Powers & Abilities Is Oden's haki inside Enma?

Is Oden's haki inside Enma?

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Whenever Zoro unleashes haki and coats his blade:
Im feeling Oden's presence/source of this stange haki in his blade

Whenevr Retainers unleashed haki or coated their blades :
Kaido doesn't say anything about Oden's presence in their blades.
Only after they strike him! That's when kaido wonders how or compares them to Oden

When Luffy uses haki...kaido doesn't also feel Oden's presence , it's only after
LUFFY HITS HIM ,that's when he compares him to the Greats


World's Strongest Swordsman
Whenever Zoro unleashes haki and coats his blade:
Im feeling Oden's presence/source of this stange haki in his blade

Whenevr Retainers unleashed haki or coated their blades :
Kaido doesn't say anything about Oden's presence in their blades.
Only after they strike him! That's when kaido wonders how or compares them to Oden

When Luffy uses haki...kaido doesn't also feel Oden's presence , it's only after
LUFFY HITS HIM ,that's when he compares him to the Greats

he sees oden before they touch him


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭

It's not a direct confirmation, but the dialogues might point in that direction.

"So the sword is the source of that strange haki..."
"Yes... that stinging sensation. I get it now... so it's Oden's sword...!?

Anyone changed his mind? :sanmoji:
Nah, the answer is still no.

I'll write a longer explanation, but I want to wait for the Viz.
the annoying thing is Oda is never clear about these things, he could just save us a lot of time and just get someone to say explicitly 'Enma has Oden's haki' but no Oda uses phrasing, with just enough vagueness where fans can speculate other interpretations.
There is nothing to speculate, the sword cannot store Haki.

But for argument sake let’s entertain this idea.

1/ If Enma can store Haki for 20 years does that mean that other object can do it to? If so, does that means that Luffy will do that with other object to not suffer from the drawback of G4?

2/ As we saw with G4, Haki is finite. So does that means that at one point Zoro will not be using Oden’s Haki anymore because it will dry out or that means that the Haki stored in a blade become infinite? If so was it not more smart to always store Haki in object and used the said Haki?

3/If the Haki stored in a blade is infinite, does that mean that Zoro had a Haki blade with Shusui? If so does that mean that Zoro just change a Haki blade for another? If so does that mean Oden’s Haki > Ryuma’s Haki or does that means that Oden’s Haki = Ryuma’s Haki or does that means that Zoro downgrade himself by gaining a weaker Haki blade?

4/ If Shusui was a Haki blade does that mean that Zoro was under using the blade or does that mean he was restraining it all this time? For example against Monet?

5/ Does that means that Yoru is a Haki blade too?

6/ Can Zoro store his Haki in other blade? If so, does he already start doing it? If not why he does not?

Those are the questions that come out of my head when I entertain this idea.


Zoro Worshipper
Whenever Zoro unleashes haki and coats his blade:
Im feeling Oden's presence/source of this stange haki in his blade

Whenevr Retainers unleashed haki or coated their blades :
Kaido doesn't say anything about Oden's presence in their blades.
Only after they strike him! That's when kaido wonders how or compares them to Oden

When Luffy uses haki...kaido doesn't also feel Oden's presence , it's only after
LUFFY HITS HIM ,that's when he compares him to the Greats
Kaido says he feels Oden's haki because Zoro's haki is simply that good it reminds of it Ndule...

Kaido sensed Oden's haki because Zoro's haki is on that level.

Enma can't store CoA if not momentarily whilst someone is holding Enma, if that was the case instead it could suck CoA from 1000 people and turn above God Tier.....

So nope...
Good look at debunking this.
In the previous Chapter he says the Sword has Oden's pressence yet here he call the haki strange and we are supposed to think it is Oden's??

Oda sucks at dialogues if that is the case.
There is also the fact Kaido calls the "strange haki" only from Enma and not from Sandai or Wado.

Enma only exudes the wielder's Ryuo on its own,it doesn't change the properties of the haki and transforms it into "strange Haki" yet Kaido singles out only Enma amongst all 3 swords in Tatsumaki.

I think whatever it is,there is something up with Enma that we don't know atm, I'm just tired of Oda being super vague about this,let him just be clear once and for all and stop bringing Oden everytime if he has nothing to do with this.
I'm just going to wait and not talk about this anymore until it is clarified.
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Well you got proves, Kaido is talking about one particular sword - Enma, not about Kitetsu or Wado. But yse your right Zoro could do same shit without Enma(no). Enma contained Oden's haki and his power.
He can talk whatever he wants. I don't see any proof of Enma storing Oden's Haki. Until it confirmed directly or shown to me in panel, this is shit talk. Or Scabbards have Oden's Haki too?