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First, who the fuck are you?

Second, I don't have any town reads. Right now I'm throwing questions out and just feeling the game. I haven't read D1, I haven't iso'd anyone, I don't have anything to contribute. I think people being helpful are nice and then there are those who are obtuse.

Third, you can magically gift someone a gun. Who do you give it to and why?
- The Godfather of Horses and men

- bad

- me, duel wielding is best. or Dragomir
Irritating, it really. I’m on TAC I think he warrants a better lynch imo

You are irritating with your obsession. I haven’t played here in months either. Literally been the last 4 games I’ve been playing with you lmao and I was all factions, tos special, HT game, HxH and now here. Really only 4 and half you were scum or didn’t even pay attention (TOS) as town so yea sorry if I actually believe you are town or worth the time because you never seem to be. The obsession is so weird and you always seem to be the one. And please stop quoting me I really don’t wanna talk to you haha like jeez take a hint
I mean, who's the obsessed one, little gnat? I can't even remember the last game I played here but you seem to have all these games memorized, what I randed, and what happened in those games. Do I keep you up at night? Do I haunt your dreams? If you don't want to talk, why join the game? You're playing Mafia, but it doesn't seem like you actually REMEMBER how to PLAY Mafia. You ask people questions. You poke them. You see what shakes. Here I am, having an interaction with, that is like, six posts back and forth, and you're trying to discredit my engagement by saying I always do this and that you're always innocent. You've gone limper than your dick when you try to talk to a girl. It's pathetic, you should be embarrassed, and you need to log off and go home so the big boys and girls can play.


There's no "Tina!"
I don't think anyone pays much attention to him, at least I know I don't.

I think @Lindltaylor had the best idea of just shooting him and being done with him. It doesn't help he was quite offensive earlier.
Honestly I have no idea how that proposal was taken as me saying Muugen might be bulletproof.

I don't follow this. What's the problem, exactly?
So, first, I'm apparently defending Muugen because I was speculating that he could have been framed by mafia to be put on the council.
-----Note here: I have also advocated that Muugen be regarded as scum and lynched if he doesn't provide us much substance later on in the day phase.

Second, I proposed investigating him, but that was shot down again cause they said that the investigation could be tampered with. So I suggested just shooting him and getting it over with.
However, this was perceived as me baiting a vig shot cause I was apparently insinuating that Muugen was bulletproof. Which I'm not sure how.

I've been clarifying this for the better part of an hour now. Maybe more.

Hmm, hmm, hmm. You seem to be FENCE sitting. Where is your bravado? Your ZING?
By no means have I been fence sitting on Muugen, Dest. I have explicitly said:
1) He should be looked at more, and if he fails to contribute further, then lynching him would be better.
2) He can be investigated as well if we want him to be.
3) We can shoot him too if we doubt the investigations.

Honestly I've taken a firm stance on what to do with Muugen throughout the discussions about him.
I mean, who's the obsessed one, little gnat? I can't even remember the last game I played here but you seem to have all these games memorized, what I randed, and what happened in those games. Do I keep you up at night? Do I haunt your dreams? If you don't want to talk, why join the game? You're playing Mafia, but it doesn't seem like you actually REMEMBER how to PLAY Mafia. You ask people questions. You poke them. You see what shakes. Here I am, having an interaction with, that is like, six posts back and forth, and you're trying to discredit my engagement by saying I always do this and that you're always innocent. You've gone limper than your dick when you try to talk to a girl. It's pathetic, you should be embarrassed, and you need to log off and go home so the big boys and girls can play.
So irritating, I do enjoy this post. Can you please stop responding lmao this will never end. Like rant without quoting me
- The Godfather of Horses and men

- bad

- me, duel wielding is best. or Dragomir
Bad? Why? What would you like me to do? Read 400 pages in the few hours I've been awake? Do you want me to iso 50+ players so I can have cases for each one? Right now I'm doing some initial vetting to see what direction I need to go in. What are you doing? A nobody interjecting with the QUEEN just to say pointless drivel. Give me a read, a direction, and maybe I'll be inclined to look that way. But if not, you are not worthy of my time.
Honestly I have no idea how that proposal was taken as me saying Muugen might be bulletproof.

So, first, I'm apparently defending Muugen because I was speculating that he could have been framed by mafia to be put on the council.
-----Note here: I have also advocated that Muugen be regarded as scum and lynched if he doesn't provide us much substance later on in the day phase.

Second, I proposed investigating him, but that was shot down again cause they said that the investigation could be tampered with. So I suggested just shooting him and getting it over with.
However, this was perceived as me baiting a vig shot cause I was apparently insinuating that Muugen was bulletproof. Which I'm not sure how.

I've been clarifying this for the better part of an hour now. Maybe more.

By no means have I been fence sitting on Muugen, Dest. I have explicitly said:
1) He should be looked at more, and if he fails to contribute further, then lynching him would be better.
2) He can be investigated as well if we want him to be.
3) We can shoot him too if we doubt the investigations.

Honestly I've taken a firm stance on what to do with Muugen throughout the discussions about him.
Firm means ACTION. Talk is CHEAP. "Hey guys he could be scum, maybe a he's not, but we should investigate him! But it might be a waste of time...". These does nothing for me LINDYBOI.
Bad? Why? What would you like me to do? Read 400 pages in the few hours I've been awake? Do you want me to iso 50+ players so I can have cases for each one? Right now I'm doing some initial vetting to see what direction I need to go in. What are you doing? A nobody interjecting with the QUEEN just to say pointless drivel. Give me a read, a direction, and maybe I'll be inclined to look that way. But if not, you are not worthy of my time.
Keep going he has to respond to each quote lmao
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