I do pay attention of your nonsense; as much as you're spewing garbage, I do try to debunk what my other debater talks about.
Do a better job then lol
Personal feelings or opinions
Technicality is an objective parameter mate. I do not have to like something to understand that it is good.
It isn't based on facts, scientific researches or plain data
Its based on storytelling crafting techniques so yes, it is based on factual things. You simply don't understand what I'm talking about. So let me give you an example:
I don't like the cathedral of Paris, but I know that this is a work of architectural art because I have knowledge on some of the techniques used to build it. Its the same here. Wether or not you like G5 does not come into consideration, the reality is that the technicality level of this narrative data is great. Its an OBJECTIVE fact.
I pulled definitions of 3 different websites and you're still yapping some crap like a retard.
So friendly.... I wonder who is the respectfull one between you and me... ?
Zoro perfectly fits the role as a sidekick when it comes to deuteragonists.
Again, you don't know how to read. Go back to what I said :)
The reality of the story is that Zoro is the deuteragonist
and the closest link to Luffy when it comes to "sidekicks".
Nop. All the strawhats are on equal level. There is not one strawhat closer to Luffy (aside from Usopp who might be considered his best friend)
the nr. 2 and his goal has a wide narrative purpose with the entire blade concept
Lmao nop lol.
But you are cute if you think that a side story about the blades of Zoro are more important than entire developments of character.
Sadly, this would be too much to explain to you in term of narration to make you understand so I will leave you in that fantasy haha
That's the funniest part about it: You're not having an agenda, so you genuinely believe the horseshit you're spewing here.
Again, its not a question of belief is a question of fact, knowledge and experience.
Storytelling (and politics) are my forte, so I intervene in case where I need to defend those field or make a point about them. Sadly, I can't cure ignorance and I can't force someone to understand something they don't want to understand.
Bartolomeo is a simple ally. Law is a simple ally. Marco is a simple ally.
All three are true yes.
Zoro is not an ally, he is Luffy's right hand man.
An "ally" in storytelling is not necessarily just an aquaintance that helps you. It can be your mom or your best friend.
"Ally" means "with the protagonist"
Zoro is therefore an ally. You could say that he is one of the closest ally of Luffy with the other strawhats. He is ALSO the right hand man of Luffy. If you have a problem with that notion, you will have to scream toward those who theorized it.
Now you have to give reasons why Oda didn't use this concept.
Why would I ? There is no need to complicate things here. You guys are complicating and confusing things on your own. Its not Oda's fault.
Zoro is Ryuma's descendant, a lot of the weapon building is based on [...] before even Nami.
Cool, and ?
It's correct, Zoro is the deuteragonist in the story and the closest link to Luffy when it comes to "sidekicks"
No. All strawhats have this role. Zoro is simply the vice captain because its his post, its not his status in the story. If that was the case and Zoro was indeed a sidekick, you would see a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT MORE of Zoro and a LOOOT less of the strawhats.
The reality of the story is clear : Zoro is the closest ally of Luffy. Like ALL the strawhats, nothing more. They are all his family, they counts on the SAME level. At NO POINT Luffy expressed more closeness toward Zoro than the other strawhats.
So please guys, stop inventing stuff that are not in the story just because you want Zoro to shine. Its sad and its harmfull for the comprehension of the story for people.
Only because Blackbeard influenced the plot in a higher and better way, doesn't mean the narrative despicts Zoro as quite irrelevant because it is not simply the case.
Zoro is not irrelevant
When Luffy fails, guess who will take his role? It's Zoro.
No therte is no "come on"
Luffy only failed once, and none of the current strawhats at the time were here to take the role. Guess who managed to bring back Luffy ?
When Luffy is not here, ALL the character can shine, it can be Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, Nami etc. In fact, the character who shined the most to the role of team managment is not Zoro, but Jinbe. Who managed to remotivate and refocus the team when Luffy was absent.
So stop inventing stuff that are not in the story just because you like a character.
