Who will beat Kaido now?

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Never Feed The Badders Pasta
That attacks stronger than everything kaido done to luffy and zoro didn't die taking x 2 of it
He took an attack from Linlin who didn't use any of her souls and a Kaido who wasn't serious.
Lemme get this straight fam, An unserious Linlin was responsible for breaking 15 of Zoro's bones when Kid was eating attacks left, right and center from a much stronger Linlin:specialmeh:
and these times he didn't have three swords protecting him.
What an impressive feat indeed:laughmoji:

Gol D. Roger

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Do you not know Katakuri's abilities? Seriously reread what that guy can do...
Zoro's ONE impressive feat above what Katakuri could do was his adv COC asura on a distracted Kaido.
Having better AP, doesn't make you a better fighter.
Sure, he does have impressive abilities but you don't get to factor in Katakuri's good attributes that are better than Zoro and then ignore the same from Zoro. Distracted Kaido? The dude's an FS user and couldn't stop Zoro with 30 broken bones from leaving a scar on him even after the guy challenged him to take his head. He couldn't evade Tatsumaki, yet proceeded to dance around Snakeman. You don't get to be stronger than people just from dodging attacks either.
that was the strongest attack on record, it took two yonko at peak physical condition to perform

strongest attack damage x2, yes

far weaker attacks that didn't even put a hole on the roof, CP-0 took a much harder attack than luffy ever did.
you Zoro fans need to stop with the general stupidity, Zoro endured Hakai for 1 second and was teleported. Any argument far from that is stupidity and fanaticism.


waiting for Marvel Rivals
Can you also sustain an atomic blast for 1 or 2 seconds? Or do you just like to bring completely retarded comparissons? imagine being dumb enough to compare hakai to a "hot vessel" lmao.
Condom boys be melting like Luffy
genuinely please get a therapist and get over your obsession with a FICTIONAL character
So does create non-existing equality b/w characters. Katakuri can't even dream of replicating Zoro's rooftop feats while King went on to dog-walk the guy and needed the same power-up that Luffy needed to fight on equal grounds with Kaido to be beaten. Stop downplaying characters for the sake of it.
Nice but advCoC is useless against Snakeman proven in chapter 1042 Kaido must use FS to counter Snakeman.


World's Strongest Swordsman
He took an attack from Linlin who didn't use any of her souls and a Kaido who wasn't serious.
Lemme get this straight fam, An unserious Linlin was responsible for breaking 15 of Zoro's bones when Kid was eating attacks left, right and center from a much stronger Linlin:specialmeh:
and these times he didn't have three swords protecting him.
What an impressive feat indeed:laughmoji:
Your tears won't change the fact that one of if not the strongest attack in the manga so far x2 couldn't kill zoro
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