What will happen to The Invincible Charlotte Katakuri?

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CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Lmaoooo i was gonna joke about that! Suddenly not a coincidence Franky is part of the SHs too? Maybe this was Frankys secret Anti Kaido weapon? Lmfao.

Iceburg gonna rock up with the most broken DF out of nowhere, just for the hell of it! Sinks the whole BBP like Law should be doing with his powers right now lol.

I did think why is BB trying to fly on Doc Q and Stronger who can barely carry both of them too especially BB as well, over the ocean especially and they are all DF users too? Is BB really gonna go for a crew of all DF users and thus be completely vulnerable to drowning or is he gonna find a way to overcome that for his crew somehow?

I really liked Iceburg too, he was cool, pun not intended lol. Water 7 I also really loved in design and such, the floating city of water or w/e One Piece Venice even?
Iceberg was a great character, can't wait till we get some callbacks to Water 7. Who knows, he could end up with Aokiji's Fruit... pffffff.

Water 7 was such a fun city, I wish Oda had more time to write this series. It feels like we only explored a sliver of the culture in places like Skypiea, Fishman Island, Water 7, and Dressrosa.

Blackbeard is supposed to be the antithesis to Luffy, who is a liberator. So, Joy Boy's enemy should be like Kaido, an enslaver.

I think Blackbeard will enslave Fishmen, and use them to protect his crew from drowning. As long as he has enough Fishmen to rescue them, it doesn't matter how many of his Officers has Devil Fruits. It's the kind of evil thing Blackbeard would totally do, too.

Then you will dip into shadows or perhaps broken like kinyagi seeing your fav getting bodied

Well don't worry. Kinyagi was alone but you will have some company like King harashima, nilkinparis and Roo :milaugh::milaugh:

*Disappears quickly into shadows "
Nah bro. I will be here whether or not Law does good or not. I'm not like a certain fandom. I am sure all of the Law fans will be here too. I will take my L if it is meant to be.
He still got shit on by the BBPs, the same crew that fled Akainu. I never underestimated him, he's a YC1+ in my books but any admiral mid diffs him at least
He neg diffed entire BBP in one attack including blackbeard tho

Shiryu had to save him

I guess Oda will show Shiryu up by giving him higher bounty than Aokiji but well see.
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Notice how I said Major Characters?
Are you really comparing pre skip SHPs with post marineford BBPs
Even before his fruits Blackbeard was someone hyped by Shanks, he mentions that he wasn't off guard when he received the scars and that Teach has always been strong but was hiding under Whitebeard's shadow ready for the perfect chance.
He then recieved the strongest logia + strongest paramecia, a world busting one at that. He pulled Wb gura feats day one so a month is enough to get used to a braindead devil fruit. Shiryu was compared to Magellan, someone strong enough to make Crocodile, Jimbo and an army of level 6 prisoners escape him. SHPs were low diffed by pacifista, do you understand how braindead you are
It was not a comparison but an example, something you would understand if you read what I said.
You seem to think I'm saying Akainu is weaker than Teach for some reason, which he isn't by the way
For some weird misguided reason, you seem to be extremely angry and you are disregarding every factual thing said by Oda all for some sick fantasy you have, why?

Oda made it pretty clear that Blackbeard > Shiryu > Aokiji, I don't see why this has you so mad that you are turning into such an immature person (you are probably a child and I'm here judging you for being immature, sorry)
Are you really comparing pre skip SHPs with post marineford BBPs
Even before his fruits Blackbeard was someone hyped by Shanks, he mentions that he wasn't off guard when he received the scars and that Teach has always been strong but was hiding under Whitebeard's shadow ready for the perfect chance.
He then recieved the strongest logia + strongest paramecia, a world busting one at that. He pulled Wb gura feats day one so a month is enough to get used to a braindead devil fruit. Shiryu was compared to Magellan, someone strong enough to make Crocodile, Jimbo and an army of level 6 prisoners escape him. SHPs were low diffed by pacifista, do you understand how braindead you are
Power creep is a thing
Aokiji was busy with Jozu until he got a distraction

Now he can neg diff Katakuri and Cracker

Oda wanted the power ceiling to be shown as lower than it actually is..
Momonga obviously doesn't have Boa level haki. So he had to use pain to clear his impure thoughts. That doesn't disprove anything.

