Eto... Muzukashi exam desu...
Let's see... subversion dialogue... subversion dialogue...! AH! I got one!
Hiyori saying she'll kill Orochi with her own hands! At the end... it was Kyoshiro!
10/10 in my scriptures exam!
Nop only 7/10. Careful, Hiyori never said that she was gonna kill Orochi, she said she "wanted" to have the kill. So this is close to a subversion dialogue but not quite one.
But it's not your fault, it's mine. And you just made me realize that I was missing something in my explanation. So I will change something: From "subversion dialogue" I will now be talking about..
Subversive affirmation"
Indeed, for a subversion to happen, there must be something "set", something "stated" or "affirmed" that "will happen"
I will give you two new examples of "subversive affirmation" in One Piece:
Remember: A "subversive affirmation" must contain an
affirmation, and can only be uncovered by a
corruption of the premisse/affirmation.
In this first image, Bege is
affirming that Mama will die because she will be weakened by Mother Caramel's portrait destruction.
But there is a corruption of that premisse/affirmation. Indeed, Bege forgot to take into account that Mama is a emperor, and because of that has multiple powers to her arsenal, one of them being a Kings Haki so strong that it can destroy everything around her.
This affirmation is therefore a "
Subversive affirmation". Mama will not die, but not only that but the attempt will fail greatly.
In this second image Krieg is
affirming that he is invulnerable.
But there is a
corruption of that premisse/affirmation. Indeed, Krieg is not taking all the clue into account in front of him : A. Luffy is feerless, B. Luffy is whiling to hurt himself to win.
That little
affirmation is therefore a "
Subversive affirmation". It will be instantly denied, Luffy will punch Krieg and prove him that he is not invulnerable despite his assets.
I hope you guys now better understand what a
subversive affirmation really is.