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Ok, here we go. Pages 22 - 50. I quoted whatever caught my attention. It's LONG. I'll post general reads on everyone in a sec
Yeah imagine fluffing on day 0 you did this last game too and i was town.
I generally agree with D0 fluff part and I'm not a huge fan of D0/D1s in general. What I don't like is the way how you said it. Like, just because you fluffed as town last time, doesn't mean you wouldn't do the same thing as scum. Because, why not, really? I'd say fluffing D0/1 is NAI and i'd stop here. This "and I was town" seems like unnecessary reassurement.

last game was a wake up call. i was too lenient there
Are we talking about BB game? Are you sure lenient is the right word? You went after Flower after she's been revealed as innocent child basically. And accused Ratchet of PR based on nothing really. It's not about this game though, so I'll stop it here.

Ekko wasn't joking with me in regards of flower, it was a genuine interaction where I thought the dude was in sync with me for a moment. But all of that is washed down the drain as you can see yourself. Should tell you a thing or two about ekko for now. Little to no weight behind his words.

Very fascinating interaction overall I agree. It gets us all closer to the truth.
Why do you think was that? You think they might be teammates or something? I have hard time seeing it tbh.

@SoulKiller Imagine believing a shot in the dark wagon somehow is less scummy than comparing playstyles from different games and making an early read.

@Ekkologix you realize you town read Pero for the doing the opposite thinking of what led you to vote me right?
Its a majority lynch and 8 out of 20 people didnt post yet, so justifiably having more people on hand in the thread is better for forming interractions and reads but also provide votes when needed. Scum would rather keep the amount of players active in the thread low so that they can control it and the lynch. I find it weird that people are taking offense to me taking people and reminding them that the game exists, especially in this type of game.
That's basically summary of my whole take on this push/situation. I'll just put it there that I agree with most Fuji's comments here. I thought it's common sense when I read that.

Where's kitty ava though? You lost points for that.

i'll work under the assumption this is no multiball

flowa and soul cannot be aligned
That's big assumption to make I'd say. Do you have anything backing it up or it's just feeling? I agree that they wouldn't be teammates though. I don't think Flower would agree on this hard push/distancing as simply as it is.

Hmmm i dont know what to make of this i do think flowa have been scummier but at the same time i dont like how easy this wagon is building up
I really dislike this post.

1. It wasn't building easily, like at all. SK started it and nobody followed him for a long time. Then Usopp voted. Flower had like 2-3 votes on her when you posted that I believe. Her voters could be vocal about it but votes simply weren't there.
2. And tbh, if you scumread her anyway, why would it bother you? Especially since technically this could be Maf1 vs Maf2 or Maf vs Indie.

What I mean is that it's really cautious thing to say, without really following it with something.

Yo, you're acting as if she claimed indie or something xd

i am not going to tunnel players this game
Would be nice.

probably more if she flips town tbh
Another post I didn't like. I mean, what is this really supposed to mean? I basically read it like - "let's lynch Flower, if you disagree and she's scum, you're scum and if you disagree and she's town - you're scum". In other words "screw Flower and everyone who doesn't agree, regardless of what happens". It's like you knew she'll flip town but didn't care tbh. That's the worst post of yours I've read here imo.

Ultra and Zolo also voted for you,
That's after you and Ekko asked everyone to vote her, lol. I get that you're asking about her opinion on them sheeping, but it's not like their push is equal to what you and Usopp were doing. I know you haven't asked but I generally town read Ultra so I don't mind him staying on this wagon for a moment and as for Zolo, he can be anything. Tbh I think he just saw notification saying Flower is scum and voted her. Not sure he'd do it as her teammate though.


Vote Flower.

Here, I even help you with that shit wagon.
Is it another hime situation? I'll be mad if this is fake tbh. Also you should never vote yourself. You don't know stuff like vote power of people voting you and stuff like that. I somewhat dislike it though. I'd like to believe it's not fake.

