Who will be the next Strawhat

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Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
But.. seems like even manga panels proofs are not enough for the likes of you.
You keep posting the same panel, one that’s little more than canonical fanservice for you alone and truly has no bearing on, like, fucking anything…you even removed the dialogue because it’s completely irrelevant, meaning you think a picture supersedes text in a story with more than a thousand chapters. The worst part is that we all know it’s because you have nothing else to go on in the manga, especially when you cruise right by all the chapters dedicated to Yamato over the last year and a half. Christ, at least dizzy had the good sense to use a variety of panels with actual dialogue to build an otherwise fundamentally flawed case, you can’t even do that much :lawsigh:
You keep posting the same panel, one that’s little more than canonical fanservice for you alone and truly has no bearing on, like, fucking anything…you even removed the dialogue because it’s completely irrelevant, meaning you think a picture supersedes text in a story with more than a thousand chapters. The worst part is that we all know it’s because you have nothing else to go on in the manga, especially when you cruise right by all the chapters dedicated to Yamato over the last year and a half. Christ, even dizzy had the good sense to at least use a variety of panels with actual dialogue to build an otherwise fundamentally flawed case, you can’t even do that much :lawsigh:
Lol no, It's just a google image. if you prefer, there is this one (which is a actual official art celebrating the reunion of the strawhats !

But I'm sure you will find some excuse to dissmiss such a proof again.

One panel.. only ONE is enough


Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Lol no, It's just a google image. if you prefer, there is this one (which is a actual official art celebrating the reunion of the strawhats !

But I'm sure you will find some excuse to dissmiss such a proof again.

One panel.. only ONE is enough

But Carrot isn't even mentioned in that image
The image was also a cropping mistake, with the official and fixed version having Wanda in it.
No, you didn't understand. What goes against her characterization would be a return to zou without enough evidence of a change of mind. And I say thisbecause of this:

(copy paste of the article"development inertia" of my blog

We need an allegorie
What I'll say here is my own take on a storytelling theory, but bear with me, I'm sure you will understand.
As a writer, one of the many ways to picture a character in a story is to put it through allegories, so here is one of them:

Imagine a Spaceship, we will call it Odyssey. Odyssey is the representation of your Character. For our example, Odyssey is a girl who can't trust anyone, making her quite encline to hurt the one she loves and reject everyone. You could say that Odyssey is like a broken spaceship.. a spaceship that just left a planet A and keeps on accelerating toward a planet B.

In our story, if Odyssey doesn't change, she will face a life of misery which is represented simply in our allegory by a Crash on planet B.

Avoid the crash
Your goal as a writer is simple. In this allegorie, it is to avoid a crash and land your Odyssey safely on planet B and in our story, it is to make your character change.

Now, this is where the allegory is important: In space, when you throw something, it doesn't stop, it continues to move by shear inertia.. unless an equal opposite force is applied. So in our allegory, Odyssey needs to encounter an opposite force along the way or at least find a way to creates more fuel and opposite force, not to crash.

The same happens in our story and in real life. We are human, and like spaceships, us and our characters have "inertia": We can't change the direction of our mindsets in the blink of an eye.

So like the spaceship, Odyssey as a character will have to pass through steps, encounters opposite forces along the way, obstacles, meet peoples who will change her, and finally make multiple choices that will put her on a different pass.

Change takes time
This is why development inertia is important when we analyse a story. To understand or predict a character's future.. It's important to analyse the Inertia of the characters in their own character arc.

For exemple, you can't expect Usopp to be a brave Warrior in every situation in the next chapter.. when all the clues are pointing toward the opposite. To evolve, Usopp needs to be put under high pressure repeatedly and even then, he evolves VERY slowly.

Another exemple: Robin. Wouldn' it be odd for her character to suddenly start cheerring like Luffy or Chopper? That because we would need a transition between those two states. For that, Oda would need to give us clues of potential change. By the way, Robin, already passed through such a change, it was just very subtle.

So how does it work for Odyssey in the story ? .. Well first she will encounter some fellow who accept her, but her "inertia" will make her first reject this person or at least doubt them. Then, with time passing this person might grow on Odyssey and she may even get attach to them.. but of course she is still in her inertia.. Here might come a choice, a choice for her to choose between two evil: ask for help from that person risking to put them in danger or face another bad situation alone.. And here is the pivot moment.. this is the moment where we know if Odyssey has what it needs to slow down completely and not crash.. This is the moment where the character makes a step toward change: Odyssey will call for help!

Remember, humans are like spaceships, they have inertia, they don't change overnight. In a story, you will always need to look toward that inertia:

- Is the character ready to change ?
- Does the character needs another push ?

