What will Greenbull’s Devil fruit be?

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Welcome to the House of Hope
He admits he really grew to hate Sanji from FMI at least, maybe the timeskip itself. He's a huge Nami fan and and hated how Sanji groped her body at Punk Hazard and was so perverted.

He was probably too fed up by the time Dressrosa happened but I think it was him who pointed out that Oda didn't even let Sanji burn Doffy especially his coat feathers and hairs on his leg when Sanji clashed with him using Diable ofc. It may have been someone else who said it but I feel it was him?

He did makes this video to spite Sanjis treatment post TS:

Him and Jay, KOL and Brago would have some back and forth over Sanji IIRC, as those 3 are all Sanji stans, (im sure Brago is one too anyway?).

I know he was really fed up and bitter with OP and Odas handling of the SHs especially Sanji. He's a lot less invested in reading the chapters now so I've heard but I've not personally spoken to him or been on in his server or watched his streams in a few years now tbh.

I was gonna wash my hands with the OP community permanently for personal reasons back in 2019 I think but the pandemic brought me back to it and especially here somehow. I remember I was on OJ too but I barely remember when and how long for too.

I check his Twitter and YouTube here and there but I've not interacted with him and his friends and Youtubers I was friends with on a few years now. I used to know some really nice, good and funny people that were friends of his and other Youtubers too. A few of them are in here too but not active atm.

Dunno why I'm giving my life story but alas, its done now lmfao. I think I've burned my bridges with those great people too much anyway, I just feel its been too long now since I spoke to them and especially I feel too embarrassed/ashamed/guilty on my parts on the toxicity and dramas that happened there. Also getting fed up of certain toxic idiots too naturally LOL.

Ive had similar feelings about this place too and hence why I kept feeling i should leave before or at least take breaks.

That 1 week break did me some good for what its worth but I DREAD to think what this month break from OP is gonna do to all of us too LMFAO!
Well, I think the same thing as him in regards to PH and body switching. The difference is that he already didn't like the character prior.:suresure:
Hopefully his WCI won't be too much tainted for his hatred towards Sanji then.
Which might be kinda hard since half the arc is based on the guy.
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Exactly man, thank you. He's a seriously nasty person behind a very exaggerated toxic positivity facade like some other Youtubers.

I've fallen foul and seen horrid shit from people like that way too many times.

I'm far from perfect and don't even actually regard myself as a good person tbh but that doesn't stop be trying to be one, in my own eyes at least anyway.

JBT is none of the biggest examples of why the OP community is such a cult. Toxic, fake, exaggerated positivity. Echo Chambers.

I watched his channel grow extremely fast from his charming snake oil salesman behaviour and eventually certain other now big OP Youtubers are mimicking what he did and getting massive consistent success from it too.
A small OP youtuber has been doing this lately too, well two of them and it's gradually getting them huge clout now too.

I see them getting talked about on Reddit, Twitter and even here when one of them has been going for years now and ive never seen thenlm mentioned by anyone except by people they knew, in their corcle of friends and fans and such until recently suddenly.

The OP community has become extremely flashy especially on YouTube and there a lot of extremely toxic fans who are are the majority targeting the minority of fans who disagree with them and hypocritical calling them the toxic ones.

I was spammed with hate mail and death threats by OP fans on YouTube around 2005/6 or so, early OP and YT days where it aired on TV with the 4Kids dub and I innocently said on a YT clip of an Alabasta scene or something in the 4kids dub that I liked SOME of the voices in the dub and I ended up somehow provoking a bloodthirsty verbal witch hunt against myself for saying that.

I saw similar types of behaviour towards Drizzt constantly and yet ADNJ has the nerve to call Drizzt toxic?!

Fucks sake man...
yeah drizzt is the man you're describing when you talk about jbt. toxic, fake, exaggerated, cult.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Aight, where were we:

You would think Oda would inform us of that.
He did, through Momo. Did Oda have the narrator announce that Vergo and Monet were killed at Punk Hazard? No, he simply blew them up and trusted that the readers were in fact smart enough to realize that Vergo and Monet were dead. He did the same thing with Big Mom and Kaido who are far too powerful to remain in the story. On that note:

I meant after Wano, Kaido is probably gonna be on Luffy's side now tbh given the whole JB thing.
Hard no there lmfao, especially if you believe that Kaido is the strongest character. He is too strong to come back into the manga as both an ally of an enemy of Luffy. He must die now in Wano or else the past 4 years will prove to be redundant.

