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You're just coping and ignoring the obvious

BM doesn't know shit about Emma and Oden, and she warned Kaido about the sword

it's obvious why Zolo attacks are huge threat, and no it's not because he has top tier attacks or some shit
You are contradicting yourself here Zoro attacks are a threat to Yonkos but that is not because he has top tier attacks?
Enma is threatening two emperors on its own, i wonder why Enma hasn't liberated Wano sooner and defeated the man that killed it's master. Suddenly its taking action now after two decades:milaugh:
That's like saying RS wouldn't open to any other users except Sanji because theyre not Vinsmokes. It doesn't matter at the end of the day. Zoro has a PU. His training with Wado Ichimonji all these years prepared him for Enma.
Jep, that's the difference. Zoro has to train. All the time. He had to train to tame Enma and now he can unleash his Haki through Enma. PU would mean that Enma made Zoro or his Haki stronger as soon as he took the blade in his hand. Which is not the case.

Zoro said: "So as soon as I got used to this blade, this is how much stronger I became".

So Zoro basically never said Enma makes him stronger, but that him mastering Enma is a testament of him having become stronger.
Dude is it that bad to admit that Enma helps Zoro to become stronger ?? Don't worry it's not gonna kill Zoro hype. In fact, it bring more hype for him because only powerful swordsmans like Oden can wield Enma.
When did I say that it won't make him stronger? I said that it isdrawing out more than usual. I'm also just saying that it's not increasing what he has and that right now it also has a drawback.

Things will be different eventually, where Zoro has better control over how much Haki it draws but then it'll stand out less, like how Enma was just the same as Oden's other sword after so many years of using both.
So is tda translation correct cause I posted in the spoiler thread
Not really based on the context. Big Mom never says that sentence direct to Zoro.

But well one japanese person in 5ch asked "Does big mom means that Kaidou underestimated Zoro or that Zoro underestimated Kaidou?" But everyone else answered to him that based in context big mom was saying that they(the yonkou) underestimated them(the supernovas).

So the correct translation based in context is "We underestimated them a lot".


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Big Mom warns Kaido to get out of the way

What happened to him playing with his food? They already pussied against Enma. :rolaugh:
Big Mom tells Kaido: "You underestimated him (Zoro)" In Japanese: ナメすぎたねエ if case you think I'm lying
Damn, I've been sleeping on Zoro. I still can't get over how an Ittoryu technique from Zoro has the Yonkou shook.

I think this chapter has finally established that Zoro has top tier offensive prowess.
Hiryuu Kaen >>>>>> Kong Rifle.
Both BM and Kaidou mention Enma, saying it is not a usual sword and Kaidou even senses Oden spirit in the sword. Nobody gives a shit about Zoro.
Zorofans: S-S-Stil not a PU! I-I-It's Zoro's own strength!
I didn't know Emma flew through the sky on its own and attacked Kaido. I'm sure it was Zoro using it that scared them.

I wonder what it would do next?

Let me guess it will cut the island in half.
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