Zoro is a good vice captain, he is the guardian of the crew. But that's his role and his characterization. He doesn't have a special status in the story compared to all the other strawhats. They are ALL equal in term of status. And purpusefully so since the strawhats represent a form of anarchism with an horizontal hierachy.
Read the story with more objectivity and less agenda please.
That's why other characters often mistook Zoro as the captain.
No, the reason why people often mistake Zoro for the captain is because of what I call the testosteron bias. Zoro fits in the gender and power expectations of what we think we want to see in charismatic leaders. So when people see Zoro, they mistake him for the leader. But a leader is more than that. And One Piece portrays it perfectly.
Yes, because your argument is stupid. It's like comparing Moriarty is more important than Watson and because of that, Watson cannot be the deuteragonist. You're chatting shit.
In the story where moriaty appears. Moriarty IS more important than watson for the story.
That's a simple narrative fact. A fact that you can sadly only understand if you already tried to build a story before.
I will repeat it slowly:
In a story, the protagonist is the motor and the antagonist is the fuel. The story only exist because of the duel/battle/fight/opposition between the antagonist and the protagonist.
In One Piece, the main antagonist is Blackbeard. The Story hearth is based on the conflict and opposition between blackbeard and LUffy.
The golden rule of character building is storytelling is that characters must be created to CONTRAST eachothers.
In One Piece, Luffy shines in opposition to the main and the sub antagonists. Without them, Luffy can't shine as much.
The antagonist is therefore the most important character to create in relationship with the protagonist. Both need to be created back to back.
This is why, Moriarty is the mirror of Sherlock Holmes. Deep down, they are the same and have the same purpose, but the differences of value is what creates contrast between them.
Oda literally portrayed this with blackbeard and Luffy on the page:
Same characterization
But complete opposition.
Same dreams and desires
But complete contrast
In a story, the antagonist is the character that will make the protagonist shine. This is literally the sayin "Light can only shine through darkness"
ALL modern stories are build around the opposition between both characters.
This is why the Antagonist is the second most important character for the story after the protagonist.
The ally or close ally or sidekick is also necessary and part of the grid of characters that we must build around this opposition, but they are less important for the story that those last two.
Oda is not wrong, Oda said nothing that contradicts what I'm saying mate :)
You are simply extrapolating what he said.
several other websites are wrong, people are being ignorant,
That's a certainty yes. And this comes from experience. I had to deal with a lot of bullshit to learn things correctly
Dude, the fucking audacity, it's so annoying dealing with you because there is no justifying case why you're so arrogantly behaving like that.
There is a justification but you refuse to accept it lol
The justification is simple : I know more than you on the subject
This is not arrogance, this is the fact. I would love for you to know more than me, but what I'm seeing here does not verify that hypothesis.
Who says that? I give you the benefit of the doubt to provide evidence for your claims. Search for other websites, show some scientific researches of why it can only be applied by a three actors play.
Its not a question of research, its a question of narrative logic mate.
This term is not efficient on a logical basis. It is a holdall term that is not necessary and that - when used - can mean a lot of different things.
Its simply, not pertinent. You don't have to believe me on that, just follow the logic of the narrative concept itself.
When said term can be used to describe a sidekick, an antagonist or a close ally, said term is completely inefficiant to categorize anything !! And the reason is simple, this term was not meant to describe something more than a second actor on stage who was important for the protagonist.
And like I said, I'm not completely against the usage of this term, but I want YOU to use it correctly.
If you REALLY want to use this term (which is again, non pertinent), then you CAN'T only say that Zoro is the deuteragonist since he is equal in term of narrative status with all the strawhat, you also need to put ALL the strawhats as deuteragonist.
Not only that but you ALSO need to take into account ALL of what I call "the main arc character", those are the protagonists of all the different arcs in the story.
Then you will be using the term correctly - ishhh
Again, throwing random BS. Just say you have no argument because you're dodging my arguments like Neo is dodging bullets in Matrix.
The sad thing is that I'm throwing at you literal storytelling knowledge, things that I had to learn myself and you think those are "my arguments". This is kinda sad.