Akainu won that fight.

Context matters, right before that marines were speaking about how they cant allow them to meet up,etc and then transition to Kizaru asking Akainu if he should go.
We aren’t talking about the Marines. We are talking about the Gorosei and Cipher Pol (ranked above Fleet Admiral in terms of authority) who explicitly said multiple times that they did not want Kaido to be defeated.

Kaido showed enough feats for you to respect him, dont be obtuse mate. Kaido deserves some modicum of respect from you, he has more than earned his title and reputation.
I don’t disrespect Kaido, he might be the strongest non-Admiral we’ve seen lol.

Gorosei Informer

Fishmen Island was so garbage that I had to skip it :suresure:
Can't blame you there.

Just to add to what I said before too, that arc was also terrible for Nami and Sanji individually too.

Terrible villains except Zeo who was funny imo. Van Der Deckens DF was fucking nuts but he was the king of all creeps by far and is not getting enough hate in the community too.

I often call it Fishmid island and thus Hody Jokes and his lackluster crew, the Fishmid Pirates.

Hyozou the poisonous octopus swordsman guy seemed hype and the new world version of Hachi but Zoro instantly fodderised him and trash talked him Mihawk style lmfao.

Then there was the horror of Shirahoshi...ergh...Rebecca's predecessor but worse.

FMI had some great moments, reveals, characters (surprisingly) and a flashback with Fisher Tiger but it was a lackluster arc to kick off the Post TS with.

I remember waiting years in excitement for FMI and Jinbei and only Jinbei truly delivered on the hype and being better than I ever expected. Then we waited maybe 10 years for him to join anyway lmfaooooo.

The themes of the evils of racism, slavery and such, stuff like Madame Shyarly, the mermaids, ancient weapon reveals, Joyboy reveal, Jinbeis personal arc, Otohime etc were great too though.

At least most SHs got to show off some amazing stuff, the Sanji Jinbei teacup was really hype and nice, Robin, Franky, Zoro, Brook and Usopp did awesome shit too bit seeing Monster Chopper fucking doing his tsundere dancing really fucking scarred me lmfaooooo.
Can't blame you there.

Just to add to what I said before too, that arc was also terrible for Nami and Sanji individually too.

Terrible villains except Zeo who was funny imo. Van Der Deckens DF was fucking nuts but he was the king of all creeps by far and is not getting enough hate in the community too.

I often call it Fishmid island and thus Hody Jokes and his lackluster crew, the Fishmid Pirates.

Hyozou the poisonous octopus swordsman guy seemed hype and the new world version of Hachi but Zoro instantly fodderised him and trash talked him Mihawk style lmfao.

Then there was the horror of Shirahoshi...ergh...Rebecca's predecessor but worse.

FMI had some great moments, reveals, characters (surprisingly) and a flashback with Fisher Tiger but it was a lackluster arc to kick off the Post TS with.

I remember waiting years in excitement for FMI and Jinbei and only Jinbei truly delivered on the hype and being better than I ever expected. Then we waited maybe 10 years for him to join anyway lmfaooooo.

The themes of the evils of racism, slavery and such, stuff like Madame Shyarly, the mermaids, ancient weapon reveals, Joyboy reveal, Jinbeis personal arc, Otohime etc were great too though.

At least most SHs got to show off some amazing stuff, the Sanji Jinbei teacup was really hype and nice, Robin, Franky, Zoro, Brook and Usopp did awesome shit too bit seeing Monster Chopper fucking doing his tsundere dancing really fucking scarred me lmfaooooo.
I don't think FI was that terrible for Nami tbh.
The stuff with Jinbe was great, she just needed an actual meaningful fight in Gyoncorde Plaza like the rest of the SHs did there.

Gorosei Informer

Zoro going the wrong direction as usual? Thats why we missed out on ZKK? Lmao, sigh...
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I don't think FI was that terrible for Nami tbh.
The stuff with Jinbe was great, she just needed an actual meaningful fight in Gyoncorde Plaza like the rest of the SHs did there.
The Jinbei stuff with her was great, I was meant to mention that. I was just bitter that she seemed so lackluster compared to the other SHs in terms of powerups and combat abilities.
Doesnt help she's become a thunder slammer now, with Oda giving her Zeus too and saying she could get Enels fruit too.

