The problem is.... Oda with this chapter made it in a way that ANY CHOICE other than Oden is EVEN worse.... here is why:
1- Devon: She doesn't know Oden, or Scabbard to tend to their wounds, heal them, THEN create oden image
2- Kanjuro: Why would he heal the scabbards if he just wanted to deceive them? why tend to their wounds? him or orochi coming back would only serve to increase their misery and not help scabbards...
3- Onimaru/Gyokimaru: First, it was not confirmed if he can immitate any look/person... otherwise, he probably would have taken Kawamatsu's look when he was pretending to be him.... Secondly, we see a shadow of either "Toki or Hiyori", a shadow of woman two chapters ago... meaning this person tended to the wounds, and this Oden (fake or real) is associated with the female in shadow... We have seen Hiyori and Onimaru before and they do not have interaction or know each other... they have no connection....
4- Lastly, Toki's fruit cannot go back into the past, based on what she said.... So, IFFF Toki sent Oden "before his time of execution" and then came back to be executed, it will be conflicted, because Oden once he is sent to future, he cannot go back to the past once again to die, as the fruit does not work that way... it's ONLY ONE WAY... into future, no going into past...
Which basically only leaves a simple explaination, as much as trash as you would think, it would not create conflicts in the story or plotholes... which is simply Oden survived the execution, the WHOLE THING.... and then leaped into the future along with Toki... and the person in shadow is Toki, and this is real Oden....
Again, this may sound trash to you all, BUT Oda with this chapter put it in a way that ANYTHING beside that explaination will be simply a "plothole" rather than simple trash writing of surviving