Controversial Why is the Spoiler Section the most Toxic and Negative section of this site?

That's not how it works

Oda doesn't change the plot out of convenience just because people guessed the story. He might tell you he will, he might tell you that it makes him mads, but when a story is launched, there is very little reasons for him to change things that are prepared. Its would send the story to oblivion.

Stories ARE the same structure over and over again. Repeting a structure is not an issue if this is done well.. and this is done well in One Piece.

Stop using what Oda said against him, he is speaking nonsense. Look at the story and start from that, not his interviews. And stop assuming authors just milk their stories for money.. especially when they have limited time to write them and are millionaires.
I read in a SBS that he does that and he said he would change the ending/One Piece secret if someone figured it out.

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
I can't find the strength to finish Better Call Saul. Its just boring.
Aye thats fair, I struggled with it at times too, especially when "Gene" appeared. It ended pretty nicely, but it did feel like a slog towards the end.

Theres a couple of shocking deaths from season 3 onwards though, really hit hard, even more than Breaking Bad ones maybe, one of them really fucked me up especially.

But yeah its more of a slow burn series unlike Breaking Bad, less intense/action packed. Lalo makes it very interesting too though whilst he lasts.
And stop assuming authors just milk their stories for money.. especially when they have limited time to write them and are millionaires.
My dude, your holy glorious Goda-sama once said he wants a fucking atm next to his house while at the some time remarking how it's actually a pointless thing to have. Y'all weebs need to wake up and stop seeing your favourite authors as pure, saintly beings with no desire for financial profit. If he didn't care about money how do you explain the existence of the live action?
Wake up Oda's angel🤡
I read in a SBS that he does that and he said he would change the ending/One Piece secret if someone figured it out.
Oda sayin stuff and Oda writing stuff are two very different things. He will NOT change the ending even if someone figures it out. At WORST, he already planned a back up plan in case it happens and this plan aligns with his story and is not so far off from the other one. But it won't be very different from what he crafted.

People need to stop thinking that authors of such deep crafted stories can just change plot points whenever they want. It's not possible for the majority once they are set in motion.

Of course, he could - for ex - decide to make Sanji fight Lucci instead of Zoro or make adapt some storylines to make them appear later or earlier, but once something is prepared, meaning really planted, it's usually not possible to go back unless you want to destroy a large part of your story.

Oda can afford to change things ahead of times of course. But once you get the introduction of certains elements, there are very little chances for the story to change drastically.

Some things.. are unavoidable once they are set in motion. A big or mid change in narration can end up throwing the story to the bin entirely. It's like chain reaction.

For ex: Momo. Once Oda started to plant the fears of Momo, his relationship with Kin'emon and his pain.. it was already set, Oda knew that Momo would have to face those fear and become the shogun of wano and there was no stopping unless he wanted to rework completely on his entire saga in urgency.

My dude, your holy glorious Goda-sama once said he wants a fucking atm next to his house while at the some time remarking how it's actually a pointless thing to have. Y'all weebs need to wake up and stop seeing your favourite authors as pure, saintly beings with no desire for financial profit. If he didn't care about money how do you explain the existence of the live action?
Wake up Oda's angel🤡
Dude could buy all the ATM of a town.. relax.

No one is seeing Oda as pure here. What we tell you is that saying that authors like Oda just milk their story for money is simply non pertinent. Oda has LIMITED time to write his story.

The live action is meant to attract more people to read One Piece, meaning to reach the world instead of just a niche. It has very little to do with money. EVERY AUTHOR want their stories to be as popular as possible.

The argument of the money milking is really the worse there is. One Piece is long because it's better that way, simple as that.
No one is seeing Oda as pure here. What we tell you is that saying that authors like Oda just milk their story for money is simply non pertinent. Oda has LIMITED time to write his story.
My dude at this point it doesn't even.matter if he ever finished one piece. Y'all weebs ve thinking that authors are as attached to their stories as the fans are ROFLMAO how do you explain the fact that hundreds of mangakas leave their story unfinished? Illness aside, authors like Takehiko Inoue exist who is chilling his rear while having the entire Vagabond fanbase resignate over the fact that the manga hasn't had a new chapter in YEARS. On top of that, you are forgetting the publisher ,in Oda's case shueisha whose sole interest is milking every franchise as long as it is profitable. One Pie ce has been their biggest cash cow for years, there's no day you're telling me they would let Oda finish One Piece early?
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One Piece is long because it's better that way, simple as that.
It's not. Period.
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Authors absolutely do this lmao, what is this cope? :kobeha:
Then you have stuff like the vivre cards that are literally the same collectible cards that every big franchise had since Pokémon whose sole purpose is more money milking while feeding fanboys the illusion that they are useful for power scaling when that are not even written by Oda.

