Is Sanji's Power Up Legitimate?

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Sanji character not about hard work or crazy determination. Sanji literally gave up on all blue because of Mermaids. Which is why his powerups are more science base and Luffy and Zoro. Its noting to be natural talented cause your daddy. Just accept it Sanji fanboys
Zoro literally gave up on his dream and said "Welp, I had a good run time to die" soon as Little Garden against Mr.3.

So much for all that crying about never losing again. He wanted to be nice and presentable for the incoming eternity of having passing birds shit on top of his petrified corpse
You are arguing something entirely different from what I'm talking about.

The point is, Zoro and Sanji's fights with the calamities have been portrayed similarly. Both struck the calamities and made them bleed in 1022. Both traded blows with the calamities in 1023 multiple times. Both are seemingly on the losing side of their fights currently these past 2 chapters (until they get stronger).

That's all in saying. It's massive bias to sit here and say Queen has the upper hand on Sanji any more than King does to Zoro. It's been equal portrayal thus far, and im saying to wait until the summary and pics release before making more judgements on it.
Sanji has snuck Queen 4 times. King is stated to be above Queen. Cao Zoro didn't get 4 sneak attacks on King.
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