Understand the development inertia of the characters in a story and you will be able to find out if they are ready to change or not.

THIS.. is why Carrot return to Zou would be in contradiction with her characterization. Carrot was characterized as wanting more and more wonder and appreciating them more and more. I make this metaphor often: A change of mind for Carrot here would be the same as seeing a kid with the choice of going in a roller coaster, wanting to turn back and go home for no reasons. This just wouldn't make any sence.

Carrot turning back to Zou without hints, would litterally be an characterization ERROR from Oda's part. (and I would stand by it)

Well.. with all respect.. the official translation is not really trustworthy either. So I might be able to agree with you here, but we would need a actual japanese translation.

but wait.. I did verify it and:

It's not that different in fact. Perospero is still talking about potential victory and luck.So the point still stand.

An arc revolving around reponsibility would implied the presence of other person. Carrot is alone in her arc. it's not about someone else but her own vision of the sea and life in general.

A recklessness on the other hand.. might be a good option for an potential grow up yes I agree.

Oh don't get me wrong.. if I say that Carrot must prove Perospero wrong.. Perospero is completely right there !

i do agree with you here. Carrot really thought she could just have a nice pic nic.. The thing is.. even if that's true, now Carrot must show that this is not how she will apprehend life from now on.

On the contrary, this potential arc of character doesn't negate the fact that carrot must stowaway again, but this time this will not be for the same reason. Yes Carrot will stowaway again because of the wonder of the sea, but I expect Carrto to have change her mind about the reason why she do that BEFORE she stowaway.

And even more so.. Oda's cahracter are known to be a little bit more human than humans.. meaning that they sometimes make the same mistakes twice (sanji was a good exemple of that). That why, even if Carrot doesn't change her mind, she is bound to stowaway again. and in that case, she would be reminded of her mistakes post Wano. (i expect also Carrot to do something bad in Elbaf.. like going over alimit or something)

No, getting on sea (at this point of the characterization of Yamato) would only go in the side of Yamato's train of thoughts. it would only confirms her own belief and not challenge them.. And that what we don't want when we create a cahracter are ! Belief must be challenged, and even if Yamato still ends up on the sea with the strawhats, it won't be AT ALL in the same state of mind and same intention. Again I repeat: in a good cahracter arc, the character must be challenged to a point when his intention are changed. The result can be the same, but not the train of thoughts.

The reason I always say that yamato is bound to be on Wano, is because of that 180° change that will most likely happen (andalso because every chapter are depicting Yamato as a protector and not a strawhat)

Remember Onigashima is the place were yamato was imprisonned, not Wano. Wano is like a new world for her, she didn't get there since she was little. in a way, she was forbidden to go there.

You are the only one here I can't really call a bias personn, you actually understand the argument, even if you debate them

I explained that just ealier to @JoSeungHun7335

Here is the text:

Backstories are storytelling tools. Like foreshadowing, like Subversion dialogues, like Milking, Like dialogues etc.. It means that when you analyse a story, the important part is not the backstory in itself but HOW this tool was or is used to tell a story.

In One Piece bacstories are used (with the strawhats) to give us three major elements:

1- The character that is the core moral pillar of the strawhat (Hillulukà
2- The need of the strawhat (what the character will have to overcome in the present storyline), with Chopper, it was the need to trust the humans and therefore being able to overcome his own bad self confidence.
3- The purpose of the strawhat and the reason behind this purpose (for Chopper the reason he is so fierce with his dream his because of the teachings of Hilluluk

But like I said, backstory are just a tool. Odamostly used backstories because it's the most easiest pass to give us those elements. It's efficiant, it's fast, in other word, it's the best tool to give us those three things.


It doesn't meant that backstories are the ONLY tools and way to give us those three elements. in fact, there are a lot of way to do that.

For carrot, Oda couldn't really use the backstory (Carrot being mostly happy before Zo and her arc being centered around the discovery of the sea..) so Oda used others technics.. two strong introductions, a steady construction, a swift characterization, a tragedy, a defeat etc..

By doing that, oda managed to give us:

1- The moral pillar :Pedro
2- The HINTS of a need :The need to understand the danger of the sees
3 - The HINTS of a purpose: Fighting for the minks, Pedro and a wish to see the world.

Now as you can see with Carrot here (but also with Yamato, because it's pretty much the same case) we don't have everything fully yet. We have HINTS of the needs and purpose, but those could change (unlikely), it's because the characterization of Carrot (and Yamato) is still ungoing. We need the very last part, (that happens inpretty much all the flashbacks) : the determination promise. This is the moment when the character promise something to themself (For Chopper, it's when he move the flag at the end of th FB)

But.. again... it's not something that needs to be placed in the flashback. For Carrot (and for Yamato, because she will have to do the same) it will most likely happen at the very end of Wano.

