Funnily enough, I remember a theory of her being the Bamboo Moon Princess Kaguya of OP or w/e. After Toki, Yamato even Imu potentially, I'm not as sure about this and I can't remember enough about Kaguya nor be bothered to research it right now to verify.
It was a theory I saw on Youtube many years ago but sadly gone from there now.

We probably got baited with a fake spoiler but I'd love it to be Denjiro since he has the most reason to go after Orochi aside from Momo and Hiyori and he was literally so angry, it transformed his face permanently and he's spent 20 years being Orochi's bitch, all to try and avenge Oden and make his sacrifice not in vain and planss/prophecy happen and whatever.
Oda has forgotten Denjiro for over 30 chapters now I believe? Sigh.
"Zorio" trying to go "Bowrochi's" castle:
I wouldn't be surprised sadly. Just feels like she's literal fanservice only, especially with her intro of squeezing that woman particularly and her "elated" wails.
Either he doesn't know what to do with her or she was for fanservice all along. Saddest thing is too, not only is she as YC too ofc, he brougt her to Wano along with Compote, Galette and so to give them a chance to do something and or more screentime and they're all completley forgotten about and clowned upon TWICE in such a humiliating way instead. Also the closest thing we have to Big Milf/Prime Mom from Rocks era currently unless Bonney de-ages BM or BM de-ages herself with her DF.
Exactly! It doesn't make any sense, it makes me wonder what has gotten into him! Maria vs Robin was suprisingly risque/explicity with both of them baring a LOT during the fight too! Took me by surprise! Goated fight for real indeed though, absolutely loved it still and can't wait for Robin's new moves and forms to be animated as well as more Maria in the anime ofc!
That's exactly it, but like with Tashigi and Kiku, Oda seems to want to troll us really hard in one way or another at least. You could also argue Smoothie and even BM in this regard somewhat.
Now Momo is aged up, theres no reason he can't use Ame at least, I wonder if it has anything unique like Enma's haki drain and ability to even permanently scar too? I'm assuming the permanent scarring may be due to Enma but just may be Adv CoC too or both?
I really wish Denjiro had spent those 2 years training Hiyori and making her the one able to and actually kill Orochi but I really doubt it's happening now, given how things are and since it's Oda too. There's still slim hope but given how Oda handled Toki who also could use a sword apparently and female characters in general including swordswomen, I'm not hopeful at all.
I'm still fuming over Tashigi intensely to this very day.