Who will defeat Kaido?

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Are you being serious? That was before the series.

"Oh well, we already sent one agent might as well never try again until 20 years later and the fruit user is in the middle of a world-class with Kaido."

Like, as I'm arguing the worse and worse this seems. I'm just gonna wait for more info cuz this is trash if there isn't more context.
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You say this as if they couldn't just say "capture Luffy"
didnt they try to kill him multiple times? alabasta happens, then he disappears off to a sky island. they come back, go to water 7, the government (cipher pol) immediately try to frame the straw hats for murder, then try to kill luffy with rob lucci the top cp9 assassin at the time in enies lobby. theyre so concerned after this they tell moria to kill luffy, and even send kuma there as backup because they're worried moria is too much of a pussy. but moria backs kuma off and says he already captured them, he lies and goes off script. then the government tried to assassinate moria with doffy and a bunch of pacifista because he failed to get luffy. then sabaody happens and as soon as the government finds out luffy is there they send a fucking admiral but he disappears.

then he reappears out of nowhere in the middle of impel down trying to break ace out but by then its too late because hes already out and heading to marineford. then that happens and obviously that was more important at the time because its whitebeard attacking in a war. then luffy disappears for 2 years. RUMORS of the straw hats in sabaody again brings a vice admiral and marines flooding the place and also sentomaru and pacifistas and then a bunch of people have to help them escape. then they go to fishman island and its underwater and no one knows about it so who cares. then they go to dressrosa and immediately theres an admiral ordered to kill luffy again. but he makes friends with luffy. then they escape and half go to zou, a place no one knows where it is, and half go to whole cake island, yonko territory, so the government cant officially be there. mont dor is still reporting to morgans and stussy (a cp0 agent) that he promised to kill the straw hats. but they get away again.

then its the reverie and a bunch of shit goes down there. and we're into wano. and as soon as they find out luffy is in wano, theres some debate at the highest levels, but then? guess what? they go in, after admitting they shouldnt, because its THAT big of a deal to make sure certain people die. and then eventually they decide luffy has to die too and they might as well make it happen here since its already such a shitshow opsec is blown and apoo has pictures.

as far as i can tell they couldnt really have been trying to kill him MORE

Sasaki Kojirō

Since Logia type Devil Fruits are considered to be the most powerful with all this shit going on atm can you imagine how busted all-out Akainu, Aokiji, or Kizaru will be? Jesus.
Since when were they considered the strongest DF ? Show me where you're getting this data from.. The ancient strongest man in the world had the strongest paramecia. The current strongest man in the kaido world, has a ZOAN. The future strongest man possibly Blackbeard will have a Paramecia and a Logia...

The only class fruit: LOGIA, which is special and truly broken that competes in the same category as Gura Gura, and (Uo Uo) ,GURA GURA possesses the ability to destroy the world, and UO UO grants the ability to be able to be insanely durable and recover from any blow, it's Blackbeard's Yami Yami, not the power of any of the admirals.

Not to mention that all the admirals including akainu second zoro and the people from the fictional universe of one piece are easier to defeat when compared to kaido which is the hardest in the world.

But in fact it's true, basic haki is all you need to hurt a LOGIA user.
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That actualy makes sense...Sooo they knew about it but tought it was just legend and bullshit soo they didnt realy bother, but when Zunisha showed up they shat their pants as there might be truth to the legends.
Yes, but lemme throw another frame of reference at you: Shanks. Below are just straight up facts about Shanks the last ~150 or so chapters:

- The first time Shanks is seen post timeskip is chapter 903, outside of a cover story, is him reacting to Luffy's 1.5 Billion bounty and "5th emperor" new headline.

- Then you see him in Chapter 907, talking to the Gorosei about "a certain pirate". That's it. That's all we get. But think about it for minute. Oda has shown us Shanks dislikes Blackbeard, so if it was him, why not mention his name? Why keep it secret? Why have Shanks go to them, coincidently after showing Shanks reacting to Luffy?

- Then Wano happens, nothing of importance until....Roger's flashback. First page of Chapter 968 shows this:

Oden didn't write down 2 things in his journal. One was obviously what One Piece is and what happened at Laugh Tale. The other is this because he didn't hear the conversation.

- Next, during Jinbe's fight, we get WsW's sob story about Luffy, Sun God Nika, and....Shanks!:

So if you start to put some semblance of a puzzle together, you can see that

- Shanks is pretty mysterious
- Shanks stole Luffy's fruit (seemingly on purpose)
- Shanks met Luffy, who ate the fruit (weather this was on purpose or not is unknown)
- Shanks casually talks to the Gorosei
- The Gorosei harbor ZERO concern about Luffy's devil fruit until very late in Wano (why?)

