece subreddit if not for the very many nsfw-ish cosplayers,
Oh yeah absolutely it's very similar to here. There's a lot of reactionary stuff, slander, toxicity, trolling, baiting, very dumb takes etc there too. It's been getting much worse as the sub blew up in subscribers.

The main one piece sub got much worse once it 1 million subs and now it's on 4.5 million or so!

Meme piece was decent at 25k but now at 250-300k or whatever it's also much worse.

That's one one of the things I appreciated about this place, it's more hidden/niche, much less bloated and thus louder and such. We have our problems too but we have far better moderation too ofc.

I can't even stand looking at the main sub with how much of a sheer echochamber and lust ridden, shameless, degenerate, perverts paradise it is now lmao.

Memepiece tends to be like that a lot. Piratefolk was the worst for it originally ironically when they allowed literally anything including hentai but the mods started stepping up, taking it seriously and shutting that shit down thankfully.

Ironically despite all the problems we have here, this place feels like one of the only truly honest and sane places of the OP fandom. It's cathartic.
You will be able to teach me about immaturity when the majority of the post on this forum are not aimed at trashing blindly the story without any understanding of it. Is that clear ?

In the meantime, I've yet to see series of PERTINENT narrative critics on this forum about the manga.

You don't understand that this environment is the reason why the hate is growing. The hate is not growing because of the story. I've explained the phenomena already. It's all about inertia.

Not really no. There are little glimps of facilities here and there, it's true, no story are perfect, but real PERTINENT narrative criticizism, not really.

I'll stop having that opinion when I will see the majority people actually use the story or narration and not their expectations to criticize the story. I'll stop having that opinion when I will see the majority of people criticizing the story actually UNDERSTAND the point made by the story.

Right now. You have NO lessons to give me. You are on the side of blind criticism, in an environement that favors said blind criticism. I'll stop when I will not have to explain the majority of the plot to random wanabee analyst who think they are pertinent by calling a chapter trash because they saw Gear 5.

You don't want to have this debate with me. You will lose. Don't try.
I didn't see it, could you please link the explanation, reffering to what you said about inertia?

Also it may be very good to make a post with the links to your writings about these,
OP is way to old to reach zoomers.They dont read over 1000 chapters
One Piece is ADORED by Zoomers in France mate. To a point where Inoxtag, a youtuber and a zoomer, even went with the strawhat to climb mount Everest:

I didn't see it, could you please link the explanation, reffering to what you said about inertia?
I didn't used the term "inertia" but you can facilitate the understanding of the phenomenon through this word. We can see that bad behaviors on this forum (and the hate of One Piece) is not correlated to an objective criticism of the story when we observe that the objective technical qualities of the story have been spiking in the last 8 years.

In reality this hate is a social phenomena. A consequences of a few parameters that, in Worstgen more than anywhere else, have become the fire that transformed critics into plain hatred.

I didn't really explain how this phenomena affected the hate and behaviors on this forum (I was talking about toxicity), but I used it as a solution to counter it in this thread , it also works to explain how this hatred grew by social pressure if you observe the hatred through this prism. Here is the paragraph about it :

Now, I will go more into details on the notion of change to make you understand how such a change is possible. For that, I will use a post that I have already made elsewhere about the science of groups and crowds.

Change usually comes from the outside. It's because the environment's evolution that we start to change, not because of something inside of us.

Let's take an example to understand why:

Put 100 person on a field of a stadium for 2 hours. You will give 4 people an earpiece and you will place a big speaker in the middle. We will try to make them dance together.

Now.. Before going further, I need to explain to you a few things about crowd and group psychology and the way informations or elements are shared among groups:

There are, in group behaviors like in epidemiology, two types of sharing (called contagion) of elements:

- The Simple contagion : For example, diseases or informations. It's a type of contagion where only one contact is enough to propagate the element
- The Complex contagion : It can be non familiar behavior or risky behavior that are hard to adopt. This is a contagion that will need a social reinforcement, in other word a certain % of individual in a group will have to adopt those elements or behavior to propagate it to others.

