General & Others Is Zoro the vice-captain or close? Is he Lufy's right-hand man?

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As long as the straw hats don't recognize and take over Zoro as vice captain, he won't be one, it's simple
And while Luffy doesn't recognize him as his right arm, he won't be the right arm either.
First time I've ever seen people compare Sanji to Rayleigh.....and people still deny Zoro is the VC....
No one compared Sanji with Rayleigh, they just said that Zoro + Sanji make a Rayleigh

And how is he a VC if the crew doesn't recognize him as a VC?


Survivors Guilt
Hancock and Doffy are clearly not at top YC level. That's just the regular shichibukai wank
Do you even realized what you jus answered to? You said

That depends if he will CoC. Given two fighters at the same tier, I will always choose the one with CoC over the other.
So I give you examples of which that can’t be tha case, and this is what you give me.....

Seriously you think prime Chinjao was what?
Chinjao is Yc1+ , at least high high tier, at best Inbetweener.

Luffy was oneshotted by Kaido and it doesnt stop.gim from being above common high tiers.

Prime Garp saw that he cant beat Chinjao without a training
... I rest my case.

Y'all say that Posthawk is powerful for cuttings here iceberg... Chinjao splits a continental ice block ... ..

Garp saw Chinjao as a big threat that cant be defeated without needing training.

Hancock /Duffy/Cracker can beat King anyway...
Common high tiers
Chinjao was such a beast during his prime, that his bounty was equaled or surpassed by a 20year old Ace. Who took a year off from pirating you chase Teach....’ve basically jus said that Prime Chinjao is a threat to Prime Garp, ergo he’s a threat to PrimeBeard and Prime Roger. So Prime Chinjao~Prime Garp right?

Mihawk is powerful, cause of statements and how he is thought of/portrayed inverse. Him splitting tha tsunami on accident further enforces that he’s strong. Chinjao? Not so much, he split that Ice Continent. Good feat, then got One Shot by Garp..,.

Then Garp proceeded to One Shot Chinjao

Doodle......dawg What. Tha. Fuck man, so Cracker can possibly beat Katakuri too then right? Unless you think Katakuri is midd diffing other YC1’s, you’re forced to accept that Cracker cannot beat King. Iirc too, you have Cracker>Doffy. Which brings us back to tha same result, if Cracker is stronger than Doffy, how is Doffy beating along? And even if you don’t, you’d have to believe and prove that Doffy is on tha lvl of Marco, King, Beckman, Katakuri and Shiryu for him to be able to beat King. Hancock is even worse since she been canonically portrayed below Doffy
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Holy shit. Noice ava...
Preciate ya bruss. Had to rep for tha Swordbois one time
does kid need to name killer his vice captain for us to know if he is his right hand man too
or is it heat?
denial is strong here. I thought sanji's "parallel was scopper" :milaugh:. I would like people to go back to the duo thread and pretty much everyone would acknowledge the dynamic between luffy and zoro is probably the closest duo within the series. rayleigh was called roger's right hand man by the general populus, people outside the crew.
Rayleigh is the best character, he is better than Zoro.

Zoro is still very beastly though.

Rayleigh is the jack of all trades.

Rayleigh is Sanji and Zoro in one person.

Take all the skill of Sanji and combine it with Zoro, you get Rayleigh.
Zoro got enough skills so that Sanji doesn't need to put into the equation dude.
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As long as the straw hats don't recognize and take over Zoro as vice captain, he won't be one, it's simple
And while Luffy doesn't recognize him as his right arm, he won't be the right arm either.
His voice is heard more than any other crewmate except Luffy.

When Zoro talks serious, Sanji agrees.
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First time I've ever seen people compare Sanji to Rayleigh.....and people still deny Zoro is the VC....
Apparently if you like women you're like Sanji.
While Sanji acts like crazy nosebleed man, Rayleigh got games....
where the fuck is the correlation ? I'm closer to Rayleigh than Sanji is
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Do you even realized what you jus answered to? You said

So I give you examples of which that can’t be tha case, and this is what you give me.....

Chinjao was such a beast during his prime, that his bounty was equaled or surpassed by a 20year old Ace. Who took a year off from pirating you chase Teach....’ve basically jus said that Prime Chinjao is a threat to Prime Garp, ergo he’s a threat to PrimeBeard and Prime Roger. So Prime Chinjao~Prime Garp right?

Mihawk is powerful, cause of statements and how he is thought of/portrayed inverse. Him splitting tha tsunami on accident further enforces that he’s strong. Chinjao? Not so much, he split that Ice Continent. Good feat, then got One Shot by Garp..,.