What no braincells does to a fanboy sigh :lawsigh:
Authors absolutely do this lmao, what is this cope? :kobeha:
One Piece is a non profit series you silly goose Mr Reloaded! This is all pure passion and altruism!

Just ignore the games, movies, merchandise too....Dont look behind the curtain please.
1. You confuse what producer tend to do and what the author wants to do. Producer and editors in that case NEED to make money, they have to if they want to keep the jump going. So yeah, they would love for One Piece to go on forever. But Oda is not the editors and his story has a finish lines. After that, it will be a question of desire.

2. Yes, some authors do think about money first. But those author are usually the one who do not care about their material. Mangaka can't afford not to care about what they write. They spend all their time working on it.

3. Try to project yourself in the mind of a mangaka instead of assuming things: When you are a mangaka it means:

- You will have to put YEARS into ONE story
- You don't know if you will be able to finish it due to something called death
- You spend ALL your time with your story, not only narratively but in term of art too
- Your story is your baby. It's not just a random content, it's something that you have put thousands of hours in

All of this means that you WANT to be able to end your story and mangakas are not the healthier people, meaning that they know that they are in danger and they know that they can't afford to spend time on something that is not really relevant to their story (unless they find it important).

So no, mangakas will not just extend their stories for money, it would simply be dumb. They can afford to make sequel if they want, but the prime material is sacred.

Y'all weebs ve thinking that authors are as attached to their stories as the fans are
Dude... I'm willing to die if it allows me to tell the story I want to tell. Don't underestimate the attachment of the authors for their stories, especially those who are spending DECADES creating them.

ow do you explain the fact that hundreds of mangakas leave their story unfinished?
Because they don't have a choice. They need to live. And most people are not willing to die for their story. But mangaka like Oda is and it's not something that you can see only in interview, it's something that you can feel in the writing as well. The thematics of One Piece are filled with this need to tell the story.

Takehiko Inoue exist who is chilling his rear while having the entire Vagabond fanbase resignate over the fact that the manga hasn't had a new chapter in YEARS
Vagabond is an adaptation of "Musashi" by Eiji Yoshikawa. Vagabond is not Takehiko's story mate. That's why he doesn't have the same love for it as Oda does.

On top of that, you are forgetting the publisher ,in Oda's case shueisha whose sole interest is milking every franchise as long as it is profitable
You are overestimating the power of an editor. And editor is not here to tell an author to make his story longer, but to quality check the story and put in on the standards of the magazine were the chapter will be published.

(or for the volume in case of France)

You are assuming a purpose to milk One Piece from the editors based on nothing.

One Pie ce has been their biggest cash cow for years, there's no day you're telling me they would let Oda finish One Piece early?
There is no "finishing early". One Piece has been here for 1128 chapter, it will finish one way or another. If you think that editors have the power to tell an author to make a longer story or even that Oda would listen to them, you are dreaming mate.

It is. Period.

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
At this point,i only read to know what the one piece really is. Don't really care about anything else. If i stop reading now,i will probably have to binge read hundreds of chapters later on and i got no time for that.
Too true man, excellent point. Oda has ruined so many mysteries, agendas, hopes, chsracters, arcs, theories etc for me ultimately that I feel the same way.

I will really hate it if Oda keeps the one piece a mystery in the end regardless or it's something we've all already guessed by now, YEARS in advance too.
wow saying what people can or not expect is next level entitlement.
No. This is storytelling logic.

You can have expectation if you want. But weither those expectations are legitimate or not is a different matter. I once made a LONG thread about this on twitter, I'm sad I never saved it:

Illegitimate expectations are what is killing the love of One Piece for some fan at the moment. This might be due to the format or because of the quality of the story, in anycase, this is a behavior that must stop.

There is a golden rule that you must ALL understand :

If something wasn't prepared or planted in the story, holding expectations about it is illegitimate.

Here are a few examples:

- Expecting Wano to be Zoro's arc is an illegitimate expectation. Oda never planted IN THE STORY the seed for a big development of Zoro in Wano.

- Expecting Big Mom to be charismatic, serious, respected and have badass moments is an illegitimate expectations. Oda never planted the fact that all characters and Yonko should be badass and be respected by the narration. In fact, he show multiple times through the story that no characters were immune to disrespect through foolisheries.

- Expecting Awakening to be a badass and serious form is an illegitimate expectation. Oda never said that transformation should be serious and badass, worse, he actually showed the opposite most of the time for Luffy.