So? Are you gonna keep crying about it?
I'm not the one crying here mate it seems
There is just only one role of the nr. 2 and it is Zoro. So you're objectively wrong that all strawhats are equal in terms of importance in the story. A crew needs its vice captain as much as the captain.
Sigh... I'm speaking to a literal wall of ignorance.
No. its wrong. All strawhats are narratively equal.
What you are talking about is the post. NOT the narrative status. Again, not the same things.
Zoro is the second most liked character in the story, so this is not really surprising mate....
a crew is based on hierarchy
That's what you get COMPLETELY wrong.
And that's is actually quite sad since it means that you don't understand the core principle and value system of One Piece.
The strawhats ARE NOT a hierarchy.
Luffy is not the leader out of status, he is the leader because he is seen as the leader. Zoro hold absolutely no more status than Nami or Jinbe. He holds no more right than them and no more priviledges.
The strawhats are a closed off representation of a anarchism.
The reason is simple: Strawhats are pirates and pirates are considered as the first representation of proto-anarchism.
Source Nr. 1.
Seven Basic Plots.
Six Basic Plots.
You are not debunking what I said bro. You have just shown me example were people are trying to condense type of stories in less than term categories.
Its cool and its cute (I'm sure you think I have never seen these before) but this does not negate what I said since we are not talking about the same thing here.
What I'm talking about are not the type of stories (what your sources are talking about) but HOW STORIES ARE MADE in the first place.
And spoiler
A compelling story can't exist without conflict
You can try to create a story through a succession of happy moments, you will never be able to create emotion.
A story must have conflict to exist. And in a story, the antagonist and the opposition between the character and the antagonist are the representation of said conflict.
ALL story, no matter their type will have the same basic structure. The big 3:
- A beginning
- A middle
- An end
This might sound childlish and "too easy" for you (this is what I thought also at the beginning) but this is far from being the case.
What this "big 3" rules is telling is that a story will need AT LEAST three acts. And that those three acts must be written correctly in relationship to their position.
This is what I'm saying when I say that everystories have the same backbones. You can also add the fact that MOST stories will ALSO have similar outlines.
- An introduction
- A call for adventure
- Peripecia
- A impactfull midpoint
- A moment of despair
- A revelation
- An battle/opposition
- A resolution
You will find those in pretty much everystories. Simply because those are the very basic principle to create a compelling narration.
I say basic because in reality most modern stories have between 10 and 30 of those points (I for example, am using around 25 of those narrative knot to create my stories. Some are using less, some are using only the basic one...)
One Piece is no different.
So when someone is telling you that everystories are different, they are right..... and wrong. Everystories are different because they will all be percieved differently by the readers or spectators. But they are all derived from one big basic foundamental structure :
The structure of life
Like, Gintama and One Piece function fundamentally so different even though, both mangas are shounen.
I would need to make you a real narrative comparison for you to understand that yes, they are similar. but I don't have the time and also I don't read Gintama.
Genos: Deuteragonist who is a sidekick.
[....] You're so lost.
No, you are just not understanding what I'm saying... but that's not a first for me don't worry.
I'm really not a good pedagogue.
I'm asking you how is Zoro damaging all these basic rules which you keep bringing up in this discussion? Shouldn't be that difficult to answer.
Zoro is not damaging anything bru, YOU ARE.
Zoro status is clear, its you guys who are trying to elevate it to a place where it does not belong. And the problem is that it will create expectations and confusion. Which will create hatred and frustration.
And that is damaging for the fanbase.
Self-proclaimed expert who is... oddly wrong about everything in this forum.
Sure, sure...
I'm never wrong when I'm analysing stuff mate, simply because I always analyse what i'm sure to have the capacities to analyse.
But keep coping..
Correct, as it should be... wait, what? Sasuke isn't the main antagonist of the story, Sasuke vs Naruto was merely the epilogue of this manga when both came to a conclusion when both ideals coexisted.