Tbh, if we're to pick between Usopp and SK, I'd rather go for SK. Usopp seems to act similar to himself in BB game, just swap yourself with Ratchet. I gotta say he's not as persistent as he was there though. SK went in pretty agressively for no good reason imo and him calling it his guts feeling or whatever reminds me of him in BB game. I don't remember him doing it as town. When I think town SK, I imagine long ass analysis posts with some manga panels. Not gut feelings and agressive pushing based on that.

I don’t like T-Pein this game btw. Definitely don’t like that last Ekko vote.
Agree on this one. I'm not sure what to think about T-Pein myself, but what I've learned is that "too scummy to be scum" doesn't apply to him. If he's acting scummy, he has solid chance of being scum. Him buddying Flower makes Flower look worse if anything. I thought he had some TMI but apparently not.

In short: No Town motivation from either slot. Feel free to lynch one next day and the other the day after.
I know, tired and stuff but town should've never ask to be lynched imo. My take would be, if you're convinced they're scum and you feel like you will be lynched no matter what, just make them dig themself even deeper in that shet so that they'd have to explain themself following day. I dislike stuff like "you will see", even if it's genuine.

Alright. I know there might be a Hunter Indie in the game.
Are you seriously wondering about why I might know :goatasure:?
Tbh, at first I read it as "I know, because I'm this hunter" (and hunting scum so go away, maybe?). So it's hinted at in your flavour note, right? It doesn't really have to be indie tbh. Assuming it exists. But hey, that's something for zolo.

Because one of my pushers might be said Hunter trying to off me and is thus scum?
You mean like an executioner then?

That would make more sense lol.
Tbh if that was the case, only person that would match this description would be SK imo. You think he'd be this bold though? I mean that would be literally all or nothing for him imo. You say Usopp, but he was somewhat hesistant about that wagon at first. Why not jump on wagon that already exists? Tbh, if there's really this Exe role, I don't think it'd be either one of them. More likely someone who wasn't there to vote. Or it has to kill you, not just outlive. Idk what to think about this part tbh.

Hi! Hi! lovely people! I’m here!

Already got tagged a few times so checking what’s that about.

Also I’ve got no idea about Final Fantasy games :kayneshrug:
Welcome to Kitty Core :V

i read them both correctly last game
BB game? You were town reading Flower? Maybe after I died, idk.

I said because.
Cuz I wanted to.
Tbh I expected something like "Because that would make sense" or "just a guess". I'd preffer one of these tbh.

flowa u ask for amps, refills, double actions, protects like 10 times a day as town

u want me to belive that u just give up so willingly to a hunter targeting u?

where is the spirit flowa?
That's actually the best (only, really) case against Flower I've seen in 50 pages. Refill part I mean. There's always chance she's vanilla or something though. You get townie points for that post though.

Cats = Dogs = :blush:

I am actually surprised Flower did not claim as well. Interesting, you would think with hour frustrated she was, she would claim to get it done with and save herself headache.
She said there's role that's literally hunting her and you want to reveal her role so that they'd be 100% sure she is their target? Dislike that one.

me too

i'm also liking ekko in the ekko vs fuji interaction.

not liking fuji in any of them. :/
Exact opposite here.

Id rather lynch Pero tbh, I mean seriously just iso the guy people. Even his reponses to my sus of him have been tame as hell. I dont sense a shred of towniness in him.
Shread, maybe, but agree in general.

Also my role mentions or confirm the presence of 2 other townies in the game, dunno if naming them would out my character or not though. I can do it since roles will not flip until the end i read.​
You already did, but what I meant to say is that if you have no knowledge of flavour, i'd just keep it to myself and maybe confirm someone in case they claimed. If we believed Flower's hunter thing, there could be other targetted abilities/roles and if someone is able to figure out your role based on these characters, I'd say don't do it unless you feel it's necessary. If you know FF and you know it's not obvious, then go ahead. Looks like it payed off, but I would say it was unnecessary.

I only read up to 20 pages earlier today.

Flowa is ruthless as skoom so her friendly play early this game make her Town lean for me. I didn't observe the reactions you guys wanted but she always over react to sus on her so my stand is townie on her for now.
Fuji didn't ping me in the posts i read so should be town.
I felt powa wolf vibes from Ekko. he's slight scum lean for me rn.