Then Garp proceeded to One Shot Chinjao

Doodle......dawg What. Tha. Fuck man, so Cracker can possibly beat Katakuri too then right? Unless you think Katakuri is midd diffing other YC1’s, you’re forced to accept that Cracker cannot beat King. Iirc too, you have Cracker>Doffy. Which brings us back to tha same result, if Cracker is stronger than Doffy, how is Doffy beating along? And even if you don’t, you’d have to believe and prove that Doffy is on tha lvl of Marco, King, Beckman, Katakuri and Shiryu for him to be able to beat King. Hancock is even worse since she been canonically portrayed below Doffy
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Preciate ya bruss. Had to rep for tha Swordbois one time
Being a threat foesnt mean you are in same tier always
Luffy is a threat to navy yonko even tho weaker than them

So you think you know better than Garp?
Kaido oneshotted Luffy
Is luffy now weaker than Zoro sanji?

Garp still went to training to beat Chinjao... that's how Oda wrote it

Bounty? Call me when a High top tier needs training to beat a 500 millions
Bass Kaido easily took down luffy who is YC1+
Prime Garp needs training to oneshot Chinjao

"Garp is above kaido" lol

Oda wrote it not me...
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Zoro has a scar like Raleigh means they parallel each other but Sanji being blond and pervert as Rayleigh isnt parallelism ? Okay...
First time I've ever seen people compare Sanji to Rayleigh.....and people still deny Zoro is the VC....
Where is Zoro VC again? As much as I remember it is not stated by Oda nor in Databooks.
Not even the newspaper mentions him as VC
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He is firstmate and fighter of the crew
He isn't a VC...he acts like "Vice Captain " as databook states
People need to stop with the zoro +sanji equals rayliegh.
First you can't force perfect parallels to the old gen as there are none. Example luffy and roger look to be opposites in alot of things like:
- Roger had the forethought to bet on a future generation to accomplish what he couldn't while luffy can't even plan a day ahead of himself.
- luffy is a complete idiot while roger was never shown to be that.
- roger was a drunk and luffy is a glutton.
- roger looked to have fought with a sword and gun while luffy is a brawler.
These are just a few so should we mix luffy with someone to say they together to make a closer parallel to roger or should just know they are close enough to be paralleled? If we had perfect parallels what would be the point of telling luffy's story? Why not just tell roger's if they are gonna just be the same characters in different gens?

Second luffy's crew is supposed to surpass rogers. How tf can that happen if luffy's 2nd and 3rd strongest fighters only equal rogers 2nd strongest? If they are gonna surpass roger luffy needs to be > roger, zoro > rayliegh, and sanji > whoever rogers's #3 was. If these 3 can't be stronger than rogers top 3 then they won't be a stronger crew. The rest don't matter if their is no one to match the tops of crews. Like if 2 yonko fought and 1 was missing 1 of their top yc. Then that yc would demolish the rest of the crew who can't stop them or go help their captain beat the other yonko.

Third you can make forced parallels and seem right with alot of characters. Here i can say sanji is wb parallel because they both have blonde hair, will have the respect of thier generations pk, if sanji reaches top tiers then both would be top tiers, and both were physical fighters. We all know bb is luffy's gen wb hell even has his df but you can still force it to be sanji ignoring common sense with loose connections.

Last there are obvious signs of zoro parallels with rayliegh:
- both are swordsmen
- both are drinkers
- both have similar scars
- both are the #2 of their crews
- both were introduced to their captain similar
- both will be top tiers of their gen
This is enough but plugging sanji to try and make a better parallel ain't gonna work and you can do this to any parallel tothe old gen. You can plug in anyone to make them closer to rayliegh. That doesn't matter because always gonna be zoro's parallel to rayliegh as the parallel would never work if zoro isn't there. Sanji has virtually nothing to rayliegh and sanji does not parallel rayliegh on his own but only when people try to plug holes in the zoro parallel to him. Sanji's parallel to rayliegh is loose stuff you can put next to zoro as well.


People need to stop with the zoro +sanji equals rayliegh.
First you can't force perfect parallels to the old gen as there are none. Example luffy and roger look to be opposites in alot of things like:
- Roger had the forethought to bet on a future generation to accomplish what he couldn't while luffy can't even plan a day ahead of himself.
- luffy is a complete idiot while roger was never shown to be that.
- roger was a drunk and luffy is a glutton.
- roger looked to have fought with a sword and gun while luffy is a brawler.
These are just a few so should we mix luffy with someone to say they together to make a closer parallel to roger or should just know they are close enough to be paralleled? If we had perfect parallels what would be the point of telling luffy's story? Why not just tell roger's if they are gonna just be the same characters in different gens?

