who wants to bet these will be the matchups
king vs sanji
queen vs drake
Jack vs Yamato
chopper vs numbers
This doesn't fit the theme of the Strawhats fighting the executives exclusively, which has been what has been happening for the past 10-20 chapters. Before virtually every F6 member got a Strawhat matchup, people said over and over they would be given to Supernova or Scabbards. Now that narrative has goalposted to the Calamities and its shifted into the same argument. Marco is not the new generation. Perospero is not a Beast Pirate. The advertisements coming with this chapter say "Vs The Hundred Beast Pirates", not the "Big Mom Pirates")
Thus, really it shouldn't be Marco, Drake (unless controlled by the virus for Chopper), Apoo, Hawkins, or Perospero involved in these matchups, truly.
Keep in mind that this has nothing to do with Sanji fighting Queen or King or Zoro being involved henceforth. I'm not arguing about that.