Pot gameplay feel similar to his last game so i believe he's Town.
You Soul seem to be playing differently, though not sure if that make ya good or bad given ya were scum last game. It's leaning bad than good in my book for now.

Ultra claimed miller and was focusing on Fuji which felt bit like tunneling but the impression i got was it was coming from townie mindset. I'd also question if players don't bat eye on me claiming Miller and voting someone,
Basically agree with everything. Maybe not with Usopp part. I think he's town, just tunnelling bit too much. Like in BB. I mean, I scum read him last game, felt about him similarly to this one and he was town. Also like I said already, as town he goes for me, as scum he's more likely to ignore me in thread.
I’m glad you’re confirmed town :finally:

Going to have a break at work soon, then I’m going to find that Ultra claim.
Hmm, ok.

ultra,YTW town
Fuji,Flowa,Ekko scum lean
Natalija ultra omega scum!
You think it's multiball or one mafia team? Both Flower and Usopp in scum lean? You think they could be teammates?

ultra seemed interested in scum hunting even leaving his miller claim aside.
Fuji seems like scum trying to jump on the easiest safest votes he can find.
Flowa is way too happy go lucky for me town flowa would be fighting someone right now.
And ekko is doing the same thing he did in the fuji game where i caught him as scum
Agree on Ultra.
On Fuji: tbh, the easiest vote would be either Flower who already had votesor someone like Blue, who hasn't posted anything other than fluff.
Flowa is fighting someone rn xd Also she's been pretty happy about her ToS game and she didn't really hide it.
You mean TAC situation? I wouldn't say it's the same thing. TAC stated he won't be there for days. Flower woud wake up in couple hours and Usopp wasn't that persistent at first. I don't think it's similar tbh.

This wasn‘t serious :pepeke:.
Can't really know for sure.

What even is this logic? You can’t CC a miller, and it’s also possible to have multiple ones in a game :few:
Miller thing is just a cherry on the top in this case. I town read Ultra in general, for the way he approaches the thread. He made miller claim the way it's supposed to be done. Short, straight away. If there was another miller claim, sure there can be 2, both of them would be in the spotlight and I wouldn't be surprised if one of them ended up lynched. This also lets people like trackers check him out at night. Just really bold thing to do as mafia in my opinion.

There seems to be some misunderstanding around the wording here. Let's take a hypothetical role - Yoshi P (the game's producer), a Serial Game Master. If Yoshi P were to be lynched, it would be shown as follows:

Yoshi P (Ratchet), a Serial Game Master was lynched.

And that would be it. The full role sheet, including what exactly "Game Master" is, flavour text associated and so forth, will only be posted at the end of the game.
Will they all be yellow or color will indicate their alignment?

Because the anti claim mechanism is staring you right in the face - abilities cannot be verified, so all townies rarely have something hard, and scum have more wiggle room.

Having a additional anti claim on top of this which would do the opposite and confirm abilities by punishing the claimants seems to defeat the purpose.
Roles cannot be verified. It's a way for scumms to wiggle around, sure. But it doesn't PREVENT anyone from claiming is what I'm talking about. All it does is that claims could be faked easier.

What do you think of Flower's hunter thing. Isn't it directly anti claim mechanism? If there's character that needs your character dead? Or do you think she lied about it?


This is a weird post tbh. Why are you going straight to claims. Day is young, just play the game and prove yourself.
look at it from my pov as a townie, people voting for you because you fluffed or didnt talk to pot they're probably trying to get me to spill the beans on my role i already saw nat excited cause YTW decided to claim all of a sudden
I dont see a benefit to doing something like that, especially early on. It basically puts him in the spotlight for no reason, which is whats happening here.

SK gave me some explanations as to why he could be doing it but I dont really see it.

Please be town.

i'm gonna go with Nat
Nat over Flower/Usopp/Fuji? I thought your super omega scum lean was a joke tbh. Why her?



Please be town.

