Who will defeat Kaido?

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Wait... does this maybe mean... Zoro stays in Wano as guard for Momo and to improve his sword skills, in exchange King joins the strawhats to follow real Joyboy? :D
Ay how do you feel about this? Your boy despite having no special ancestry and having an average-ass DF turns out to be hanging and competing with descendants of D who ate ultimate and god devil fruits.

It’s not that Kidd is weak, it’s just that there’s too much plot. :mrgo::jackcopium:


Kitetsu Wanker
Lol. As far as I know, one shot is when he finish an opponent for good. Lol. That means he can't lol.
The only difference is Luffy got Kaido's respect as opponent and Zoro did not. lol
Lol. Zoro can't even beat Yeti brothers and you said, he can't lose until he beat Mihawk? lol.
Thanks for confirming that you compare zoro's 10 minute useless battle against Big Mom army in an uncharted territory. lol.
Lol. Law Shambles, despite being shown is something you will never acknowledge. And for the NTH time, Zoro failed to COMPLETELY(CAPS LOCK FOR YOU TO COMPREHEND) nlock Hakai. He was saved by Law by putting him away from that attack. lol Weakling cannot choose how they die? lol That's why zoro begged King to use his sword.

ZKK is IF, BUT, COULD BE. ZKK because until now it has no solid proof that is happening. The Zoro sleeping beauty scene just makes it further away from happening. lol
Morgan was the last main villain that Zoro beat. Other than that, some are just a minor skirmish whenre Zoro failed to finish the job and let Luffy finish it instead. lol

Wahahahaha. Seriously Hody Jones? Wahahahaha, F*kk I can't stop laughing. hahahahaha.

Detah has challenged Zoro. More like Mink Roids challenged Zoro. lol
You keep coping, I love it. :milaugh:
Once again, Zoro one-shots Hody underwater, Luffy cant one-shot him on land. Can you digest that difference?
He can give Luffy respect all he wants, Zoro will take his head instead.
Correct, Zoro literally cannot lose until he beats Mihawk. You can accept it or cry about it. Which shall it be?

Thanks for confirming that you cope when you have no answer to facts that Zoro does things hundred times better than Luffy.
Zoro alone claps King in 10mins, Luffy with Nami and Seducing Woods cant clap Cracker in 11 hours... Definition of incompetence.
There is no shambles, you made them up in your fantasy.

Cry all you want about Zoro blocking Hakai, it is something that Luffy cannot even fathom.
Weaklings cannot choose how they die indeed, that's why Luffy died to a move that Kinemon survived.
Nope, ZKK is inevitable. The sooner you accept it the less copium you will need.

Glad that you digested that Zoro stole and beat main villains before so you wont cry that it is an asspull when it happens again.
Keep coping and enjoy all the Ls that Luffy is collecting.
Meanwhile, Zoro is gonna clap even Death itself and then proceed to take Kaido's head just to piss off Luffybros. :finally:
So much people still talking about ZKK, while Zoro is not even able to sense Luffy, while people like Hago, Sanji, etc. can. Let the dude rest, he has finished his job this arc.
Today i found a Thread i thinks its called "Why is WG a Zoro Fanclub" and you said there if i recall it right "the fandom is mixed but sure there are many zoro fans"doubt MANY fits the term right by now 😅
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