How many more times will Luffy lose to Kaido?

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And if he didnt
Whats the new cope
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Kaido dont have FS tho

What he have is an ability to adapt and copy his opponents move
I don't have anything to cope if he doesn't lol
Narratively it only makes sense for Luffy to awaken, surpass Oden and beat Kaido in the next coming chapters. Nothing more nothing less.
Luffy won't be the only one in a major fight losing.
2) but then this island split WB not even close to his best feat. Creation gigantic tsunami (hundreds of meters)>>>island split in terms of DC\energy
Not an attack.
Try again.

1) lifting whole island with 0 diff (kaido just stay) in short time+super height>> WB island split. Or u think Kaido cant do this level of energy by his normal attacks? Even Momo can (so and WB ofc). This whole "island split omg omg"overrated af.
Clown ass argument. Momonosuke is moving the same damn island and he's not even Alvida level.
Trash feat and not an attack.

i cant. why people so bad at powerscaling.
You're speaking for youself right?
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Is Kaido the hardest villain Luffy will face ?
I dont think any villain bodied him as much as Kaido did
There are villans who never lost to Luffy and Kaido will so no not really
No actually he said he can't remember the last time someone was fighting TOE TO TOE with him.
He was serious against Yamato and he was winning.
But he did not destroy her. She was able to stand her ground.
You are looking through the lense of a translated medium, if you aren't fighting someone "TOE TO TOE" that is equivalent to it not being fully serious, by whatever metric you want to judge it.
He didn't use drunk form against her, and still wants her to be the Shogun of Wano, she used her DF to nullify some of his power but still reeled in pain afterwards.
You can say partially serious, or whatever, but he wasn't going anywhere near all out against her.


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
Lmao bro u r getting funnier .. Wasting time on here caused some problems on your brain..your confusion between reality and fiction can be seen by way of your thinkings already as " oh he wrought US , so stormy must be living in manga through zoro in his head " .. Get a life
Telling me to get a life when you are out here slumming it with the rest of us on a Thursday Morning:suresure:
My boy Ghostly left? I don't blame him tho oda really stop the fight for some corny Oden parallels then luffy "I gonna beat you and people of wano lines goin get reused more than toei reused they scenes lol

Knowing Oda i have feeling Luffy is going to endure this monstrous attack to set him apart from Oden. Kaido probably won't nerf himself same way Kata did but even if luffy gets back up he will be at huge disadvantage after that hit. Looking forward to what course of action Kaido takes
The one thing I'll say is that it looks like a true defeat to the point where Oda might have sold it too much. He barely keeps it together after the one hit and says it's his last move before he gets caught again. Luffy himself seems to admit defeat which is weird.

There may be a surprising development to this actual fight but... if Kaido takes out CP0 only to get beaten after, he'd be the biggest idiot of all time

I think 1043 is the promised ending
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