[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 12 - Genshin Impact

Is Flower always scum?

  • A) Yes

    Votes: 22 66.7%
  • B) Option A

    Votes: 11 33.3%

  • Total voters
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I just don’t like this post lol. Any of it. Why did you post this when I want to sleep lol. You’re going to keep me up all night.
Drago won’t stop tunneling me. Idk what else to do seriously. Like I wanna go to bed too. Just speaking from my point of view and it all makes sense. Like you guys don’t need to overthink this. That’s the problem rn. Too much overthinking. At worse you keep it into the back of your mind and we move on
Right but if you actual read all my post not once did I say xlaw needs lynched because he interacted with misty who I claim town. Which you can speculate as you would.

this is my point of an xlaw flip. Xlaw flipping town or mafia IMO doesn’t clear me or make me one or even safe. A misty one would though, but like I said I don’t know if misty claim is even real.

but like I said I’ll take the punch next day phase for a lynch on xlaw.
I agree with this. There is a world where if Xlaw flipped Town, Misty could flip Town still. However, if Misty flipped Wolf we'd come after you, which you agreed with.


How can I explain this hmmmm

her being lynch and flipping town makes me look good.
I do not have concrete proof she is town in anyway. Therefore her lynch isn’t horrible as I’ve stated so many times.

Her flipping scum makes me look bad sorta. But honestly that’s only if she is lying about her role. Because if she flips scum, I highly doubt she actual has healing ability and it’s a fake claim. Which also will help me out proving myself town.

this is my point about her lynch. It benefits me regardless.

with the info I know though, she is more likely town. But that’s only based on the info I know. If that info is crap, then it doesn’t connect.

so yea her lynch wouldn’t kill me, actually hep. But if she flips town like I’m sure she would, it would be detrimental role wise for us.

if that makes sense
So if you realize that her lynch benefits you regardless of her alignment, why were you using this wifom logic about how bad it'd be for you to defend her as her teammate?
Like yea let me fully defend misty like this. But don’t worry we both scum lmao. What am I playing.
Would like to point out how silly it sounds I’d go so far out of my way to defend misty and push xlaw for xlaw to flip town which would make myself scummy. My push on xlaw is unrelated to misty really other then other people D1 scum read on both.

like the logic doesn’t stand. Now if misty flips sc that’s a complete different thing. I’ll be baffled and then you can scum push me.
Xlaw flipping town? Ehh we can deal with that if we get there.
You say that it makes no sense you're defending her as a teammate here since it'd make you look scummy but you also say that her lynch does help you. I don't understand this. Cause like you shouldn't have anything to worry about if you are her teammate cause apparently, her scum flip does benefit you. This makes what I said about you defending her enough to steer us away but still leaving yourself a backdown to return to even more likely cause you can be comfortable doing it as her teammate since well, her flip does benefit you regardless, right?

Don't get me wrong, Nick, I'm not trying to tunnel you for the sake of forcing a scum read on you. This whole thing just looks suspicious to me.
Drago won’t stop tunneling me. Idk what else to do seriously. Like I wanna go to bed too. Just speaking from my point of view and it all makes sense. Like you guys don’t need to overthink this. That’s the problem rn. Too much overthinking. At worse you keep it into the back of your mind and we move on
You’re starting to worry me Nick. But I’m gonna sleep on it and see how I feel tomorrow lol.
no im scum reading misty because her reads and posts dont match her actions
1. she scum read me and fuji, but never bothered to push any of us
2. when fuji claimed she insta town belived him and told others to move from him, yet never actually pushed me (despite earlier saying ekko v fuji cannot be town v town)
3. calls me for fishing but then proceeds to fish fuji right after

and to make it worst she uses being rusty as an excuse for the bad gameplay..


i completely forgot about juliet,
@Destroya did u leave her case completely? ur soo tame today
1) Sooo, I pushed you
2) I said we shouldn't lynch fuji cause he claimed a power role, and if you read today, I believe Rejs jailor claim more than Fujis
3) I don't think asking for a claim is fishing. Trying to get hints of abilities and such is.
Would like to point out how silly it sounds I’d go so far out of my way to defend misty and push xlaw for xlaw to flip town which would make myself scummy. My push on xlaw is unrelated to misty really other then other people D1 scum read on both.

like the logic doesn’t stand. Now if misty flips sc that’s a complete different thing. I’ll be baffled and then you can scum push me.
Xlaw flipping town? Ehh we can deal with that if we get there.
Nick it bothers me that this conflicts with your more recent post. I don’t like inconsistencies.
Hmm, that's a point in his favor then. Shoots down my theory of them being buddies since I also think that Rayleigh was a newbie getting told what to do by his buddies. Unless I guess, they told him to bus Misty.
Yeah. If Nick is scum then I think the Misty thing is TMI at this point, but why the hell would Scum stick their neck out for a Town protect? That’s someone you’d want mislynched I’d think.
I agree with this. There is a world where if Xlaw flipped Town, Misty could flip Town still. However, if Misty flipped Wolf we'd come after you, which you agreed with.
Yea basically. I’m prepared for that though.

