unfortunately for you
I've been many times right in wano and WCI than sanji, Zoro, Shanks, mihawk, navy, doffy wankers, BM haters and bmp downplayers who kept thinking other things :
The only times I've been wrong in Wano is about kyoushiro vs Zoro... oda made him Denjiro
Zoro won't even clash Kaido at all
Wait what else? Nothing
Name a major L i took in this arc? None.
You wankers/haters have many Ls in this arc when it comes to past debates:
Hyping Orochi over the charts
Hyping King over the charts
Mihawk facing yonko Shanks
Shanks being gatekeeper of Rafael /went to Rafael before
Linlin can't fight for days or even 12hrs
Linlin the weakest top tier or emperor
BMP the weakest Yonko crew
Oden's downplay: Oden = Marco or Marco > Oden
Rayleigh being super great during Golden Era.
Mihawk will be relevant in Wano
Kidd's downplay
Emma isn't PU
Zoro will round up samurai/lead them in the war
Viz being the Gospel of Translations: canon , can't be argued against.
Retainers will weaken kaido heavily or beat kaido
I can go on
You can try control the narratives, but it won't work
I've not being wrong many times during wano or zou or WCI like you guys.
You can keep spamming whatever but the truth is:
Whatever i said for years has been confirmed a lot in Wano arc.