Who will be the next Strawhat

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Unlikely. Carrot is one Mink with a green cape. Meaning that she is the only musketeer with "a guardian hearth", that should mean that she was the only musketeer trained by a guardian.

You are right, genius my be a stretch but it's a logical appreciation when ther VIvre card says that "The mastery of Sulong to such a young age is unusual"

Tho I didn't said that Sulong was multiplying her base ability.

Yes she was. by being put against Zoro first. Oda narratively made a point about her strenght. Plus, remember what the light of the moon is. It's just the sun reflection on the moon. There might be more to the Sulong transformation that just that.

Why not ? Being able to use Sulong at the age of 15 is also unlikely. So having Haki for Carrot wouldn't be a stretch.

Because Carrot's Sulong design might be directly inspired by Goku's Saiyan 3 form. The Sulong being also inspired by the Ozaru transformation, giving Carrot a form of Kamehameha would be more that fitting. (and mega cool lol)

Also remember, we are talking here of the case if Carrot was a future strawhat. In that matter, she is bound to surpass the capacities of Inu and Neko in term of originality.

Also this would not be such a stretch as Carrot's Electrical Luna begin also like a Kamehameha at first

I wouldn't say poorly but I agree yeah
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Lmao I don't even know why I reply to you, it's completely useless, you are unable to understand

Feel like in your case, you will have to experience the reality of the writings of Oda.

So sad..
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Narratively carrot is logical, and she has done more in whole cake that Brook in his own arc of recrutment. So there is no reason to feel that Carrot joining is unearned. Now.. being absent from an arc doesn't negate what has been written. The narration doesn't forget.

And we are not talking here about a real recrutment, just a joining by stowaway. Carrot's moment will come after that.
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They have no idea:hihihi:
The only sad thing is Reiju not being in the crew.
Carrot, not so much.
The only sad thing is Reiju not being in the crew.
Carrot, not so much.
Well, we don't have the same priorities lol

Yamato will join

Uhhh...Carrot is the only musketeer who uses guardian gloves. Pedro is/was the only guardian who uses/used a sword.

Carrot had no talent in swordsmanship so Pedro taught her how to use the gloves.
Yes, yes I agree, what is your point ?
Usopp is just better at that shown in canon. You can make walls of text all you want Oda already proved you wrong.
Here we go again.

No Usopp is not better at this job for multiple reasons:

1. Usopp is already a sniper on the crew, not a look out.

2. A post is only "brilliant" in a SPECIFIC situation (specifically in the different Shining Nakama actions): Tornadoes for Nami/Tsunami for Jinbe etc. , Let me remind you that almost anyone can do almost EVERY job on the Sunny (nami can be a cook, Brook can be helmman, Usopp can be Look-out/ Jinbe can be a first mate etc.. what Usopp did is just that. Which means that the fact that a character like Usopp can be a look out doesn't negate the fact that in the very specific sitaution when the sentry position is needed the most, Usopp can't do s**t. Only carrot has the advantage in this situation, not even Sanji can do it.

3. Usopp has an observation Haki. He can only see souls, not ships. bad luck.. a look out needs to see ships not soul. Secondely, and because of the curvature of the earth, the higher a look out goes, the farsest they can see. That's why Carrot will ALWAYS have the advantage on the look out post over all the characters on the Sunne. She has theability to jump fast and extremmely high while being able to float on her position.

Oda Proved us taht Carrot was the best look out . This is not up for debate.

I have the endurence of Luffy on this forum. If I have to cribble this thread with well of text until the very moment Carrot is stowawaying.. I'll do it.
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Making walls of texts doesn't make what you say any more meritable.
Being concise, I.E. less wording to prove your point would do wonders. But if you are incapable, it must show that the evidence is lacking.
Yeah.. if you don't read them.. no wonder you can't make relevant argumentation lol

Trust me, i'm very concise in my argumentation, I could do much more..
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I love how someone who needs binoculars just like the average person is a better look out than people with observation haki and the ability to see the future.
You don't need to see soul to be a good look out, you needs to see ships. Having observation Haki is meaningless.
Here we go again.

No Usopp is not better at this job for multiple reasons:

1. Usopp is already a sniper on the crew, not a look out.

2. A post is only "brilliant" in a SPECIFIC situation (specifically in the different Shining Nakama actions): Tornadoes for Nami/Tsunami for Jinbe etc. , Let me remind you that almost anyone can do almost EVERY job on the Sunny (nami can be a cook, Brook can be helmman, Usopp can be Look-out/ Jinbe can be a first mate etc.. what Usopp did is just that. Which means that the fact that a character like Usopp can be a look out doesn't negate the fact that in the very specific sitaution when the sentry position is needed the most, Usopp can't do s**t. Only carrot has the advantage in this situation, not even Sanji can do it.