In 1978, a sociologist, Mark Granovetter, published a paper where he proposed a new concept to understand group behavior : The Threshold model for those complexe contagion. The threashold effect is the INDIVIDUAL threashold in % that people will have before they start to adopt a behavior or an element adopted by someone with a lower threashold.

For example, Activists or very motivated people (from the right or the left) will have a very low threashold % for certain things, they will directly adopt a belief or a behavior because they are completely convinced. On the other side, people who will be very conservative to adopt new belief systems or behavior will have a very high threashold % (the political side doesn't matter, it's just a question of our ability or refusal to adopt new elements. (said threashold can fluctuate in function of the subject or the behavior)

What we need to understand is that this Threashold effect create chain reaction effects after a certain point that we call "the critical mass".

But first : With our example, we can sort the 100 persons from the lower to the highest threashold.

Here is a screenshot representing the lower part of the graph:

It comes from this video. If you want you can watch it with subtitles I think you can make the translation work:

As you can see, among those 100 persons, there are 4 that have a threashold of 0%, they will adopt the behavior very easily. After that, you have one that has a threashold of acceptation of 4%. This means that to adopt the behavior, said person will need to see 4 people adopt the behavior first.

And by domino effect, the one with a threashold of 5% will adopt the behavior and so on.. until everyone else adopt the behavior. In our example here, it means that 4 people are needed to start the spreading. 4 is therefore the critical mass of the example.

But we also need to understand that critical masses and threashold are different from context to context. For ex, in a period of crisis, people are more sensible and therefore to spread information that could create conflict, the critical mass will be lower.

Another important thing to understand is that the more you have a group that is highly connected, the more the threashold for the members of said group will be lower. For example: You will be more encline to adopte a belief or a behavior if all your friend do it than if a group of stranger does it.

This is why revolution don't start because of influencal people, but because of the streets where people are highly organized and connected on peripheries. Revolutions are a peripherical phenomenon. (The Arab spring is a good ex of that). So it's very unlikely from a big personnality to spread beliefs if the audience doesn't have a very low threashold to adopt said belief in the first place.

Now, lets come back to our example : if, after serving some drnk and let people enjoy their time, you put music in the big speaker of the stadium and you ask to the four people with earpieces to go dance... chances are that you will create a group phenomenon where people will start to dance one after the other. Like this in this example where the critical mass was very low due to the relax context and where the threashold was only 1 guy :


Well, as I explained, we need to take into account the critical mass AND the threashold of the group (the users of Worstgen) to go further.

What is currently happening on worstgen right now : The environment, structure and moderation of the forum creates a situation where the threashold for negativity of new users for the acceptation of negativity will potentially fall very LOW.

What does it means for me ?

It means that it's practically impossible for me to change toxicity by myself. The threashold for the acceptation of more positive behaviors and the end of toxicity is so high (too much people are against it) . It would need a LOT of people (I don't know how many) with the same point of view to create a change. It also means that the critical mass for a positive change to happen here is TOO HIGH.

So .. What do I want to do ?

Well, my goal is simple : I want to LOWER the critical mass for the acceptation of positive behaviors on this forum.

In other words: I want to create a situation where the threashold for the acceptation of more positive behavior will be lowered and where less people will be needed to create a change !

But like I said : I CAN'T do that by myself. So I need to be more clever and use sociology and group behavior studies and try to BYPASS the threashold problem by attacking DIRECTLY the critical mass.

To attack the critical mass, I need to have an impact on the ENTIRE SYSTEM. Just like if I had an impact on the guy who is telling people to go dance in our example. This is why I'm trying to convince directly the staff to evolve on different subjects.

By changing the entire system, it will be possible to influence the critical mass and the acceptation for positivity.

It doesn't mean that this forum will become a paradise, but it will be a lot safer, more attractive and less problematic.
I'm fairly certain that the hatred that we can see on this forum and in some circle of the fanbase is related to this phenomena.