So here is why a backstory is not needed.. I don't need panels to do that, just the storytellings rules and the storytelling principles of One Piece. Of course I could give you examples of everything for each characters, but it would take hours... so yeah.. this is the next best thing. In short, the reason why all the strawhat has it, it's because it was "easy" for them and not so much for Carrot.. because that story is different.

Concerning the "where is Luffy defeating the main villain, check the conclusion I made a twist. ;)

The reason I put it in the conclusion and not in the big ten. (is first because I like round numbers) is because this point is very debatable. Like I explain to someone this week, the antagonist are not always delt with by Luffy. Plus, Luffy is not always "saving the character" most of the time, the cahracter are saving themself, Luffy is just helping them.

But I put it here anyway.. 'cause you know.. I wanted to be as fair as possible.. and seeing the gap between yamato and Carrot, I wished not to give Yamato fan a reason to bully me lol

The cahracter centric arc is litterally the section called "a strong cahracter arc" I explained in detail previously why yamato had only 2 point here. (- it's the sixth PIllar), and the "outcast" point is part of the symbolic reach of the character as being an outcast is more relevant in that section. (And both Yamato and Carrot have the point here ;) )
Not every story prestents change the same way. Sure, change can happen gradually, but it can also happen in an instant because of an especially traumatoc event or a significant loss. This was the case with almost every strawhat after losing a loved one. Watching Pedro die is perfectly valid as a reason for a fast change, especially when pushed forward by peros beating and taunting her.

"What a shame it is for you moonlight warriors that your potentiel victory should require the luck of the weather above"

This is clearly not implying he was in danger if the clouds didn't come. He's taunting them. Compare this to when he said the line your thinking of to Neko if you want to see the difference.

Now after saying change happens slowly, it seems you're implying that Carrot will have a changed mindset when she stows away again. But this part is the change that takes time. Let me explain the usual process of positive change.

Step 1. A person has bad behavior or habits and is either unwilling to change, or does not realize what they're doing is wrong. Usually they try to justify it to themselves or others.

Step 2. Something happens that causes them to realize their faults. This is usually depicted in fiction through the character hitting rock bottom. It can be through a series of bad events, or one especially bad one. In shonen, this almost always involves being defeated by a villain.

Step 3. The character makes efforts to change. This is the part that takes time. Once you realize you need to grow in some way, it doesn't just happen. It's not so easy to just change your mindset.

In Carrot's case, she is in step 3. This is not an instant change. Considering that her problem is recklessness and needing restraint, sneaking onto a ship to fight yonkos is the opposite of growth. She needs to go through the process of positive change first. This can be done by being mentored back on Zou by people who know what they're doing.

As for the next part, Carrot has already hit rock bottom. Failing to this extent again without changing will only make people dislike her and call her useless. She does not need to fail again to change, it would be redundant.

As far as Yamato, I completely disagree that every character arc has to result in a change of mindset. Yamato's character arc isn't about realizing she was wrong and changing. It's about relentlessly standing up against the oppression that's keeping her from her dream until she's finally free. Since she was a small child, she's been abused and tortured, locked up and told she could never leave. But she kept on fighting for 20 years. Even though the one keeping her chained is the strongest creature in the world, she's fighting for her beliefs alongside Luffy. It's not about wanting to sail away or not, it's about being able to. If Oda wanted her to change her mind, he could have shown her be reluctant to leave Momo's side, or at least not declare her intention to leave again after meeting Momo.

Let me ask you this. What impact will this supposed change in Yamato's mindset have on her or the story? She would be giving up on her childhood dream. For what? Nothing in her character arc would benefit from giving up on the dream she's fought for for so long. If it's only because Wano needs her, then she should have been portrayed as not wanting to help the people of Wano. It could have been an internal conflict relating to being an oni, and Kaido's words that she can't get along with humans. Or she could have been bitter towards the people of Wano for some reason, maybe because they never saved her, because they're weak for not standing up to the beast pirates. Maybe she was just indifferent and didn't care about their suffering, just wanting to get away. Then this change would be significant. But she wants to help them. That's why, as she said, her heart was chained. She couldn't leave them without freeing them first. Additionally, Oda could have done plenty of other things to make Wano stronger without needing Yamato. Why make a new character and give them more panel time than most of the main characters, all for a character arc that simply ends in a slight change in priorities. That does not require 90% of what Yamato has done in onigashima. It does not require a connection with Ace or Kaido either.

