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What did Ratchet claim?
While I'm at it, here's what I can claim.

I can create a chat with people after conditions have been met. One of the boons of that chat is I learn the role name of a person once they join.

@Ekkologix was the only living player to have met these conditions. No, I cannot claim them. Last night phase, he and I should have been in a chat. We were not, and I was told my ability to learn his role name had failed, however I was specifically informed that the conditions had been met.

I can also communicate with the dead, however I haven't used it yet. It's only up to two dead people, so nothing to work with yet. I assume the whistle link might need to be broken too, not entirely sure the point of it otherwise.

As for actions failing on me, the only egregious one is the role cop. The first one was role crushed, and the second one comes during a phase were all actions pertaining to chat creation has failed. Nuance, of course, that's missed on most people.

Ultra is 100% scum. I am not sure if he's Mafia, he could be a scummy Indie, but he's not town. This is also evidenced in thread. Ultra as Town has fake claimed investigations before. The fact he threw out the possibility of me doing this early is damning to him, because it indicated that he was willing to throw whatever he could at the problem to bismirch it. I don't know why I'm bothering typing this because I suspect it will either be ignored or not addressed and then later brushed away, but whatever. If anyone is interested, they really should read the start of our interaction today - Ultra was throwing everything he could find at me and he's allowed to do so for reasons I can only guess at. Of course no one will address this, because you'd rather not think, but that's not my concern.

So yes, Ekko is immune to investigative abilities (this is the only explanation) and that's all I have for now. If I'm around in the night, maybe some of you will be invited to my chat along with him.


So should I find out Ekkos or Lind's flavor name :choppawhat:
will that help in anything?
use it on inactives to see if they r using any actions or not without posting sht
I am gonna use it on the people who are funny to me obviously. Too bad it will take 2 phases, that is the only downside.
yes ik im pretty hilarious
do as u wish
i think u think we r androids or smth
wont confirm or deny. feel free to waste abilities to check
You will see I am not using the android ability.

It will be the one that first tells me your delver rank and then if I target you twice your Flavor.
Fuji, I am worried about players that are scum coming after me :milaugh:

I will slowly go through each on of them, and find if they did scummy shit in the write ups.

If I see they are town friendly in the write ups, I will let it go.
do as u wish
if u cooperate we can let u stay a bit longer
Sooooooo my action failed on @Ekkologix
I am thinking maybe I shouldn't announce things before I do it :milaugh:
dont say i didnt warn u
waste of an action
I will try to use another ability on him sometime in the future or one of the other I suspect..... we shall see.
So i do not know themes does any of these sound like they could be used to avoid an invest.

Littlefinger activated [Mastermind]

Sung Jin Woo activated [Stealth]

Snape used [Legilimency] on [???]

Cell used [Ki Sense] on [???]

Grandmaster used [Telepathy] on [???]

@Bortolomeo the time line of events.


There's no "Tina!"
Fuji, I am worried about players that are scum coming after me :milaugh:

I will slowly go through each on of them, and find if they did scummy shit in the write ups.

If I see they are town friendly in the write ups, I will let it go.
What do you mean by scummy shit in the WUs?

Not sure why an indie that has lost is trying to interfere but okay.
@Bortolomeo the time line of events.
thanks mama

so ratchet's calim that ekko is invest immune came minutes after Zem said the same thing :whitepress:
I would have much preferred it if he said it before Zem

let alone the fact the he is saying he had his investigation fail one someone and never bothered to mention it until people started voting him. I understand someone trying to platy secretive and not reveal his role, but Ratchet didn't even try to push ekko or build a case on him, he was just going against Ultra. speaking of which @Ratchet u might as well reveal the info u have on ultra don't you think?
overall there's some cracks in what Ratchet is saying
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