Again, this is debatable. But I do not intend to reread Naruto to give you a definitive answer on the subject
No... even with those website, this is not the definition.
Deuteragonist is simply an important character for the protagonist, not a second MC. Again, term is not pertinent.
Who says this?
I think you should reread this thread :)
secondary MCs who can fit into 3 respective roles in fictional stories.
In reality it can fit into a LOT MORE than 3 roles lol. but that would - again - need me to make you a lesson and this is not a necessity.
Term is not pertinent. Period.
Why should I? Were [....] moreso for Zoro because like I said, first member.
If I have to explain you narratively why the strawhats are equal in term of narrative value, I would need a lot more than just this one post mate.
This is just something you need to understand when reading One Piece. If you didn't understand that, then you didn't understand a bit point of One Piece i'm sorry. I won't give you this lecture here.
Mostly because you don't seem to be familiar with storytelling and I would risk to explain something for hours with you simply not understanding. So I'll pass. Stay in ignorance.
Zoro confronted Luffy's authority and explained why he should behave as a proper captain and made sure to the other crew members why they should respect their own captain.
This is his role as a first crewmate yes.
Dude, are you stupid for real? Blackbeard is the ANTAGONIST. Being the second most important MC next to the protagonist doesn't mean the antagonist cannot be more important to the story...
I'm fighting water here lol... its completely useless since we do not have the same basic knowledge to begin with.
No, there is no such thing as second most important MC in One Piece. Sorry. Zoro is the first crewmate, but in One Piece, his narrative status is equal to all the strawhats. You only think that he is more important because his shining moments are situation where Zoro is there to protect the entire crew. But that's his role, its narratively logical.
You are extrapolating the importance of Zoro when its not necessary. You are confusing the comprehension of the narration.
Zoro is not the most important character after Luffy for the story, only the antagonist is.
Zoro is only the most important character (with ALL the strawhats) FOR Luffy.
Nah, it's just the matter of your lack of reading comprehension and sheer ignorance to accept when you're being wrong.
Keep thinking that lol
Idk what is it but I feel it is a very concerning fact that I'm on the receiving end getting sarcastic comments from YOU of all people, lol.
Well, you choosed to argue with me bro, I'm not responsible. You can ignore me if you want. but I won't let your BS pass, sorry.
Nami isn't a fucking fighter you donkey...
Lol, that's why you couldn't refute it.
Why is this important for the debate exactly ?
The difference? Afaik, Luffy's lineage isn't even in a SBS (not that it wouldn't be confirmed later on btw).
I feel like i'm discussing with a zoro fanboy that can't accept the reality of the story.
Bro. i'm talking about the narration of the story, not the SBS.
Again, it doesn't matter because a lack of proper character development doesn't mean Zoro isn't the most important character besides Luffy in the crew.
In the crew there is no "most important characters" after Luffy. They are ALL EQUAL.
Zoro shines when the job is to protect the crew or to question the captain
Jinbe Shines when he needs to guide the crew and remotivate the team
Usopp shines when someone needs backup
Chopper shines when people are hurt
Nami shines on the sea or when we need a reasonnable voice
Etc. Etc.
They are all equal, Zoro is not most important because he sometimes takes the role of vicecaptain. The hierarchical structure of the crew is HORIZONTAL. And Luffy acts only as a leader when needed.
Again, the strawhats are the representation of a little anarchist system. There are equal, in term of status and in term of narration.
You need to understand that or you will miss one of the biggest point of One Piece.
His primary role in the crew is being the fighter - now when it comes to crew hierarchy, that's when his other role comes in handy because his [....] That's basically your goofy ass: "Zoro is not more important than the others; his role as a vice captain is simply to be this." LMAO.
Same thing
You are even comparing Blackbeard with Zoro
Nope. I don't make comparison between blackbeard and Zoro. They have two very different narrative status. It would be pointless.
they follow an agenda but I don't follow it

Nothing says he is the guardian you donut.
Are you saying that I need to give you also a lecture on archetypes in narration ?

