Was Wano one of the worst arcs in One Piece? How do you rate wano?

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I'm imagining if i sent a random out of context video of Fortnite

with Naruto, Goku and Kratos all fighting with guns and dancing

to my younger self of like 12 years ago

and what his thoughts would've been lol
I already simplified the problem in another post, if you can’t even understand or grasp the issue here yeah you kinda are an Oda angel. And tbh I was just joking around, the fact that you got trigger does show it strikes a nerve.
It strikes a nerve being misunderstood on intent, not specifically being called an Oda Angel (lmao). Cucks on this forum say it all the time when someone disagrees with them, but I never considered you that lol. Just surprised we jumped to that already.

Anyway I know what people are upset about I tried to offer a different viewpoint, that's all. You take the story in context that all Kurozumi are gone and every single one HAS acted in an evil fashion (literally 2 of them lived to the present...), along with their name literally meaning coal, it's easy to just see it as a pun if you aren't taking offense or scrutinizing every little thing about a medium of work.

I complain a fuck ton about OP, but I do it on DMs and groups, because anytime I say anything constructive here it gets memed on or the conversation gets derailed.


❀ 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈 ❀
Could this be just a play on Odens "born to boil", since the dish itself is boiled soup and Kurozumi which translates to "Charcoal" does by nature burn..........so both Oden and Orochi die in a way that befits their names.......maybe that's what he was going for.........still weird but just a thought.
it definitely is, the difference is that Kurozumi is a surname so it becomes a horrible message instead :goatasure:


The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
He did everything wrong. That's why hatred against Kurozumi will never end. Because he did nothing right.
Here is a question for you:

Why was there only four Kurozumis during Sukiyaki's reign?

Orochi's Grandfather tried to overthrow Kozuki and rightfully should be prosecuted. But why did the prosecution involve complete extermination of Kurozumi clan?

I do not condone what Orochi did. But I do not understand why story's happy ending is complete eradication of Kurozumi clan.
Here is a question for you:

Why was there only four Kurozumis during Sukiyaki's reign?

Orochi's Grandfather tried to overthrow Kozuki and rightfully should be prosecuted. But why did the prosecution involve complete extermination of Kurozumi clan?

I do not condone what Orochi did. But I do not understand why story's happy ending is complete eradication of Kurozumi clan.
Because hatred runs deep and Wanonese are filled with propoganda. Simple. Winners write history, just like what Hiyori is doing now.
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