For the people saying Franky ~ Jinbei i think there's a lot of things to think about.
First off, both of them have been fighting their oponents for a long time, almost the same time. So this one isn't much of a factor.
Franky was being overwhelmed by Sasaki's subordinates, being held by them and was almost rammed to the ground if it wasn't for Usopp / Nami / Tama coming and helping him out to deal with his subordinates, Tama taking control of all of them.
Jinbei was fighting alone against all of the subordinates and Who's Who at the same time without interference from outside help.
Jinbei had 4 pages of one chapter and half of the other chapter to finish off Who's Who, and a lot of the panels was just Jinbei blocking Who's Who attacks and listening to his backstory.
Franky is gonna get like half of this chapter + a lot of chapters / panels he already got for his fight during the raid. So i think it's almost even, but Franky got more panels for his fight.
There's also the fact that Who's Who has the 4th Floor while Sasaki has the 3rd, it doesn't really define one is stronger than the other, but it shows a bit of hierarchy.
For now it's clear to me that Jinbei > Franky still. But we have to wait for the full summary / chapter panels to see if Sasaki goes on Hybrid Form and shows stuff as impressive as Who's Who Rokushiki + Haki on his attacks. AND we have to see if Franky is able to deal with Sasaki with as much ease as Jinbei did, then you guys can say Franky ~ Jinbei.
I'm not saying it's impossible, just saying that right now things still seem like Jinbei > Franky, we just need to wait for the actual fight of Franky and Sasaki on the summary / panels.