To this day, did this structure change at all?
Zoro is not the second MC narratively, so either you are missinterpretating what Oda is saying, either you don't understand the story. Your choice:
LMFAO, just say it completely rendered your argument useless.
Are you that oblivious to the fact how you're presenting in this thread? He says "Why do you seek to complicate things that don't need to be complicated"
Oh no, I fully understand that I am in the middle of a group of people are so completely sure they understand the story that they can use random ancient term to qualify and elevate the position of a character of the story even when said story show that said character does not have said position...
I understand that you guys will be doing what you usually do, laughing at me with all your feets in the mud of your ignorance... but...
I'm quite stubborn myself and I can't pass a challenge so...
Here I am.
I did; you just came up with bullshit scenarios to get a "Gotcha!" moment which failed miserably.
No you don't lol. And I think you won't understand soon.
Why are you lying like that? [...] which is Zoro
What he sais is that he PREPARED
Ryuma AS a second main protagonist.
He did NOT say: "I wrote Zoro as a second main protagonist".
What you must understand by his message is that he created Ryuma to be a POTENTIAL second MC. NOT that this is what he actually did in the story with Zoro !
The level of extrapolation you guys are doing is really extraordinary.
Again, this interview is recent, you're just nitpicking at small details at this point because nothing changed about chapter 2 Zoro and current Zoro when it comes to his position
No, I'm reading precisely what is being said. And you guys are literally inventing stuff that Oda did not say.
Really, you are delulu. on this matter.
It is very easy to blame users of following an agenda when you are just incapable of admitting your own faults in this discussion.
I made no fault here. Its not my fault if you guys don't know how to read.
Um, no? Again, only Nami would have another spot at being called the deuteragonist. However, with the way how Zoro was portrayed in the story and Oda's recent statement, it's clear Oda is the deuteragonist.
I'm literally fighting a windmill lol
I did, you are just fucking blind lmao:
"How is Oda showing that in the story? Also, like I said, the SBS's sole function is to give answers to unanswered question and to this degree, statements in the SBS are even more important than manga statements because like II said, it depends on how Oda shows it."
"2.) Like I said, SBS answer wins when it comes to source hierarchy because this directly comes from the author, there are no misunderstandings of rumors and extra storytelling style to give halfassed answers which aren't exactly known yet until the protagonist finds ouut the truth."
That's why I asked you the exact degree of the two statements, the very context of how their intention is. If Oda is just objectively answering questions without hiding things, it's a 100% secure statement. If the manga states something but it is under the context that the messager only has limited knowledge to what this person is saying, it's obvious the SBS statement is more reliable even if both came out at the same time, at date format: 2024-02-03, 11 pm (example). Lol.
Yeah sorry, I reply message after message, didn't read your answer at this point ;)
That's why I asked you the exact degree of the two statements, the very context of how their intention is. If Oda is just objectively answering questions without hiding things, it's a 100% secure statement. If the manga states something but it is under the context that the messager only has limited knowledge to what this person is saying, it's obvious the SBS statement is more reliable even if both came out at the same time, at date format: 2024-02-03, 11 pm (example). Lol.
And that's what you don't udnerstand is problematic.
If the story state CLEARLY (through the narration or the dialogue) that X=Y and Oda says in a SBS or an interview that X=/=Y, and if you choose to believe Oda rather than what he wrotes, then you render the story valueless.
And this point, there is no point to even reading the story if you consider than the author can just retcon what he wrote through a non diegetic sources.
It also problematic since you negate the fact that the author is not necessarily aware of everything that he writes.
The story shows clearly that Sanji is sexist, but following your point of view, if Oda says that Sanji is not sexist, then there is a contradiction. And by choosing the words of Oda that are biased you would render the content of the story completely valueless.
Oda wrote Sanji as a sexist man because he is has sexist biases himself. You can't just ignore what he wrotes simply because he is the author.
That's a golden rule of storytelling and literature analysis.
There is no realistic scenario an author would make two contradicting statements at the same time, at two difference sources.