Nat over Flower/Usopp/Fuji? I thought your super omega scum lean was a joke tbh. Why her?
she said i was super shy this game as her reason for voting me, but that's not only a lie there's also the fact she never played with me before so she doesn't know me well enough to say that
Ok, here we go. Pages 22 - 50. I quoted whatever caught my attention. It's LONG. I'll post general reads on everyone in a sec
I generally agree with D0 fluff part and I'm not a huge fan of D0/D1s in general. What I don't like is the way how you said it. Like, just because you fluffed as town last time, doesn't mean you wouldn't do the same thing as scum. Because, why not, really? I'd say fluffing D0/1 is NAI and i'd stop here. This "and I was town" seems like unnecessary reassurement.

Are we talking about BB game? Are you sure lenient is the right word? You went after Flower after she's been revealed as innocent child basically. And accused Ratchet of PR based on nothing really. It's not about this game though, so I'll stop it here.

Why do you think was that? You think they might be teammates or something? I have hard time seeing it tbh.

That's basically summary of my whole take on this push/situation. I'll just put it there that I agree with most Fuji's comments here. I thought it's common sense when I read that.

Where's kitty ava though? You lost points for that.

That's big assumption to make I'd say. Do you have anything backing it up or it's just feeling? I agree that they wouldn't be teammates though. I don't think Flower would agree on this hard push/distancing as simply as it is.

I really dislike this post.

1. It wasn't building easily, like at all. SK started it and nobody followed him for a long time. Then Usopp voted. Flower had like 2-3 votes on her when you posted that I believe. Her voters could be vocal about it but votes simply weren't there.
2. And tbh, if you scumread her anyway, why would it bother you? Especially since technically this could be Maf1 vs Maf2 or Maf vs Indie.

What I mean is that it's really cautious thing to say, without really following it with something.

Yo, you're acting as if she claimed indie or something xd

Would be nice.

Another post I didn't like. I mean, what is this really supposed to mean? I basically read it like - "let's lynch Flower, if you disagree and she's scum, you're scum and if you disagree and she's town - you're scum". In other words "screw Flower and everyone who doesn't agree, regardless of what happens". It's like you knew she'll flip town but didn't care tbh. That's the worst post of yours I've read here imo.

That's after you and Ekko asked everyone to vote her, lol. I get that you're asking about her opinion on them sheeping, but it's not like their push is equal to what you and Usopp were doing. I know you haven't asked but I generally town read Ultra so I don't mind him staying on this wagon for a moment and as for Zolo, he can be anything. Tbh I think he just saw notification saying Flower is scum and voted her. Not sure he'd do it as her teammate though.

Is it another hime situation? I'll be mad if this is fake tbh. Also you should never vote yourself. You don't know stuff like vote power of people voting you and stuff like that. I somewhat dislike it though. I'd like to believe it's not fake.

Tbh, if we're to pick between Usopp and SK, I'd rather go for SK. Usopp seems to act similar to himself in BB game, just swap yourself with Ratchet. I gotta say he's not as persistent as he was there though. SK went in pretty agressively for no good reason imo and him calling it his guts feeling or whatever reminds me of him in BB game. I don't remember him doing it as town. When I think town SK, I imagine long ass analysis posts with some manga panels. Not gut feelings and agressive pushing based on that.

Agree on this one. I'm not sure what to think about T-Pein myself, but what I've learned is that "too scummy to be scum" doesn't apply to him. If he's acting scummy, he has solid chance of being scum. Him buddying Flower makes Flower look worse if anything. I thought he had some TMI but apparently not.

I know, tired and stuff but town should've never ask to be lynched imo. My take would be, if you're convinced they're scum and you feel like you will be lynched no matter what, just make them dig themself even deeper in that shet so that they'd have to explain themself following day. I dislike stuff like "you will see", even if it's genuine.

Tbh, at first I read it as "I know, because I'm this hunter" (and hunting scum so go away, maybe?). So it's hinted at in your flavour note, right? It doesn't really have to be indie tbh. Assuming it exists. But hey, that's something for zolo.

