Would you drop One Piece for a billion dollars?


Formerly Seth

Bro.....I grew up poor in tha projects Lmaoooo, and been to jail enough times lol. Think bout it, I was risking my freedom for a couple hundred to a couple thousand dollars. You think imma turn down a billion dollars to not read a comic!?
People with replies like One Piece will stay with me till the end are either lying or trolling.

I would drop this shit for 100k$. Decent flat in my country.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
I already know how One Piece ends, so I could take the hit :kayneshrug:

One Piece will end the same way as the rest of us - suddenly, without explanation, a thread yanked from the fabric of time and inextricably tied to some greater unknown. It will cease to be, as will anything else you enjoy, anyone you love, all matters great and small...it ends, my God, it ends so rapidly you don’t even have time to comprehend the enormity of whatever oblivion to which you find yourself hurtling; you simply become a part of the deep, black wild that consumes everything you know and all that you do not, COULD not comprehend.
With that money you could live like in One piece , you live free and go around the world. Why reading this instead. :kayneshrug:
With 5% of that money you can convince Oda to drop one piece and write a hentai manga
Use the rest to make sure you and your family will never have to struggle or be worried about money, donate to charity and do whatever you dreamed of or maybe be like lottery winners and spend it on parties and drugs but regardless of what you do a billion dollars is worth more than One piece
With 5% of that money you can convince Oda to drop one piece and write a hentai manga
Use the rest to make sure you and your family will never have to struggle or be worried about money, donate to charity and do whatever you dreamed of or maybe be like lottery winners and spend it on parties and drugs but regardless of what you do a billion dollars is worth more than One piece
I don’t think that someone can convince Oda to do that, One piece is his everything :kayneshrug: yes as I said you could help others, for me personally I like a simple life, I don’t like luxury. My dream would be to have little wood house with a garden where I can plant my own things.
If you were offered $1 Billion but had to drop One Piece forever both the anime and manga and never get to know how it ends, would you do it?
1 Billion is way too much lol - you offer us to be one of the richest people in the world just to drop OP lmao
You would be stupid if you would not do that. I would drop OP for 1 mil easy. Even less than that. Money is real life stuff and not a fictional story.
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Survivors Guilt
1 Billion is way too much lol - you offer us to be one of the richest people in a world just to drop OP lmao
You would be stupid if you would not do that. I would drop OP for 1 mil easy. Even less than that. Money is real life stuff and not a fictional story.
Dawg ***** really turning down generational wealth to watch Luffy lick his nose. Bitches lying they ass off