Now, whether or not Shanks is good. Whether or not he told the Gorosei something. Whether or not any of this even relates to Shanks, the fact is that Oda is purposefully hiding Shanks' motives from the reader. This is a straight up fact. Why? We have no idea.

But I think this story of ties to the bigger picture.
I think the E5 knew about the Nika's name change into Rubber, but as for WHY did the Old Gorvernment change it 800 years ago, they are still partially oblivious
i think they knew about the name change, but not which fruit it was renamed to. it makes sense that if you're changing the fruits name to hide it you want to make it an actual secret and not just say "this fruit = secret god fruit"
Here's my thing tho. Why let Luffy roam free. They captured kaido but can't capture enies lobby luffy? Having direct tabs on the fruit is infinitely better then letting roam free. You don't leave something like this to chance even if the fruit awakening has a %.01 chance of happening. This fruit is your only downfall and you nullify any chance of it happening no matter how small
I agree. Which is why i hope for that kind of retcon, and also other things may have came into play, for example Aokiji/Dragon/Shanks somehow deceived CP0 agents and other government assassins, maybe with the existence of double agents inside CP0 themselves spreading false info about it? Maybe with distracting their attention away from Luffy with making huge rebellion somewhere? Those kind of urgent matters forcing WG to avert their eyes a bit all this time. The deception and strategic aspect of the story. I dont think Oda will manage to write that properly since the man's exhausted, but i do hope he at least try to cover some question marks.
I am curious about one thing though. Is Luffy referring to awakening as Gear 5,oe was he able to create Gear 5, because he awakened? Like maybe he had the concept of G5 in mind, but couldn't pull it off.
From what I understood he only calls it Gear 5 after getting a taste of it and calling it his peak power.
So I guess awakening is Gear 5 because it is on the last page.
I agree. Which is why i hope for that kind of retcon, and also other things may have came into play, for example Aokiji/Dragon/Shanks somehow deceived CP0 agents and other government assassins, maybe with the existence of double agents inside CP0 themselves spreading false info about it? Maybe with distracting their attention away from Luffy with making huge rebellion somewhere? Those kind of urgent matters forcing WG to avert their eyes a bit all this time. The deception and strategic aspect of the story. I dont think Oda will manage to write that properly since the man's exhausted, but i do hope he at least try to cover some question marks.
you literally dont need a retcon lol. look at the story. they try to kill him constantly, the entire time, hardcore starting at water 7 when they send rob lucci after him, and then its vice admiral + pacifista + sentomaru + 1000 marines at minimum every single other time he shows his face in public, including admirals several times. luffy just always gets away or makes friends with the admiral or whatever. he goes in yonko territory and mont d'or is reporting to cp0 agents that he promises to kill luffy.
you literally dont need a retcon lol. look at the story. they try to kill him constantly, the entire time, hardcore starting at water 7 when they send rob lucci after him, and then its vice admiral + pacifista + sentomaru + 1000 marines at minimum every single other time he shows his face in public, including admirals several times. luffy just always gets away or makes friends with the admiral or whatever. he goes in yonko territory and mont d'or is reporting to cp0 agents that he promises to kill luffy.
they didn't send Lucci after Luffy, it was to capture robin

even now in onigashima, the first order given to cp0 was to capture robin which later changed to killing Luffy which simply implies even they were not aware of everything and only now did they get some information which led them to making the decision to eliminate him
What the shit :pepestop:
Wait so does this mean there's still an actual Rubber Fruit somewhere down the line?
Maybe Rocks ate it thinking it was the actual Nika fruit but in reality it's just rubber :pepeshit:
I don't think so but it'd be great. Years and centuries of people getting a shitty version of these powers while chasing Joyboy. Roger reaches the final island with cancer and learns this shit, that's a Laugh Tale
you literally dont need a retcon lol. look at the story. they try to kill him constantly, the entire time, hardcore starting at water 7 when they send rob lucci after him, and then its vice admiral + pacifista + sentomaru + 1000 marines at minimum every single other time he shows his face in public, including admirals several times. luffy just always gets away or makes friends with the admiral or whatever. he goes in yonko territory and mont d'or is reporting to cp0 agents that he promises to kill luffy.
No, none of the times luffy was tried to be captured was because he is special but because of his actions, pretty much all of it has reasons and marines are mostly involved.. If they actually sent people after it would be expected like CP behind robin.
I am curious about one thing though. Is Luffy referring to awakening as Gear 5,oe was he able to create Gear 5, because he awakened? Like maybe he had the concept of G5 in mind, but couldn't pull it off.
Oda is just calling it Gear 5 for fan service. It’s mentioned Gear 4 can be used in it.

Otherwise every awakened person is Gear something.
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