- Expecting Sanji to have a big fight in Whole cake is an illegitimate expectation. Oda never planted or prepared a potential big battle for Sanji in the arc. In fact he did the opposite and explained through the narration why we shouldn't see Sanji as a fighter, but as a cook and a family member of the strawhats.

Here is the point:

An illegitimate expectation is an expectation that is NOT based on the story but your OWN FAN desires. It's not related to what the narration needs and it's not related to what the characters need for the most part. So when you hold on to those expectations, you are preparing yourself to be dissapointed by defaut most of the time since Oda do not care about what fans want, but what the story needs.

It's ok to make theories, but it's not ok to trash the story because your expectation of fans weren't met. You are not the writer and you don't know what the story needs.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes

1- creates stuff on the fly and admitted he can't stop adding ideas, which in turns drag things on too long like with WCI

2- said lots of the foreshadowing is just coincidence, as he remembers an idea from years ago and just inserts it(Noland and the tontattas)

3- Said he wants OP to be unpredictable and will change up some story beats if he ever stumbles upon a theory that's accurate

4- Never intended for Carrot to be an important as it was his editor at the time Naito, who pushed for more screen time. Oda removed Carrot from the main plot line the instant Naito was fired.

Oda is obviously flawed. People gotta stop assuming that One Piece the series is without flaw.
1- creates stuff on the fly and admitted he can't stop adding ideas, which in turns drag things on too long like with WCI
> I debunked this already. Oda never said that he dragged things on too long with WCI.
> He did say that he can't stop himself from adding stuff, which is normal for such a creative mind.
>Adding stuff is not synonymous of "dragging things down". It simply means adding stuff. The stuff you adds is usually necessary for the story.

2- said lots of the foreshadowing is just coincidence, as he remembers an idea from years ago and just inserts it(Noland and the tontattas)
> Oda never said that either (and trust me I searched everywhere)
> Foreshadowing are not always intentional. Sometimes, they can simply be the result of the logic of the story. By remembering something and using it later in his story, even if it wasn't meant to be a foreshadowing, it BECOMES one by nature once the story is written.

We have to be careful. What is important is not what Oda says, it's what Oda writes. If Oda writes a character as a jerk but didn't intend to do so, the character do not lose their "jerk" nature just because Oda said that it wasn't intentional.

3- Said he wants OP to be unpredictable and will change up some story beats if he ever stumbles upon a theory that's accurate
> Which is something a lot of authors will say. The reality, as I explained earlier, is different.

You can't change important or even midly important plot points on a fly just because they have been predicted. There is a limit to what an author can change once the writing is set. Also, if that was really true, a LOT of plot points in One Piece would not exist as a LOT of plot point were predicted (which is logical, when you fire 1000 arrows on a target, there are little chances to miss)

4- Never intended for Carrot to be an important as it was his editor at the time Naito, who pushed for more screen time. Oda removed Carrot from the main plot line the instant Naito was fired.
> Again, something false that was never said. The editor simply told that he liked Carrot, never that Carrot was pushed because of him.

Carrot was pushed by the narration because she fits in the thematic of Whole Cake and in the thematic of the Dawn. And this is something we can analyze through the narration. Not through non existent interview.

Oda is obviously flawed. People gotta stop assuming that One Piece the series is without flaw.
Everything you said here is either false information or the missunderstanding of narration mate.

There are some flaws in One Piece, but to get those (and trust me, I can give some) you need to understand WHERE the flaws are.

And despite what this fanbase on this forum will have you believe through environemental pressure, the flaws of One Piece are ALMOST NEVER in the narration, but in the representations.
You will be able to teach me about immaturity when the majority of the post on this forum are not aimed at trashing blindly the story without any understanding of it. Is that clear ?

In the meantime, I've yet to see series of PERTINENT narrative critics on this forum about the manga.

You don't understand that this environment is the reason why the hate is growing. The hate is not growing because of the story. I've explained the phenomena already. It's all about inertia.

Not really no. There are little glimps of facilities here and there, it's true, no story are perfect, but real PERTINENT narrative criticizism, not really.

I'll stop having that opinion when I will see the majority people actually use the story or narration and not their expectations to criticize the story. I'll stop having that opinion when I will see the majority of people criticizing the story actually UNDERSTAND the point made by the story.

Right now. You have NO lessons to give me. You are on the side of blind criticism, in an environement that favors said blind criticism. I'll stop when I will not have to explain the majority of the plot to random wanabee analyst who think they are pertinent by calling a chapter trash because they saw Gear 5.

You don't want to have this debate with me. You will lose. Don't try.
The sad thing is that I don't even need to try.

You lost this debate the moment you acted the way you do and each new post from you makes it worse.

Unfortunately - since I have nothing against you personally - you seemingly don't understand this yet.