That's is literally his theory.
Judge used the Lineage Factor manipulation to imbue DF abilities within his children, without the drawbacks of the swim curse, or weakness to kairouseki. He was supposed to have invisibility, to match his suit, but Sora's drug interfered with it and somehow modified Sanji to give him the Fire power instead, while also keeping his emotions.
Am I correct,
@Chrono ?
Yh pretty much. I made this theory of Sora's Drug being where DJ/HM came from since Sanji's FB came out. I thought of this because it made no sense for Sanji to have a curly eyebrow if his Lineage Factor was not modified. Since his mother doesnt have one...and Judge likely doesnt have one either. And if the curly eyebrow was a Vinsmoke inheritence thing, then Sanji's eyebrow would logically point in the same direction as his siblings. So then I made a proper theory thread on it on OJ. And a few here I think.
But the main jist is.
- Judge's modifications follow the Comic Book written about them. Why Judge follows it and who wrote the book is still unknown
- Judge planned for Sanji to be Stealth Black from the comic books. Giving him invisibility modification and a RS. And also creating his RS before birth
- Sora got her drug from Vegapunk, and it had DF properties. The drug modified Sanji's Lineage Factor completely, so instead of ending up like another Reiju ( Modfications but also has emotions)....he ended up a complete "failure". Well failure for Judge's modifications. Sora's goal was to never make her children normal human beings....she just wanted them to have emotions.
- So Sanji failed Judge's modifcations due to getting modified by Sora's Drug (made by Vegapunk).
- But yh anyways Sora's drug is the root to Sanji's flame powers. I got this idea from Gaara ( Naruto ) who thought his powers came from his Tailed Beast. But in truth it was from his mother always protecting him.
- Now the part I'm iffy about is the emotions. Did Sora's drug give Sanji emotions...thus explaining why Sanji's DJ is emotion based. Or did it just take away Judge's emotion-less modification...
But yh anyways Oda has been hinting about Sanji being special for a long time. He may try to hide it so Sanji looks normal for now.
But if you look at the small hints Oda does...such as:
- Sanji's eyebrows having the same circular energy as Celestial Bodies
- Sanji's eyebrows being similar to Devil Fruits.
- Zoro stating Sanji will transform
- Usopp stating that Sanji was born under a miraculous star
- Sanji having the same bloodtype as his brothers and not his father.
and many other hints. It's obvious Sanji is not as normal as Oda is makes him out to be.