I also talked about how illegitimate expectations are creating hatred for the story a LONG time ago on twitter.. but I deleted all my tweets and I forgot to save this 90+ tweet long thread. So... I'm sad.

I might try to recreate it in the future.

But it's similar to what I explained here:

No. This is storytelling logic.

You can have expectation if you want. But weither those expectations are legitimate or not is a different matter. I once made a LONG thread about this on twitter, I'm sad I never saved it:

Illegitimate expectations are what is killing the love of One Piece for some fan at the moment. This might be due to the format or because of the quality of the story, in anycase, this is a behavior that must stop.

There is a golden rule that you must ALL understand :

If something wasn't prepared or planted in the story, holding expectations about it is illegitimate.

Here are a few examples:

- Expecting Wano to be Zoro's arc is an illegitimate expectation. Oda never planted IN THE STORY the seed for a big development of Zoro in Wano.

- Expecting Big Mom to be charismatic, serious, respected and have badass moments is an illegitimate expectations. Oda never planted the fact that all characters and Yonko should be badass and be respected by the narration. In fact, he show multiple times through the story that no characters were immune to disrespect through foolisheries.

- Expecting Awakening to be a badass and serious form is an illegitimate expectation. Oda never said that transformation should be serious and badass, worse, he actually showed the opposite most of the time for Luffy.

- Expecting Sanji to have a big fight in Whole cake is an illegitimate expectation. Oda never planted or prepared a potential big battle for Sanji in the arc. In fact he did the opposite and explained through the narration why we shouldn't see Sanji as a fighter, but as a cook and a family member of the strawhats.

Here is the point:

An illegitimate expectation is an expectation that is NOT based on the story but your OWN FAN desires. It's not related to what the narration needs and it's not related to what the characters need for the most part. So when you hold on to those expectations, you are preparing yourself to be dissapointed by defaut most of the time since Oda do not care about what fans want, but what the story needs.

It's ok to make theories, but it's not ok to trash the story because your expectation of fans weren't met. You are not the writer and you don't know what the story needs.
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You seriously think you have the moral high grand here ? By keeping the defense of the blind trashing of the manga ? Hehe.. that's funny

You have, indeed, nothing to say and that's the problem and that's why I'm showing my voice strongly here.
It doesn't matter what I think, nor does it matter what you think.

That's what you don't understand.

It's simply about being free to express criticism and disappointment.

Is the criticism over the top at times? Sure, as is the blind praisal of Oda for redundant stuff on the other hand, too.

If you aren't completely immature, you should be able to swallow that pill (it's people argueing over a fictional story for teens, dude).

Reality is that readers who aren't as emotionally invested in the story usually come to the same conclusion: Great shonen work, that started to show some problems the longer it got.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
People gotta accept that there will always be negativity. All these sociopathic attempts to manipulate thoughts and feelings to be a certain way is inhumane as fuck. So many people and forums have attempted to eliminate toxicity by way of suppressing certain opinions(even harmless), and all it did is create echo chambers of toxic, entitled, and unstable people who can't handle the slightest form of criticism. Of course they claim they support constructive criticism, but the criticism must be something they agree with or else it's toxic. It's never about getting rid of toxicity, but the things they simply don't like.
It doesn't matter what I think, nor does it matter what you think.

That's what you don't understand.

It's simply about being free to express criticism and disappointment.

Is the criticism over the top at times? Sure, as is the blind praisal of Oda for redundant stuff on the other hand, too.

If you aren't completely immature, you should be able to swallow that pill (it's people argueing over a fictional story for teens, dude).

Reality is that readers who aren't as emotionally invested in the story usually come to the same conclusion: Great shonen work, that started to show some problems the longer it got.

Nothing more, nothing less.
Maaan...I hope Luffy is given/unlocks a different form for when he fights Akainu.

Him laughing for half of the battle against Akainu?
