All matchups right now are good in my opinion, I agree though about Jinbe. Was kinda shocked too that Jinbe get WsW and not a calamity. So far the Brook and Robin vs BM open up for the other fights a 2vs1 too epxect Jinbe.
Chopper+Bepo vs Pageone
Nami and Usopp vs Ulti
Robin and Brook vs Black Maria
Franky+Kid pirate(third strongest Kid pirate) vs Sasaki
Jinbe vs WsW
The only thing where I get a headache right now are the matchups for the calamity. Usually my matchup list was kinda like this pre Onigashima raid begin:
Zoro vs King
Sanji vs Queen
Jinbe vs Jack
But now everything change that I can't figure out who fights who. Sanji probably encounter Jack soon. Queen and King are still fighting Marco. Zoro is facing Kaido.
I don't know but for Sanji as example I imagine him fighting every calamity in 1on1 fights. From King to Jack, every battle for Sanji is possible but I kinda still think that he match in the end Queen.
However Yamato probably take on Jack, who is fighting then King? Marco is not a underdog! He winning against King wouldn't have a big impact since people already have him above King. Yes the firstmate vs firstmate battle could be insane but let be honest would Oda waste the strongest member of Kaido for Marco who powerlvl is already known? Outside of Queen and Jack I don't know who could defeat King?