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Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
I would say this would fit a theorist. Perhaps Cinera who likes writing theories.
I see where you’re coming from, but Odd is asking us to write the paragraph, not doing it himself...PeperLevi, though, is constantly spamming people and reminding them he tagged them about some Chopper bullshit and they didn’t give him an appropriately serious response, if they gave one at all. Sound familiar?
I read through the thread
the reasons brought up at best have a lot to do with what people think she claimed.

you championed this idea at the start of the dp
both you and usopp
she was there
ready to answer your questions
both of you BACKED OFF.

queen looks worse imo with the passive push .
there are others I will like to look at as well
including tpein.
I see where you’re coming from, but Odd is asking us to write the paragraph, not doing it himself...PeperLevi, though, is constantly spamming people and reminding them he tagged them about some Chopper bullshit and they didn’t give him an appropriately serious response, if they gave one at all. Sound familiar?
I never interacted with PL before, so dunno.


Arbiter of Truth
I have to be honest with my reads my friend.

I can't easily get past the voting stunt.

Besides, didn't you say that I was right in being wary of you? Why are you calling that a poor read now? Unless you are referring to other reads and not yours?
I'm saying it because you uttered the words my friend.
But you are indeed correct in doubting me, for this is what we do here.
I am sorry my little lamb, I have misguided you in my choice of words. I only meant that you are back to your usual self, and that your reads are as usual misguided.

I will agree though, voting in the start of the game was not the smartest thing to do. But don't you think that it is too dumb for a mafia to vote straight away like that and begging to be called out for it?
Flower is Ez lynch, I was merely afraid and didn't think further than my nose.

Mario too sometimes makes less ideal decisions, but he will accept that he too is not perfect, but only almost.


Lead them to paradise.
I read through the thread
the reasons brought up at best have a lot to do with what people think she claimed.

you championed this idea at the start of the dp
both you and usopp
she was there
ready to answer your questions
both of you BACKED OFF.

queen looks worse imo with the passive push .
there are others I will like to look at as well
including tpein.
I thought she was me at first hence why I backed off, then thought she was Al and was like okay. Then I remember that people used to call Al scum Al. So don’t include me with Usopp, I backed off for a reason. But when that reason came into question I pushed her again, that’s all.

Not sure why Usopp backed off though as he still didn’t know who she hinted, and just basically said he doesn’t wanna Lynch the people he susses. Though he voted her later and said he was willing to have her be the Lynchee today.
It’s not like she egged me into it but she did try to reaffirm it yes, then again she thought I was scum because I town read Flower for a bit.
"but she did try to reaffirm it yes"

she also confirms she knew flower was al sama
she thinks an al sama role is scummy
yet didnt make any push/vote till you did
but is quietly reaffirming your vote.

it looks worse

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
If we have several people who have admitted they’d be cool with lynching TAC, why is Flower still in the lead? I can honestly say that the latter hasn’t done anything to earn this other than what she did in previous rounds that have no bearing here, and the former has been cagey about hinting anything helpful about his role/fluffed a lot/couldn’t have acted any shadier about me coming after him a few hours ago/seemingly hasn’t provided any good reads (“confirmed” Fuji within the first six hours, and now susses Tris and Final out of nowhere, could it get any easier?)...his lynch would clear things up for a whole lot of us, I just don’t see why Flower should take the heat on yet another D1 if she hasn’t truly earned it.


Zoro Worshipper
I'm saying it because you uttered the words my friend.
But you are indeed correct in doubting me, for this is what we do here.
I am sorry my little lamb, I have misguided you in my choice of words. I only meant that you are back to your usual self, and that your reads are as usual misguided.

I will agree though, voting in the start of the game was not the smartest thing to do. But don't you think that it is too dumb for a mafia to vote straight away like that and begging to be called out for it?
Flower is Ez lynch, I was merely afraid and didn't think further than my nose.

Mario too sometimes makes less ideal decisions, but he will accept that he too is not perfect, but only almost.
Well you inferred that your choice was not abilities related this is what I'm extensively wary of. Like I highlighted here:

I see. I must be honest, am very wary of this because if I was in your place I would have made sure to vote around the time the phase was ending as final voting judgement or at least as later on as I could.

D1 isn't necessarily in every game very indicative, but sometimes likely / somewhat likely scums can be spot and it's good voting them up to gain info via lynching or expecially if they look quite scummy, also by picking a rather random player to vote you are risking a mislynch in case of a tie, and in general you are still voting someone in this case, so it's not even about not voting.
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