why he had to mention it being like a beam while looking like he has trouble to keep up with a beam like attack while in the other hand you have a pre awakening sanji smiling in front of A BARRAGE OF BEAMS
I mean you're ignoring that Zoro has blitzed characters > Queen, and just basing your entire arguments off of "GO INVISIBLE!"
So I started doing same lol.
It's not that big of a deal. Ultimately, Zoro is capable of blitzing characters- just being he's not going invisibility mode by running in circles doesn't mean he ain't fast as shit.
I never belittled Zoro's speed or anything like that.
I just say that it doesn't put your speed on the same level as Sanji.
Earlier I used the example of Zoro blitz Kaidoh.
Luffy base did the same thing against Kaidou Hybrid and he's not faster than or equal to Sanji in speed.
You see, Sanji's speed is constantly emphasized in the work, more than that of other Mugiwaras, doesn't that mean anything?
Looking invisible to someone with confirmed CoO is an insane feat, the opponent needs a very high reaction time to be able to defend the surprise blow someone isn't seeing.
I think inclusive Zoro's reaction speed can seriously be higher than Sanji's, using as a basis chapter 1035 where Zoro manages to react to King's Dash.
Kizaru, Sanji, Kaidou, King are all characters that had their movement strongly emphasized by the work, That means something, don't you agree?
In the SBS One Piece column volume 85, a reader asked, "Who is the fastest Straw Hat crew in a 50-meter race?" Oda answered by giving the reader an order from fastest to slowest.
This goes to show just how impressive sanjis speed is. Let's first take a look at Chopper dodging a laser attack from queen in 1014. Chopper in his best form and the 4th fastest sh just dodged a beam from queen barely.
Comparing this to zoro literally being drawn to have awkwardly avoided being hit by queens laser here
This all canonically makes sense if choppers faster than zoro. And according to an sbs he is. Now I normally wouldn't place choppers speed above zoros either but we can't ignore the portrayal and direct words from the author. Zoro is allowed to be surpassed in some aspects by other strawhats besides luffy.
Compare all this to sanji dodging a barrage of beams with a smile on his face
Didn't Oda say that Brook is the fastest member of the crew because he has no flesh on him.. And Less meat=less weight.. Or something like that..
It's more of gag..
I wouldn't take his list so seriously..
This "Zoro blitzes his opponents" argument is completely bullshit, its just Oda's style do draw sword attacks like that to be aesthetically pleasing (a lot of mangas do the same) and it has nothing to do with speed.
This "Zoro blitzes his opponents" argument is completely bullshit, its just Oda's style do draw sword attacks like that to be aesthetically pleasing (a lot of mangas do the same) and it has nothing to do with speed.
Now Zoro immediately appearing behind his opponent while they're unable to react, defend, and just stand there slashed with "!!!!?" expression... is not a blitz speed, because he's using sword?
This thread is just another pathetic attempt to downplay Zoro's speed and overrate Sanji's speed.
You left off the part where Oda stated Zoro got lost in the race and would place higher if he didn't get lost. That alone proves Zoro is faster.
That is a race not combat speed, there is a difference. Brooks couldn't even handle zombie Ryuma's speed when he was holding back. While Zoro had no problem dealing with Ryuma's full speed.
Zoro didn't struggle against the lasers. That's your BS headcannon to try to downplay Zoro's speed. Zoro only commented on King's beak attack not Queen lasers. It's funny because on that same page Zoro reacts faster than Sanji to King's attack. Zoro is blocking by the time Sanji notice it. How convenient of you to leave that out.
You could try to downplay Zoro's speed as much as you want but in the end Zoro has handled and blitz faster characters than ones Sanji has faced.
Lanjino has no combat speed, he's literally slower than Queen and his movement speed is not even top 5 in the Strawhats, Luffy, Zoro, Brook, Yamato and Robin teleporting are all faster.
why he had to mention it being like a beam while looking like he has trouble to keep up with a beam like attack while in the other hand you have a pre awakening sanji smiling in front of A BARRAGE OF BEAMS
He said King’s imperial Udon can't be blocked because its beam-like nature, not that he can't keep up with it. He literally dodged it at point-blank range while Emma was messing with him. Unless you are claiming that its faster for Zoro to move its whole body to dodge than to move just his swords to block....
2- Sanji's speed is confused with invisibility in chapter 1031.
And yet, why is your point relevant here?
It is quite illogical to present the exhaustion argument in a topic where the focus is on discussing the speed of the characters. Should we consider your speed agreed?
3- Again, the Queen being slow has NO relation to your perception, it makes no sense for you to place that Queen is slow when my argument is TOTALLY disjointed with it.
It's all too easy to downplay the perception of someone who has confirmed CoO to lessen Sanji's achievement.
But I will delve into your argument.
Do you know who Queen noticed moving? Marco
Big mom
Do you know who he couldn't see move? Sanji
If he distorts seeing all of the characters above and can't see Sanji, isn't it more coherent to assume that it's because Sanji outruns them in speed?
I don't know what counter-argument you will use, but don't ignore my points, let's try not to be biased in the analyses.
But I will ask a question.
Why is Zoro's speed not emphasized over Sanji's speed?
It's not emphasized because zoro naturally fights opponents faster than sanjis opponents. That's the point. If you feel differently provide the example of the opponent sanji has faced that was faster than zoros opponent.
