I know some people are disapointed that Franky didn't get a powerup, but honestly I don't think he needed one. We haven't seen Franky even slightly pushed since the tineskip. The general no diffed two DD executives 1v2, then base franky took on a parade of DD executives in dresrosa just to distract them and came out ready for another fight. He held himself back to an absurd extent against senior pink, only using punches. That fight would probably have been a one shot if Franky gave even 10% there. So far the general has barely been scratched, and here we saw it completely destroyed. All this was was Franky actually needing to use his last powerup for the first time. No reason to get a new one on top of that.
As far as Robin, she still hadn't shown everything she learned in the timeskip. She didn't have any fights before so we just never saw it. This wasn't really a powerup, kind of like gear 4th in dressrosa. We just saw her pushed for the first time just like Franky.
Powerups would have been cool, but I'm honestly happy just to see them finally pushed and having a proper showcase. Then next time they have 1v1s it will be time for a real powerup imo.