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Well that’s interesting coz Kaido said the same thing about the scabbards.

Do the scabbards literally have Oden’s actual armament haki in them too?

No, they just used his haki technique
Real different. Kaidou said why can they damage me when they didnt have Oden's level of haki.

In Zoro's case, Kaidou and BM sense something in the sword in stark contrast of mentioning Zoro's haki. So yeah Enma once mastered to a certain degree, can release a special power on its own. I guess it's Oden's stored armament.
wtf are you talking about? Zoro literally no diffs Law and this chapter all but confirms it.

You need to get off snorting lines of cocaine before you come here
It really doesn’t bozo. The whole chapter everyone’s attacking on their own and doing damage. Zoro did nothing to prove zoro>law literally zero. Y’all hyped him in the spoilers too much for me to care anymore. You guys gonna get clowned once again. Enma the magic sword is carrying zoro rn. Stop the cap bro.


Call me dumb when u get prove wrong like a baby thanks
Can you read this for me?

"Kaidou then prepares to use “Bolo Breath” on Luffy. Zoro asks Law to transport him up there. Law complains why he has to babysit them, but complies anyway. Law teleports Zoro in front of Kaidou just in time. Kaidou unleashes “Bolo Breath” but Zoro uses again Kinemon's “Kitsunebiryuu: Homurasaki” to cut it and protect Luffy."

Thanks, you're done, that's it.
It really doesn’t bozo. The whole chapter everyone’s attacking on their own and doing damage. Zoro did nothing to prove zoro>law literally zero. Y’all hyped him in the spoilers too much for me to care anymore. You guys gonna get clowned once again. Enma the magic sword is carrying zoro rn. Stop the cap bro.
God this post is so dumb lmfao


Bald Spoiler Provider
Can you read this for me?

"Kaidou then prepares to use “Bolo Breath” on Luffy. Zoro asks Law to transport him up there. Law complains why he has to babysit them, but complies anyway. Law teleports Zoro in front of Kaidou just in time. Kaidou unleashes “Bolo Breath” but Zoro uses again Kinemon's “Kitsunebiryuu: Homurasaki” to cut it and protect Luffy."

Thanks, you're done, that's it.
Thanks for replying and proving me right
People who now try to defend GK simple didn´t read the spoiler or see the panel because:
Law teleports right next to Kaidou. He says he's never seen a dragon's internal organs before but the heart must be around where he is now. Then he pierces Kaidou with “Gamma Knife”. Kaidou screams but he wasn't hurt too badly.

Law in fact hit his organs, most like even his heart judging his scar is right on the side.
With means Law Gammaknife hit the heart but it doesn´t work because Kaido skin was to tough with Kaido himself proof out after he tank the attack easily:
Kaidou mentions how these brats aren't just "tough idiots", they studied how tough his skin is as well.
"Law didn´t hit his organs or heart" is a nonsense claim since both Law and Kaido debunk that shit.
GK wasn´t effective as people believe, it isn´t a top tier lvl, guys with strong durability can tank that shit.
As compare Shanks can tank most like a quake attaack,but a high tier not.

Top tiers aren´t have normal skin, their durability are a whole different lvl.
It was clear that GK who almost kill Doffy can´t kill top tiers who could protect himself with haki or having a strong durability, in fact Kaido didn´t even real feel it, but Killer and the Scabbards did put more damage as Law gammaknife.

With means Gammaknife can´t ignore durability, the chapter literally proof this point.
In compare Killer attack and the Scabbard attack in Ap>>GK, for people who underestimate Killer and the Scabbards, don´t even want to speak about Zoro who mid tier Ap is >>>>>>>>GK...
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