And gauging someone using haki is not said to be an exceptional skill. That's a basic application of Coa.

I agree he will taste defeat against luffy. But he won't be mid digging Law either.

Law is not a hype tool at all. Law has his own goals that tie him to the goal of luffy and the manga. He is not getting killed before he finds that.

Law will at the very least push BB to high diff. BB will have to put real effort in if he wants to beat Law. The fights just started. And nothings happened so far. Law used a basic move, BB countered it. That's all. We will see how the fight goes.
This forum is not the place where logic thoughts should be posted unfortunately. You won't be heard anyway, too many tards.
He neg diffed entire BBP in one attack including blackbeard tho

Shiryu had to save him

I guess Oda will show Shiryu up by giving him higher bounty than Aokiji but well see.
That was a gimmick scene to introduce Shiryu to the crew, they knew exactly what they were dealing with against Akainu.
Magellan is also a type of fight where the weaker you are the worse are your odds just like with Kaido's durability. It's really impossible to approach Magellan without top tier haki or some material like wax as in canon.
But yeah saying Magellan is on the admiral's level is like saying pre ts Shiryu is on Shanks/Mihawk level lol
BB could suck him in and deprive him of objects to switch with. He's totally capable of touching Law. Saying "he has a sword for a reason" doesn't accomplish anything. Law can't even compete with the people on his level without his devil's fruit ability, forget about a Yonko with the most destructive ability in the world.
Law can swap snow flakes and yet you think BB can deprive Law of objects to switch...that in itself is unfounded.

I did mention that he would compete with BB without his DF. My point is Law will not be helpless if BB manages to touch hi. because he has a sword.

That means anyone from Amazon Lilly fodder to Mihawk could mitigate damage from GGnM. I doubt you guys are tying to argue Law fights BB by mitigating 0.001% of GGnM power.
Yes that is what it means. The degree of mitigation however depends on the strength of the users haki. What we are arguing is that Law's haki is not so weak that he can't mitigate a gura punch to a significant degree.

Well, I didn't say it reduces his Haki. I said that's the best feat he has so far.
And it being the best feat he has so far implies he can't block a gura punch?

Doubt BB's not gonna capitalize on the opportunity and use a tiny building-level punch though. Even the weakest of GGnM attacks are well beyond any single hit move Law managed to withstand without hitting the ground.
This is unfounded. Even BBs crew preskip took a Gura punch and only sustained minor damage

No preparation, he just needs to take a stance and it's not an absolute necessity considering WB attacked Akainu without taking a stance the first time he attacked him.
The stance is the preparation..hence why I said Law's sword comes into play because he can interrupt that stance.
The first hit WB used on Akainu was relatively weak. Even weaker than the first hit he used on the BB pirates

Groundless, Law's CoA was superior to Luffy back in Dressrosas. Luffy's Haki grew since then, and we have no reason to believe Law's Haki is superior to his now.
The operative words there is "can be superior"
Law's haki also grew so why are you automatically assuming that Luffy's is superior?
We have no reason to believe Law's haki is not superior either which is my point. We can't just assume that one is over the other
That was a gimmick scene to introduce Shiryu to the crew, they knew exactly what they were dealing with against Akainu.
Magellan is also a type of fight where the weaker you are the worse are your odds just like with Kaido's durability. It's really impossible to approach Magellan without top tier haki or some material like wax as in canon.
But yeah saying Magellan is on the admiral's level is like saying pre ts Shiryu is on Shanks/Mihawk level lol
Well for starters I don't think Shanks and Mihawk are on same level

I think Mihawk mid/high diffs.
But again you are taking it a wrong way.

I am not downplaying admirals here..just saying Magallen is that damn strong. Like I think Magallen would beat Big Mom mid/high diff.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
@SakazOuki what you think about Akainu and kuzan working behind the scenes?

Kuzan left marines but what if it's just a facade?

When gorosei asked Akainu about kuzan joining BB then Akainu brushed it aside saying he has nothing to do with him as he left navy and it's not his concern what he does. That's not the man with absolute justice talking.

So what if Kuzan and Akainu made this facade and no one knows about this - not even WG?
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