Oda could be trolling us though as Nami is Swedish, Elbaf has Scandinavian/Nordic influences ofc, Enel is from Birka which is a place in Sweden too, he found the "original Birka" on the moon too and I believe Nami is a moon princess/goddess somehow too, fr the moon itself even somehow maybe but I digress lol.

I've thought of Nami becoming a Valkyrie for Elbaf or being associated with them somehow too although Yamato may fit better ofc. Boa Marigold reminded me of Valkyries too but I'm randomly rambling again lol.

Nami should have learned to mimic Monet and create snowstorms/blizzards as well as actually manipulating the wind, making tornadoes, gale force winds, maybe even hurricanes by EOS.
Since she has Zeus now and assuming he doesn't die/disappear if BM is dead, I'd like to see Nami using him to do more and bigge scale weather manipulation, even flying on him potentially too.

She could make it rain (literally not money wise which she would love ironically) and then electrocute people to do superior damage to them too. Simple and effective lol.

I'd love a combo of her making it rain and Jinbei does some water bending with it too.
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I put it this way, as definitely have a few more arcs before the Final War. Physically, it's not possible to start it after Wano and involve Luffy directly.

In the time frame, he at least may be able to resolve some smaller plotlines (i.e. Vegapunk, Kuma, Bonney, Elbaf/Giants, etc). This will help smooth out bigger things like Laugh Tale and the War.

Just have faith in that. Those things really can't be ignored, they all have a role to play somewhere in the plot.
you dont think that because its rushed...some of those plot points will be skimmed through and feel unsatisfying?
if hes revising it in order finish as fast as possible that could happen

Gorosei Informer

Hopefully his WCI won't be too much tainted for his hatred towards Sanji then.
Which might be kinda hard since half the arc is based on the guy.
Unfortunately he really hated WCI and made i think a 45 minute video on it on why it was so bad IIRC. Pirate King Buggy also did the same back in the day too.

WCI was a breaking point for him with Big Mom too, Pedro's death, the Cracker fight I think and so on.
I want to say he liked Sanjs backstory especially the throwback to the cover pages and "foreshadowing" with cakes, mice and such IIRC. I think he liked Sanji rescuing thr Vinsmokes too.
I could be wrong here though ofc.

I know he was really fed up by the time we got to Udon and we had all the Big Mom BS especially there too.

I don't think he liked Queen either BUT if not mistaken, he really appreciated and liked Oda focusing on Sanji as being being chef in early Wano, how he reacted to food being trashed by those Yakuza assholes and Sanji beating their asses. He really liked that if I remember right.

I'm not sure of he's real the Shokugeki no Sanji chapters but im sure he'd like some of them including the Wano one too.

I know he used to really like maybe love Sanji pre TS, I'm sure he did but I may nr wrong ofc lol.

My memory is absolutely poor these days so it doesn't help naturally.
I put it this way, as definitely have a few more arcs before the Final War. Physically, it's not possible to start it after Wano and involve Luffy directly.

In the time frame, he at least may be able to resolve some smaller plotlines (i.e. Vegapunk, Kuma, Bonney, Elbaf/Giants, etc). This will help smooth out bigger things like Laugh Tale and the War.

Just have faith in that. Those things really can't be ignored, they all have a role to play somewhere in the plot.
I mean as things stand Oda chose to give us a bunch of Tama chapters but then 4 pages of Kaido flashback.

I don’t doubt Oda won’t skip Vegapunk, Elbaf, etc. But how fleshed out will that stuff be compared to how fleshed out it should be?

I’m very concerned.
you dont think that because its rushed...some of those plot points will be skimmed through and feel unsatisfying?
if hes revising it in order finish as fast as possible that could happen
I don't think Oda wants to rush it
He wants to organize his ideas so that he doesn't drag it like Wano
One Piece had a fantastic pace for a very long time, because Oda had a lot of things planned way before starting the serialization
It's different after 1000 chapters
I bet had he he taken a month off before Wano to carefully plan its structure he could have told the same story in a better and more concise way
don't forget it's a weekly manga and he's always running against the clock
you dont think that because its rushed...some of those plot points will be skimmed through and feel unsatisfying?
if hes revising it in order finish as fast as possible that could happen
Oda revisiting the story for the Final Saga is only a good thing IMO
The man was late in his time expectations for WCI and Wano resulting in both arcs lasting 5-9 more months than he originally planned for.
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