Again that was cute. The exact distortion you are talking about was emphasized pretimeskip with cp9 using soru. The description of it is is moving and blinding speeds. So your point even on this doesn't hold weight
Perception In the one piece verse directly correlates to a person's reaction speed. There is zero example showing otherwise.
" zoro keeping pace with ryuma when brook couldnt"
"Zoro keeping up and blitzing a Fishman underwater to where Fishman stated that he moved FASTER than a fishman underwater"
"Luffy for 11hours reacting in base against an opponent who has future sight"
"Zoro keeping up with kings speed even when king further increased it: some thing king did not do when fighting marco"
Queen noticed Olin fighting which was bigmom that was nerfed mentally and as a result did not use full speed or full strength (she didn't use haki or devil fruit).
Queen perceived Marco's speed? When? He got blitzed and after wards was only able to respond because marco was busy trying to injure king with us being shown that king is fine whole marco is tired.
It is easy to downplay the perception of someone especially when that same someone was never known to be fast or known to be perceive fast attacks hence why monster chopper was ourspeeding queen
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Let's go over the list
Zoro fights ryuma (with brooks shadow)
Sanji fights the invisible pussy that's slower than ryuma
Zoro fights Kumar
Sanji fights air
Zoro fights m1
Sanji fights m1 who lacks fast ranged attacks etc
Zoro fight kaku who can extend his limbs further increasing speed along with his long ranged weapons
Sanji fights jyubra who can't extend his limbs and who lacks reach
Zoro fights fuji who controls gravity and hinders his speed yet he still over powers an attack
Sanji outspeed by doffy
Zoro fights king whom further feels the need to increase his own speed (which he didn't not feel the need to do against raid suit sanji)
Sanji fights queen who monster point chopper dodged while also fighting perospero.
Kaido in based blitzed FS gear 4th luffy with thunder bagua. The same luffy had to level up and use FS while in base and was still only able to barely dodge base kaidos thunder bagua.
Zoro while using ashura blitzes that very same kaido in hybrid form to the point that kaido couldnt even intercept zoros attack with his club even though we see on panel that he was trying too.
Sanji blitzes queen kaidos 2nd commander who Is slow with even queen telling sanji that he cannot maintain that super speed hus fans praise
Do I need to go on?
Yet people wonder why sanjis speed looks so amazing at times. Because he does not fight people as fast zoros opponents
Lmao higher than who? Chopper? Cause he's not faster than luffy. Instead of 5th place he gets 4th. With chopper being super close in speed.
We also know choppers more mobile than zoro.
It wasn't ryumas speed it was ryumas strength that was better. Let's not cap here.
Lmao still said its like a laser beam and is kings fastest attack.
Direct comparison in the manga>>>your headcanon derived narrative
Sanji the one struggling with his body atm? The same sanji who literally started his mind fuckery battle at that very moment? Literally being distracted? Nice of you to leave that out 😂😂😂😂
Can you show me sanji at any time before or after that being slow to react when he's not struggling with his inner self? Cause he was raw dogging
Sorry I broke your headcanon but don't present garbage tier arguments trying to discredit me and downplay sanji and chopper just cause you don't like it.
You're acting like I said chopper>zoro and that's not what I said. Present facts or shut up. I pulled up panels and words from the author
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According to the author. But that doesn't mean brook can maintain or even have the stamina for multiple high speed attacks.
1. He doesn't say higher than who except Chopper. He cpuld be higher than others, but we don't know, but he would place higher. The fact you left that part out shows your bias.
2. How is Chopper more mobile than Zoro when you just tried to use the Sbs to claim otherwise. Are you slow?
3. Zoro dodged Queens attack and Kings. What are you arguing. The only time Zoro didn't dodge is when Enma distracted him
This "Zoro blitzes his opponents" argument is completely bullshit, its just Oda's style do draw sword attacks like that to be aesthetically pleasing (a lot of mangas do the same) and it has nothing to do with speed.
Now Zoro immediately appearing behind his opponent while they're unable to react, defend, and just stand there slashed with "!!!!?" expression... is not a blitz speed, because he's using sword?
Using a sword doesn't prevent his opponent from showing reaction or at least realising anything before getting blitzed prior to even noticing so. Zoro has cut plenty people who reacted in fear or anything before they get fucked. And even then, it's just a proof that they were unable to move in time to dodge- while other times he's so fast they don't even notice him coming (like Lion's Song vs King)
Oda even emphasized on Lion's Song speed and how much it's a blitz move in its DB and poll entry.
Imagine having so shit arguments that you try to invalidate Zoro's attack and blitz speed just because he uses a sword lmao.
Using a sword doesn't prevent his opponent from showing reaction or at least realising anything before getting blitzed prior to even noticing so. Zoro has cut plenty people who reacted in fear or anything before they get fucked. And even then, it's just a proof that they were unable to move in time to dodge- while other times he's so fast they don't even notice him coming (like Lion's Song vs King)
Oda even emphasized on Lion's Song speed and how much it's a blitz move in its DB and poll entry.
Imagine having so shit arguments that you try to invalidate Zoro's attack and blitz speed just because he uses a sword lmao.
Zoro using Lion's Song is definitely faster than what flamed King could react to, and it's an objective, on-screen fact that King got blitzed by him and only noticed it after he got blitzed.
I mean, ACoC didn't change Zoro's attack and combat speed and he downright clowned King when he tried to blitz in speed mode lol
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