Well thank you for not calling me biased, but I think you should acknowledge that you're calling other people biased for the same arguments I'm making.

Backstories are not only for the purposes you mentioned. If that was the case, then why do we have backstories for the likes of Oden and Kyros?

Backstories do a lot of things. What came before is valuable for it's own sake. Showing what a character was like before meeting Luffy, what their relationship with their family and friends was like, how they spent their time. These all go towards fleshing a character out in ways we don't get in the present story. Backstories are a good way to justify giving that content. We couldn't just have a chapter showing their everyday life, so we have a story about something important that happened to them and we see this content in the setup and in between important scenes. That's just one example. There's a reason why every strawhat had one without fail. To dismiss that is to dismiss Oda's writing. Surely we don't need to move away from the current story and take a break for a flashback if the same thing can be put into the current story.

The antagonist point is not debateable in the slightest. I completely disagree that the antagonists weren't the strawhats main villains, but we can frame it in a different way if you want. Every strawhat has been deeply connected to the main antagonist of the arc where they joined. This is 100% fact that cannot be denied. There's no reason for Carrot to be the exception. If she joins, she will have to be deeply connected to an arc villain in the future, which is a huge if. I would argue that this point is more important than most of your big ten.

Fair enough, I missed that part. But Carrot is in no way an outcast. What's your justification for her not getting 0 points here?
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But Carrot isn't even mentioned in that image
The image was also a cropping mistake, with the official and fixed version having Wanda in it.
An official choice ? "a cropping mistake" you know that wanda is cropped too is the volumes right ?

There is no mistakes in that panel, even with Wanda in. Any good artist will tell you that:





Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
I know with my whole heart that C4N thinks of himself as the lone shining vanguard against a dark wave of Yamato stans, and that he believes he’ll be on the right side of history despite an embarrassing amount of evidence that indicates he’ll have to settle for a compromise (assuming the rabbit does tag along once Yamato joins) *at best*…what I don’t know, and what I’ll never understand even with an explanation, is WHY :nicagesmile:
I know with my whole heart that C4N thinks of himself as the lone shining vanguard against a dark wave of Yamato stans, and that he believes he’ll be on the right side of history despite an embarrassing amount of evidence that indicates he’ll have to settle for a compromise (assuming the rabbit does tag along once Yamato joins) *at best*…what I don’t know, and what I’ll never understand even with an explanation, is WHY :nicagesmile:
Cus he ain't scared to war he got a clapback for all of yall, yall ain't punking shit :halt::steef:
I know with my whole heart that C4N thinks of himself as the lone shining vanguard against a dark wave of Yamato stans, and that he believes he’ll be on the right side of history despite an embarrassing amount of evidence that indicates he’ll have to settle for a compromise (assuming the rabbit does tag along once Yamato joins) *at best*…what I don’t know, and what I’ll never understand even with an explanation, is WHY :nicagesmile:
C4N is the type of person that never stopped to think that they should. They're just so caught up in the "could".

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
I know with my whole heart that C4N thinks of himself as the lone shining vanguard against a dark wave of Yamato stans, and that he believes he’ll be on the right side of history despite an embarrassing amount of evidence that indicates he’ll have to settle for a compromise (assuming the rabbit does tag along once Yamato joins) *at best*…what I don’t know, and what I’ll never understand even with an explanation, is WHY :nicagesmile:
What do you expect? His argument is that the evidence for Yamato being a SH is so high and Carrot so low, that Yamato must be a red herring and everything Carrot has done is some subtle, under the radar swerve.

When pointed out that it relies on Oda doing something he's never done before just for Carrot, there's a bunch of mental gymnastics to claim that Vivi-Robin is just like Yamato-Carrot.

When pointed out why would Oda take such a slow route with Carrot when he's going pretty quick and sacrificing other plot points, speed running the series to finish by age 50, we're told that we're just blind pigeons who is too biased to except assumptions that he simultaneously calls facts and theories.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
What do you expect? His argument is that the evidence for Yamato being a SH is so high and Carrot so low, that Yamato must be a red herring and everything Carrot has done is some subtle, under the radar swerve.

When pointed out that it relies on Oda doing something he's never done before just for Carrot, there's a bunch of mental gymnastics to claim that Vivi-Robin is just like Yamato-Carrot.

When pointed out why would Oda take such a slow route with Carrot when he's going pretty quick and sacrificing other plot points, speed running the series to finish by age 50, we're told that we're just blind pigeons who is too biased to except is assumptions that he simultaneously calls facts and theories.
Yeah, well, if I haven’t proven time and again that I’m willing to take the bait, I’m telling y’all now that seeing the same shit over and over will get me going :getnappaed:
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