Doesn’t matter what she meant, it’s cringe and shallow as fuck to base your identity and aspirations entirely on a single man, going so far as to announce to his actual biological family and loyal friends that you are that person. There is nothing more tasteless than that. Even Weevil, cringe as he is, doesn’t go as far as to say that he is Whitebeard or the living proof of his legacy or anything equally gross. So what if Laido of the 100 hostages doesn’t think Luffy can be Joy Boy? No one cares, not even Luffy. Luffy would never want to become Joy Boy because unlike Yamatrash, he knows who he really is - a boy inspired by Shanks, but who isn’t Shanks and doesn’t aspire to be.
Oda’s Oden wank is truly insufferable. From the lame Kiku ‘death’ to this retarded ‘shout ‘I am Oden from the rooftops’ penis envy that Yamatrash has going on, he needs to lay off and let people experience the characters as independent beings.
Luffy wants to be free. Is he gonna start saying ‘I am Shanks’ or ‘I am Roger’ now? Please for the love of all things good and holy, don’t. Just... don’t.