Nick’s predecessor sheeped Misty’s wagon. That’s something to consider in all this.
wait ray did? Didn’t even know he played lol
So if you realize that her lynch benefits you regardless of her alignment, why were you using this wifom logic about how bad it'd be for you to defend her as her teammate?

You say that it makes no sense you're defending her as a teammate here since it'd make you look scummy but you also say that her lynch does help you. I don't understand this. Cause like you shouldn't have anything to worry about if you are her teammate cause apparently, her scum flip does benefit you. This makes what I said about you defending her enough to steer us away but still leaving yourself a backdown to return to even more likely cause you can be comfortable doing it as her teammate since well, her flip does benefit you regardless, right?

Don't get me wrong, Nick, I'm not trying to tunnel you for the sake of forcing a scum read on you. This whole thing just looks suspicious to me.
let me
Give an example.

say we are in a game and we are both town and we both can confirm we are town but no one else knows it.
Now if you got lynched and flipped town, that would make me look very good and town read right?

so it benefits me when you get lynched right? But why would I want you lynched if I know you are town or confident you are town? That just makes us lose a town member.
So that’s the point I’m making. It’s just in this scenario I don’t know misty is 100% town so her flipping either alignment will still benefit based on the role reveal of hers.

it’s just i have townish evidence that makes me believe she isn’t scum. Which gives me the obvious reason to defend her enough to not have a lynch on someone I am confident is town based on info I have that’s been stated and such.

does that make sense? Like why I’d be okay with a misty lynch but I’m trying to lynch another and would rather not see her lynched?

I just feel like it’s not being understood that way. I’m trying to explain it easier here for y’all.
Hmm, that's a point in his favor then. Shoots down my theory of them being buddies since I also think that Rayleigh was a newbie getting told what to do by his buddies. Unless I guess, they told him to bus Misty.
I didn’t even know he town read misty. Either way I’d be dumb to switch at this point.
Nick it bothers me that this conflicts with your more recent post. I don’t like inconsistencies.
It’s really not inconsistent at all. It actually sticks to everything I’ve said on all of it. You guys keep pointing at certain stuff instead of reading the whole picture. That’s why it’s not being understood


Yea basically. I’m prepared for that though.

wait ray did? Didn’t even know he played lol

let me
Give an example.

say we are in a game and we are both town and we both can confirm we are town but no one else knows it.
Now if you got lynched and flipped town, that would make me look very good and town read right?

so it benefits me when you get lynched right? But why would I want you lynched if I know you are town or confident you are town? That just makes us lose a town member.
So that’s the point I’m making. It’s just in this scenario I don’t know misty is 100% town so her flipping either alignment will still benefit based on the role reveal of hers.

it’s just i have townish evidence that makes me believe she isn’t scum. Which gives me the obvious reason to defend her enough to not have a lynch on someone I am confident is town based on info I have that’s been stated and such.

does that make sense? Like why I’d be okay with a misty lynch but I’m trying to lynch another and would rather not see her lynched?

I just feel like it’s not being understood that way. I’m trying to explain it easier here for y’all.
I get what you're saying now but it sounds like you're claiming masons cause that's really the only way you two could know each other are town and either of your flips would benefit the other.
Yeah. If Nick is scum then I think the Misty thing is TMI at this point, but why the hell would Scum stick their neck out for a Town protect? That’s someone you’d want mislynched I’d think.
Obviously. Like you guys are pushing a long play at this post which makes we wonder if you guys are overthinking it as town, or ready to set the next possible mislynch.
I get what you're saying now but it sounds like you're claiming masons cause that's really the only way you two could know each other are town and either of your flips would benefit the other.
How many times have I told you I don’t know if she is town. Just based on what I know and saw today I have a townish look. Like you keep skipping the beat and making it sound like I have some mechanical ability I have or used to town misty which I have repeated I have not. I seriously can’t be more direct about my answers here
I get what you're saying now but it sounds like you're claiming masons cause that's really the only way you two could know each other are town and either of your flips would benefit the other.
Being masons doesn’t make sense, because he’s been unsure that Misty is 100% Town and also he said it isn’t mechanical and discovered it mid day today.

Also his predecessor wouldn’t vote their Mason buddy lol.

So that’s impossible.
freak it.

[vote lynch misty]

Soooo Ekko starts a lynch on me, tpein immediately follows like the good sheep he is, no reasons given.

He sunk a little further in my eyes.

Sooo he comes out suggesting Hayumi lynch (no reasons given, one can presume cause of Grammatons dead) then he sheeps the lynch attempt on Rej and now he goes after me. Thing is, this lad is scummy af. No contributions of any value, just easy laidback lazy play.
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