Tbh if that was the case, only person that would match this description would be SK imo. You think he'd be this bold though? I mean that would be literally all or nothing for him imo. You say Usopp, but he was somewhat hesistant about that wagon at first. Why not jump on wagon that already exists? Tbh, if there's really this Exe role, I don't think it'd be either one of them. More likely someone who wasn't there to vote. Or it has to kill you, not just outlive. Idk what to think about this part tbh.

Welcome to Kitty Core :V

BB game? You were town reading Flower? Maybe after I died, idk.

Tbh I expected something like "Because that would make sense" or "just a guess". I'd preffer one of these tbh.

That's actually the best (only, really) case against Flower I've seen in 50 pages. Refill part I mean. There's always chance she's vanilla or something though. You get townie points for that post though.

Cats = Dogs = :blush:

She said there's role that's literally hunting her and you want to reveal her role so that they'd be 100% sure she is their target? Dislike that one.

Exact opposite here.

Shread, maybe, but agree in general.

You already did, but what I meant to say is that if you have no knowledge of flavour, i'd just keep it to myself and maybe confirm someone in case they claimed. If we believed Flower's hunter thing, there could be other targetted abilities/roles and if someone is able to figure out your role based on these characters, I'd say don't do it unless you feel it's necessary. If you know FF and you know it's not obvious, then go ahead. Looks like it payed off, but I would say it was unnecessary.

Basically agree with everything. Maybe not with Usopp part. I think he's town, just tunnelling bit too much. Like in BB. I mean, I scum read him last game, felt about him similarly to this one and he was town. Also like I said already, as town he goes for me, as scum he's more likely to ignore me in thread.

Hmm, ok.

You think it's multiball or one mafia team? Both Flower and Usopp in scum lean? You think they could be teammates?

Agree on Ultra.
On Fuji: tbh, the easiest vote would be either Flower who already had votesor someone like Blue, who hasn't posted anything other than fluff.
Flowa is fighting someone rn xd Also she's been pretty happy about her ToS game and she didn't really hide it.
You mean TAC situation? I wouldn't say it's the same thing. TAC stated he won't be there for days. Flower woud wake up in couple hours and Usopp wasn't that persistent at first. I don't think it's similar tbh.

Can't really know for sure.

Miller thing is just a cherry on the top in this case. I town read Ultra in general, for the way he approaches the thread. He made miller claim the way it's supposed to be done. Short, straight away. If there was another miller claim, sure there can be 2, both of them would be in the spotlight and I wouldn't be surprised if one of them ended up lynched. This also lets people like trackers check him out at night. Just really bold thing to do as mafia in my opinion.

Will they all be yellow or color will indicate their alignment?

Roles cannot be verified. It's a way for scumms to wiggle around, sure. But it doesn't PREVENT anyone from claiming is what I'm talking about. All it does is that claims could be faked easier.

What do you think of Flower's hunter thing. Isn't it directly anti claim mechanism? If there's character that needs your character dead? Or do you think she lied about it?
Do you think Ultra isn’t bold when he’s mafia?
My thoughts rn. I tried my best to have as little nulls as possible, so this might be bit far fetched here and there (leans I mean).

1 Flowa - town lean
2 Peroroncino - scum
3 Kagurashii - null - scum lean
4 Yo Tan Wa - town lean
5 Fujishiro - town
6 Blue - null scum lean
7 Natalija - ehh, null but not really, on one page i scum lean her, on another it's town lean, let's say neutral
8 RippedCal - who
9 Ekkologix - i'd say town lean even though i disagree with him a lot
10 Charlie - omega town
11 Xlaw - who
12 Pot Goblin - town lean
13 T-Pein™ - scum lean
14 QueenEmilia - who
15 SoulKiller - scum lean
16 Dr_Professor83 - town lean
17 Ultra - town
18 Don DaSlayer - who
19 Nikamara - who
20. Zolo - scum lean
Anyways, I'll be fine with lynching of whoever I scum read/lean. How many votes Pero have anyway? Don't want to hammer it just yet. Not sure there's the most informative lynch out here tbh, but i guess vigis will have full hands anyway with so many inactives
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