3. Usopp has an observation Haki. He can only see souls, not ships. bad luck.. a look out needs to see ships not soul. Secondely, and because of the curvature of the earth, the higher a look out goes, the farsest they can see. That's why Carrot will ALWAYS have the advantage on the look out post over all the characters on the Sunne. She has theability to jump fast and extremmely high while being able to float on her position.

Oda Proved us taht Carrot was the best look out . This is not up for debate.

I have the endurence of Luffy on this forum. If I have to cribble this thread with well of text until the very moment Carrot is stowawaying.. I'll do it.
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Yeah.. if you don't read them.. no wonder you can't make relevant argumentation lol

Trust me, i'm very concise in my argumentation, I could do much more..
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You don't need to see soul to be a good look out, you needs to see ships. Having observation Haki is meaningless.
Usopp and carrot were on the ship together both looking out. Guess who saw the enemy first
Here we go again.

No Usopp is not better at this job for multiple reasons:

1. Usopp is already a sniper on the crew, not a look out.

2. A post is only "brilliant" in a SPECIFIC situation (specifically in the different Shining Nakama actions): Tornadoes for Nami/Tsunami for Jinbe etc. , Let me remind you that almost anyone can do almost EVERY job on the Sunny (nami can be a cook, Brook can be helmman, Usopp can be Look-out/ Jinbe can be a first mate etc.. what Usopp did is just that. Which means that the fact that a character like Usopp can be a look out doesn't negate the fact that in the very specific sitaution when the sentry position is needed the most, Usopp can't do s**t. Only carrot has the advantage in this situation, not even Sanji can do it.

3. Usopp has an observation Haki. He can only see souls, not ships. bad luck.. a look out needs to see ships not soul. Secondely, and because of the curvature of the earth, the higher a look out goes, the farsest they can see. That's why Carrot will ALWAYS have the advantage on the look out post over all the characters on the Sunne. She has theability to jump fast and extremmely high while being able to float on her position.

Oda Proved us taht Carrot was the best look out . This is not up for debate.

I have the endurence of Luffy on this forum. If I have to cribble this thread with well of text until the very moment Carrot is stowawaying.. I'll do it.
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Yeah.. if you don't read them.. no wonder you can't make relevant argumentation lol

Trust me, i'm very concise in my argumentation, I could do much more..
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You don't need to see soul to be a good look out, you needs to see ships. Having observation Haki is meaningless.
Wrong. I don't need to read your shitty walls of text because I understand OP much more than you.
You are like a conspiracy theorist who can only focus on one thing, completely missing the bigger picture. But even then that's giving you way to much credit. You are like someone who believes 2+2 = 5, meanwhile everybody else is telling you that your wrong and that 2+2=4. But you think that these people just don't get it and they haven't analyzed as much as you have.
That is you. We laugh at those people.
Usopp and carrot were on the ship together both looking out. Guess who saw the enemy first
So are you saying that as a strawhat, Carrot should have done her job ? :myman:
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That Carrot isn't special. Pedro was the literal opposite of her and also had a green cap.
Carrot IS by essence special. it's litterally shown by her design.. you must be on high dosage on deny pills xD

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Bro stop.

This is some amino apps level.

What the fuck is a lookout. Did WB or Kaido or BM had those? Lmao.

Carrot fans are crazy.
Oda literally said all the SHs do the lookout post in shifts and that there are always 2 people up doing it at once to watch the front and back of the ship. So even if Carrot becomes the lookout, she's still ain't doing it alone so what's the point?
Wrong. I don't need to read your shitty walls of text because I understand OP much more than you.

You are like a conspiracy theorist who can only focus on one thing, completely missing the bigger picture. But even then that's giving you way to much credit. You are like someone who believes 2+2 = 5, meanwhile everybody else is telling you that your wrong and that 2+2=4. But you think that these people just don't get it and they haven't analyzed as much as you have.
That is you. We laugh at those people.
Dude.. I'm litterally having the role of the sceptic here. I use rationnal reasonning to deconstruct the real bias theory being "Yamato will join the strawhat" I think you should rethink a bit your reasonning here xD

YOU (and most people here) are missing the bigger picture, most of you are unable to take the story into account and see that Oda is actually telling a story since 2015.

Don't defy me on storytelling bro.. you will only get burned

I’m saying that if Carrot was going to be the lookout Oda would’ve had her look impressive at it
He did : chapter 888

And to really understand why I say that :

Go read this article (on my blog)

Formerly Seth

Oda literally said all the SHs do the lookout post in shifts and that there are always 2 people up doing it at once to watch the front and back of the ship. So even if Carrot becomes the lookout, she's still ain't doing it alone so what's the point?
Dunno. This man should find a new hobby.

Never seen someone this detached from reality. A lot of us spend hours here discussing/shitposting sure. But never saw a guy so stubborn and detached from the writing who would prepare fucking walls of text about why he likes Carrot.

Let alone joining SHs, doesn't make fucking sense. She has nothing to do with SHs no connections, any emotional background, Luffy doesn't give a fuck about her existence.

yamato momo tama kinemon have such stronger cases.
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