Kinda hoping that announcement of the Flying Six defeats will quell a lot of the frantic energy around here about whether or not there’s more in store for them…but I know WorstGen better than that, we still have stubborn donkeys out here saying Carrot has a chance of joining the crew
Also, the “raid will fail” crew took a heavy blow this chapter; there’s absolutely no way Oda’s gonna show Onigashima falling onto the Flower Capital and instantly killing everyone below, so whether you like it or not, whether it makes SENSE or not
, Kaido’s going down in a quarter of an hour, one way or another. If the unwritten dialogue didn’t confirm it, Raizo’s remarks to Fukurokuju (and shots of the actually dead [?] Kin/Kiku/Ashura) sure did.
Hawkins continuing to stand with the Beast Pirates is kinda strange, even though I know he’s just playing the numbers to try and come out on top. Apoo was allied with them before they crashed Kid’s party, but Hawkins has been given a chance to defect like Drake and just…didn’t. We’ve seen him run odds on Luffy before, but I guess he hasn’t been convinced that the kid’s gonna win. Maybe instead of his tarot cards, he oughta consult any shonen manga ever written and see if he likes THEM apples
Thank God for Neko, coming in to finish what the rabbit couldn’t!! If certain lowest common diznominators are to be believed, this is actually a good thing for Carrot’s nakama case…but according to reality, it probably isn’t!! :laughmoji:
Finally, that spread of Zoro and Sanji clowning King and Queen with the dialogue about Luffy becoming the front runner for Pirate King…me from 20 years ago is doing the splits from excitement. THIS is the kind of shit that’s made OP a masterpiece; I don’t need to see these two constantly snapping at each other, it’s way more impactful to see them unite over their common cause and kick some YC ass while doing so. It’s fun for the whole family, which in this case means all you random assholes on the forum