Can't believe you guys can't pick up on the subversion techniques Oda has been pulling off in Wano.
Hyogoro literally saying "Everything is going good. I can't imagine we'll lose here."? The raid will fail.
Tobiroppos and Calamities each taken out in a chapter or two? They're obviously gonna awaken.
Big Mom defeated so soon? She'll get back up.
We only see legs in the WCI cover story? It's 100% not Germa. Blackbeard!!
Kaido defeated by a big punch? He's definitely gonna awaken. The raid is failing.
Cliffhanger on who's the next shogun? It's Hiyori. Momo is the bait.
Hyogoro literally saying "Everything is going good. I can't imagine we'll lose here."? The raid will fail.
Tobiroppos and Calamities each taken out in a chapter or two? They're obviously gonna awaken.
Big Mom defeated so soon? She'll get back up.
We only see legs in the WCI cover story? It's 100% not Germa. Blackbeard!!
Kaido defeated by a big punch? He's definitely gonna awaken. The raid is failing.
Cliffhanger on who's the next shogun? It's Hiyori. Momo is the bait.