Authors absolutely do this lmao, what is this cope?
One Piece is a non profit series you silly goose Mr Reloaded! This is all pure passion and altruism!
Just ignore the games, movies, merchandise too....Dont look behind the curtain please.
1. You confuse what producer tend to do and what the author wants to do. Producer and editors in that case NEED to make money, they have to if they want to keep the jump going. So yeah, they would love for One Piece to go on forever. But Oda is not the editors and his story has a finish lines. After that, it will be a question of desire.
2. Yes, some authors do think about money first. But those author are usually the one who do not care about their material. Mangaka can't afford not to care about what they write. They spend all their time working on it.
3. Try to project yourself in the mind of a mangaka instead of assuming things: When you are a mangaka it means:
- You will have to put YEARS into ONE story
- You don't know if you will be able to finish it due to something called death
- You spend ALL your time with your story, not only narratively but in term of art too
- Your story is your baby. It's not just a random content, it's something that you have put thousands of hours in
All of this means that you WANT to be able to end your story and mangakas are not the healthier people, meaning that they know that they are in danger and they know that they can't afford to spend time on something that is not really relevant to their story (unless they find it important).
So no, mangakas will not just extend their stories for money, it would simply be dumb. They can afford to make sequel if they want,
but the prime material is sacred.
Y'all weebs ve thinking that authors are as attached to their stories as the fans are
Dude... I'm willing to die if it allows me to tell the story I want to tell. Don't underestimate the attachment of the authors for their stories, especially those who are spending DECADES creating them.
ow do you explain the fact that hundreds of mangakas leave their story unfinished?
Because they don't have a choice. They need to live. And most people are not willing to die for their story. But mangaka like Oda is and it's not something that you can see only in interview, it's something that you can feel in the writing as well. The thematics of One Piece are filled with this need to tell the story.
Takehiko Inoue exist who is chilling his rear while having the entire Vagabond fanbase resignate over the fact that the manga hasn't had a new chapter in YEARS
Vagabond is an adaptation of "Musashi" by Eiji Yoshikawa. Vagabond is not Takehiko's story mate. That's why he doesn't have the same love for it as Oda does.
On top of that, you are forgetting the publisher ,in Oda's case shueisha whose sole interest is milking every franchise as long as it is profitable
You are overestimating the power of an editor. And editor is not here to tell an author to make his story longer, but to quality check the story and put in on the standards of the magazine were the chapter will be published.
(or for the volume in case of France)
You are assuming a purpose to milk One Piece from the editors based on nothing.
One Pie ce has been their biggest cash cow for years, there's no day you're telling me they would let Oda finish One Piece early?
There is no "finishing early". One Piece has been here for 1128 chapter, it will finish one way or another. If you think that editors have the power to tell an author to make a longer story or even that Oda would listen to them, you are dreaming mate.
It is. Period.