Then what you guys are saying is an fallacious extrapolation since you are literally saying that Oda is making two statement at once.
Zoro being the deuteragonist doesn't contradict the narration in One Piece.
Yes it does lol since your interpretation of the words contradicts what the story is narrating. That's what you don't understand.
No, it doesn't render the story valueless
Yes it does
It's because the story has a clear stylistic device, it purposely gives messages multiple interpretations to push the mystery factor, many statements are made indirect (That's why I came up with Kaido's WSC title how it is often phrased as hearsays) but when it comes to authors having interviews and giving sincere answers to questions, it is often more valuable because the author can add even more details about specific characters and their events, about narrative unanswered questions, etc.
Not if said information contradict the storytelling (which gladly never happened in One Piece with Oda :) )
Yes, that's exactly how reality works. That's how Oda's fiction works, he is the guy who created all these rules, all the laws of the fictional world and if he someday says, Nami is a lesbian despite her showing interests to guys in previous chapters, it means this character got retconned. Yes, it can easily get harsh criticism but technically, the author can do that, so what are you gonna do about it?
Again, an author who does that and a reader who accept that DEVALUE the story written.
There is no point in reading the story if the author can just retcon everything if he wants.
You are NOT understand one of the major rule when you are an author: You are god ONLY when the story is not set. Once the story is up in the shopping mall or movie theatre, then you can't say "this character is a bad guys if you never wrote it that way", the only things that counts after that is the reception and the way people will see your story and...
That is something that an author CANNOT control
Again, if the author really want to rewrite the story, he needs to REWRITE IT. He can't just add informations outside of the diegetic continuum that are contradicting the narration.
That's not how reality works and every author understand that.
Oda is not placing Zoro as the second main character, he just said that he prepared Ryuma as a potential Main protagonist alongside Luffy. He did not say that he went with the idea and the narration is a PROOF that he did NOT went with the idea.
You guys are extrapolating the story.
And you are completely and dramatically missunderstanding the power of an author on his story.
The architect vehemently denied it because he didn't intent to make the shape into a penis
Yes, but just like I explained previously. The author or the architect of a work of art, is only god BEFORE the work of art is set on support.
When that's done, the architects or author or creator has absolutely NO POWER OR CONTROL on the reception of said work of art.
If a building was build to ressemble a banana but is shaped like a penis. What counts is not the words of the architect on his original vision, what counts is the shape of the final product !
That's why EVEN IF (and that's not the case) Oda created and still creating Zoro as a second MC, the story proves that he didn't wrote it that way and Zoro does not have a special status compared to others strawhats.
So what counts is the final product, NOT the (potential) words of Oda.
Who wrote that? You?
If not, I'd like to know the source of this statement.
Yup. That's pretty much a summary of everything that I have learn about storytelling.
Again, you don't have to believe me. But if you want to get out of ignorance, I suggest you listen.
I disagree because retcons are a thing
In the story yes. In that case, there can be retcons (THere are non in One Piece in my knowledge) but ONLY through the story and not through a sbs or a random interview.
I mean, first, define what you believe is "sexism" in the first place, then we can talk?
I won't have this discussion here. If you want to have it, go to the political thread.
For example, S Snake turned navy soldiers and Usopp to stones, right? So would Usopp be a pedo because he was sexually attracted to a child? Then Oda gave his reason: "Um, no. Boa's power also radiates cuteness and if people will find kids cute, they will be affected".
Which is a reason that was not necessary to add. People who understand the narration at the time understood that what was impacting those character was cuteness and not a pervy feeling. It was evident.
Nope, you don't even know the concept of retcons: Not that stating Zoro is a deuteragonist is a retcon in the first place.
I know a lot about retcon, but you are cute lol
A close ally is Law, Marco or Bartolomeo. Zoro is not his ally, he is his right hand man. How often do I have to spell this out for you? There needs nothing to be erased or recreated because Zoro's role has been the same ever since chapter 2 bruh...
And we are back to scare one.... lol