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Kitetsu Wanker
It’s sad that suggesting Zoro vs King is practically forbidden nowadays because some people will answer this every time, ignoring the fact even some Zoro fans such as @nik87 believe in Zoro vs King. Either you have to drop that thought or you’re a desperate Sanji fan trying to push Zoro = Sanji. That’s comparable to religious extremism at this point.
I want King vs Zoro as a dessert, after Zoro kills Kaido. :goyea:
Why are we acting like Jack is some subliminal scrub that Sanji should have no business atleast clashing with?

Sanji is too good now for 1billlion bounty fighters?

A tired Jack was taken out by the fresh Sulong mink scabbards but Jack didn't even show his hybrid which he should be showing against his next opponent and prove to be formidable.

The rooftop fight has probably messed up with our powerlevel perceptions,but amongst the 5 Supernova,nobody but serious Luffy should be mid diffing all out Jack so Sanji clashing and Keeping up with Jack,should already be a high end feat for Sanji and a good preparation for his fight against Queen.
It’s sad that suggesting Zoro vs King is practically forbidden nowadays because some people will answer this every time, ignoring the fact even some Zoro fans such as @nik87 believe in Zoro vs King. Either you have to drop that thought or you’re a desperate Sanji fan trying to push Zoro = Sanji. That’s comparable to religious extremism at this point.
@nik87 and @Aknolagon are clowns don t care
While Zoro wasn’t fighting a dragon on Thriller Bark, here the circle becomes complete as he has performed the technique on an actual dragon in Ryuma’s home of Wano. While it’s a shame he couldn’t use Shusui for the attack, Enma’s history certainly makes it the appropriate tool for the job.

If Zoro hadn’t missed, would he have been an actual dragon slayer?

Chapter 1003 follows that pattern to a T with Zoro’s Dragon Twister technique. It even plays off of our expectations while reading Kaido’s initial attack. Who didn’t read that first spread and think to think to themselves, “Wait! That’s Zoro’s technique! He can do that!” Oda-sensei plays by the rules and gives us a cathartic spread of Zoro unleashing his powered up Dragon Twister technique and we all felt pretty satisfied…until we turned the page.

BOOM!!! YET ANOTHER SPREAD!!!! Instead of Zoro ending with the upper hand, Oda-sensei breaks the rules in order to show us the scale of what they’re up against. Whatever punishment they deal out, Kaido will dole out more. That’s 6 pages of precious material dedicated to a single subliminal story-telling technique and as a long-time reader of manga, seeing Oda-sensei break rules like this is extremely rewarding. It’s as if Kaido stared at Zoro and said, “No son, that’s not a knife, THESE ARE MY KNIVES!”


New theory incoming Zoro is the true son of Kaido
I think the large majority seeing Kaido / King / Queen dynamic said : Luffy Kid and Law vs Kaido, Zoro vs King and Sanji vs Queen.
I’m talking about the people who at the beginning of the arc were adamant that Zoro will not fight King. They did not care about any form of dynamic because, for them, saying that Zoro will fight King was wanking. And latter they also defend that Zoro will fight Queen instead of King.

But now that Zoro is fighting Kaido (which they say will never happen...) they are the first defenders of Zoro vs King.

They still do not care about dynamic or whatsoever, they just want to downplay Zoro that’s all. So rather have Zoro fighting King (who they can downplay as the weakest YC1) than Zoro fighting Kaido (who they cannot downplay). It is as simple as that.


Kitetsu Wanker
BOOM!!! YET ANOTHER SPREAD!!!! Instead of Zoro ending with the upper hand, Oda-sensei breaks the rules in order to show us the scale of what they’re up against. Whatever punishment they deal out, Kaido will dole out more.
What if Zoro performs Tatsumaki with Asura? Will Kaido even stand a chance of keeping the upper hand?
Who deals out more punishment in that case? It's certainly interesting that Zoro and Kaido compete in Tatsumaki.
The only question that remains is what move will Zoro use to kill Kaido. :finally:
Calm down big boy lol

I'm in the same boat as you, but we have to be realistic. Black Maria is an ancient Zoan. It'd be an amazing feat for Robin to beat her even if it's with Brook's help.
well that what happens when Oda neglects robin fights and also for the rest of the straw hats. Knowing One Piece is coming to an end and the straw hats are up against the Yonkos, the strongest pirates of the seas. Outside of the Monster Trio and Jinbe the rest of the Straw Hats are weak as shit. So oda has to come up with all these plot tools and excuses to even be able to give them a non 1v1 fight.

brook already had his time to shine on WCI when he alone faced off against Big Mom. Why can't Oda give Robin her own time to shine as well? I'm kinda salty that even if Robin manages to beat Black Maria, that she would have to share the glory with Brook. Would Sanji fans not be salty if Sanji had to share his fight with Queen with Zoro or X Drake, would his fans not be salty?

We Robin fans have been waiting for Robin's first real fight since the time skip and her only second real fight in the whole series ever (the first was against Yama on Skypiea), and Oda just have to make it a team up with Brook. Why couldn't Oda just pump Robin up with powerups like he always does with the other Straw Hats? Zoro got Enma, Sanji got raid suit, Ussop got Haki and for a certain time even Nami got Zeus. Why can't Oda just give Robin a powerup like he gives the others so that Robin can beat Black Maria without Brook's help???

As a Robin fan, after nearly 2 decades of waiting, a 2v1 for Robin against Black Maria just doesn't cut it and can't make up for her lack of fights. Even to call it 'disappointing', would be a grave understatement!

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