Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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I'm so disappointed with Zoro's treatment, it was really an opportunity to develop his shimotsuki lineage and especially his bond with Ryuma who looks a lot like him, in the end we got nothing, zoro could have been Wano's hero in the end nothing at all (even usopp got his statue at Dressrosa) + I drop this shitty manga
Don't drop it before the festival is over. :suresure:
You finally have the perfect scenario for ZKK, Zoro is in the capital, everyone will be there, we only need the dragon and the Admiral that everyone theorized is Zoro's father or relative is coming to Wano and the fleet is still around, another one of Ryuma's feats was stopping the WG.
Anyone that thinks that Zoro's arc is just this hasn't been paying attention, Zoro still needs to visit Ryuma's grave. :myman:
With character development oda made zoro dirty ngl I mean there were few moments where he had a great evolution but only little moments like 1033,997 and 950 altough in feat wise he had a lot of importance but i knew that since he is a fighter but I was expecting more character development....idk if this works with zoro and the final stage is the bountys honestly i'm not very optimistic really if they don't know what happened in rooftop
But i don't care what happen or how oda will treat him he is and will be my goat:kata:


Kitetsu Wanker
I'm so disappointed with Zoro's treatment, it was really an opportunity to develop his shimotsuki lineage and especially his bond with Ryuma who looks a lot like him, in the end we got nothing, zoro could have been Wano's hero in the end nothing at all (even usopp got his statue at Dressrosa) + I drop this shitty manga
If you think this is it from Wano, dropping it is perfectly reasonable. :goyea:
However, waiting it out is a wiser decision.
Don't drop it before the festival is over. :suresure:
You finally have the perfect scenario for ZKK, Zoro is in the capital, everyone will be there, we only need the dragon and the Admiral that everyone theorized is Zoro's father or relative is coming to Wano and the fleet is still around, another one of Ryuma's feats was stopping the WG.
Anyone that thinks that Zoro's arc is just this hasn't been paying attention, Zoro still needs to visit Ryuma's grave. :myman:

It's not even related to the ZKK, it's especially in terms of character development that I would have liked to see something, I would have already liked Yamato to make the link between Ushimaru and Zoro (these are twin limits = none reaction from her)

It was the best time to develop Zoro on his origins, to know more about his lineage in the end we got nothing, you have the impression that act 2 did not lead to anything for Zoro. Wano will remember Luffy more than Zoro. While Zoro probably comes from Wano and is part of the lineage of their god it's so bad. Oda is really a shitty author I'm disgusted
It's not even related to the ZKK, it's especially in terms of character development that I would have liked to see something, I would have already liked Yamato to make the link between Ushimaru and Zoro (these are twin limits = none reaction from her)

It was the best time to develop Zoro on his origins, to know more about his lineage in the end we got nothing, you have the impression that act 2 did not lead to anything for Zoro. Wano will remember Luffy more than Zoro. While Zoro probably comes from Wano and is part of the lineage of their god it's so bad. Oda is really a shitty author I'm disgusted
Yeah, everyone knew Ushimaru but no one makes the connection and Oda is fine with letting us know that, I bet that Zoro never sees kawamatsu again. :suresure:
:catcry: I mean what is this?
Are they comparing Luffy to Ryuma here??? Luffy is the new Ryuma?!!?!!!!??:kaidowhat: Is this what Oda is trying to say??
Oda is the king of trolls. This chapter was clearly a nod to those who support zkk. To me it’s like Oda is saying “yes I still remember zoro’s open plot lines and yes he’s still killing kaido over the flower capital just be patient”.

The very fact people are fussing over this proves that indeed there was a parallel there to begin with. And that Indeed there is a narrative that exists where zoro kills kaido over the flower capital to parallel ryuma.
As a Zoro fan who didn´t believe in ZKK I lost nothing at all :kayneshrug:
you did, even if you don't believe ZKK

because this is was as close as an arc Zoro is gonna get for the rest of One Piece

and Oda just completely shafted him

forget ZKK, what was the point of the Shimotsuki plot?