Second luffy's crew is supposed to surpass rogers. How tf can that happen if luffy's 2nd and 3rd strongest fighters only equal rogers 2nd strongest? If they are gonna surpass roger luffy needs to be > roger, zoro > rayliegh, and sanji > whoever rogers's #3 was. If these 3 can't be stronger than rogers top 3 then they won't be a stronger crew. The rest don't matter if their is no one to match the tops of crews. Like if 2 yonko fought and 1 was missing 1 of their top yc. Then that yc would demolish the rest of the crew who can't stop them or go help their captain beat the other yonko.

Third you can make forced parallels and seem right with alot of characters. Here i can say sanji is wb parallel because they both have blonde hair, will have the respect of thier generations pk, if sanji reaches top tiers then both would be top tiers, and both were physical fighters. We all know bb is luffy's gen wb hell even has his df but you can still force it to be sanji ignoring common sense with loose connections.

Last there are obvious signs of zoro parallels with rayliegh:
- both are swordsmen
- both are drinkers
- both have similar scars
- both are the #2 of their crews
- both were introduced to their captain similar
- both will be top tiers of their gen
This is enough but plugging sanji to try and make a better parallel ain't gonna work and you can do this to any parallel tothe old gen. You can plug in anyone to make them closer to rayliegh. That doesn't matter because always gonna be zoro's parallel to rayliegh as the parallel would never work if zoro isn't there. Sanji has virtually nothing to rayliegh and sanji does not parallel rayliegh on his own but only when people try to plug holes in the zoro parallel to him. Sanji's parallel to rayliegh is loose stuff you can put next to zoro as well.
So Sanji and Rayleigh arent blondes
Arent perverts
Arent smart
Both have goatee and mustaches
Both have prophets with a dark theme

Nope... Rayleigh was free and had his ship
While Zoro was captured ...

"Sanji doesnt not parallel Rayleigh " big Lol
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Also Rayleigh has 2 eyes working

We dont even know if Zoro eye is still active or dead
So Sanji and Rayleigh arent blondes
Arent perverts
Arent smart
Both have goatee and mustaches
Both have prophets with a dark theme

Nope... Rayleigh was free and had his ship
While Zoro was captured ...

"Sanji doesnt not parallel Rayleigh " big Lol
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Also Rayleigh has 2 eyes working

We dont even know if Zoro eye is still active or dead
Like i said loose parallels and i did this in the qoute with wb and sanji. So is sanji parallel wb cuz
- both are blonde
- both will be respected by thier gens pk
- both were physical fighters.
- both liked girls
Name something of substance none of this is anything. Hell i can do this with brook
- both are swordsman
- both are on their gen pk crew
- both are fast
- both are perverts
These are loose parallels i can do with god damn brook. So brook is rayliegh parallel cuz i just come up with some stuff both have. Only real thing they gave is that both are swordsmen which ain't enough to parallel brook to rayliegh.


Firstly, You people from both sides argue all you want but all are null and void as long as Oda doesn't intend to show matter how much you try to bring scans using magnifying glasses

Definiton of parallel:

If something has a parallel, it is similar to something else, but exists or happens in a different place or at a different time. If it has no parallel or is without parallel, it is not similar to anything else.

If there are parallels between two things, they are similar in some ways.

Mind you parallels never intersect each other. So Roger and Luffy need not to have same fighting style, same habits.

Luffy is Roger parallel, that much is confirmed through many occasions
Oda specified that Rayleigh seen Roger in Luffy when Luffy said all he wants to become free
Oda specified through Gandalf (the god from skypiea) that Luffy has the same aura as Roger
Oda specified through Doctor Kureha when she learnt about Luffy being D
Oda specified through Smoker in Loguetown when Luffy smiled at his execution
Shanks remembered Roger when he passed his hat to Luffy

Buggy has seen Shanks in Luffy
Luffy did the similar thing WB did in FI island

Now coming to point, it is an obvious "opinion" that Zoro is Rayleigh parallel and he acts like a vice captain.

like others said it is not confirmed that Zoro is VC, but it is more reasonable opinion from in and out of OP world than Sanji being VC or Sanji being parallel to Rayleigh
So Sanji and Rayleigh arent blondes
Arent perverts
Arent smart
Both have goatee and mustaches
Both have prophets with a dark theme

Nope... Rayleigh was free and had his ship
While Zoro was captured ...

"Sanji doesnt not parallel Rayleigh " big Lol
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Also Rayleigh has 2 eyes working

We dont even know if Zoro eye is still active or dead
Here's a question. How does luffy's crew surpass roger's if it takes luffy's 2nd and 3rd strongest to match roger's second strongest?


Here's a question. How does luffy's crew surpass roger's if it takes luffy's 2nd and 3rd strongest to match roger's second strongest?
Luffy need not to surpass Roger in strength and Zoro and Sanji neither has to surpass the 2nd and 3rd of Roger crew. They can be as strong as them and they have "allies" which Roger didn't have on his side.
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