Powers & Abilities King of Hell is a bigger deal than Joyboy Awakening

Who deals higher damaji?

  • Sun God

  • King of Hell

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That's not what he said.
He said King's toughness >> kaidos

And weve seen zoro vs kaido pre power up.

Whatever damage zoro does to King he does more to kaido with the same attacks.

It's not about whose stronger King or kaido
Ok lets test it out what does he think?
@nik do you beleive king is greater than kaido in terms of toughness, but kaido is strongest overall among them . Yes or no?
Yep, it is very easy to miss the difference between those if you are a casual reader. That's why they think it is just aCoC...

Far from it. It is what anti-Zoro gang fears the most after ZKK - Zoro is the character who pours more haki into attacks than anyone else.

How about Zoro stops not one but two top tiers at the same time? When will we see Luffy ever do that? Never.
How about tearing to pieces a guy tougher than Kaido? Will that do?
And what do you mean No? lol You cant pretend that Awakening firepower is utter shit compared to KOH firepower.

Keep reading Moneto-chan. :milaugh:

That. Or Zoro's KOH has parallels Luffy's Awakening.
Were you able to debunk their development parallels in Wano?
No? Didnt think so. :goyea:

Weird considering Zoro rules the feats game of One Piece world. Nobody has better feats.

Good for him but Zoro is walking around as Demon-god Asura, a power-seeking being that rival Devas(Gods) and Monkey King.

By feats, any high end attack from Zoro is stronger than Bairang Gun because even BG is too weak to break a single dragon scale.
If you brag about island-level punch, congratulations, you finally caught up to pre-TS Moriah.

It is nice to dream about it but reality is different.
In portrayal and feats, Zoro is supreme.

You had me for a moment but then I remembered that Pirate King is not strength title and was achieved when Roger got weaker.

Have you literally missed the parallel of their Wano development and KOH coming after aCoC just like Awakening did?
Thanks to Kaido's words, Haki conquers everything, KOH state which is biggest haki release to date, stands atop of mere G5.
Narrative wank is all you will ever have. That's a curse of Luffy. Some of yall might consider it a blessing.
Simple punch that deals close to no damage is narratively wanked more than a scar... You get to pretend like the punch is a bigger deal.
But you obviously know that it isnt. Or do you?
Lol, Zoro released that much haki only because he literally couldn't fully control Enma. It was so bad, he even stated the Sword was going to kill him if he kept it up. Not only are you hyping up Zoros lack of being able to control a sword, but you're also completely disregarding that it was the sword in the first place that allowed him to pull that off.

Mihawk would tame Enma is 3 seconds, with one arm. Zoro still has miles to go.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Lol, Zoro released that much haki only because he literally couldn't fully control Enma. It was so bad, he even stated the Sword was going to kill him if he kept it up. Not only are you hyping up Zoros lack of being able to control a sword, but you're also completely disregarding that it was the sword in the first place that allowed him to pull that off.

Mihawk would tame Enma is 3 seconds, with one arm. Zoro still has miles to go.
This is nonsense. Zoro can release all the haki he wants. He chose not to all fight until the end.


Kitetsu Wanker
Lol, Zoro released that much haki only because he literally couldn't fully control Enma. It was so bad, he even stated the Sword was going to kill him if he kept it up. Not only are you hyping up Zoros lack of being able to control a sword, but you're also completely disregarding that it was the sword in the first place that allowed him to pull that off.

Mihawk would tame Enma is 3 seconds, with one arm. Zoro still has miles to go.
Enma has nothing to do with King of Hell. It is a state of full haki release. And according to Kaido - Haki conquers all.
Which character in the world releases more haki than KOH Zoro? :willsmith:
The sword didnt allow him to pull that off because he is fully releasing on all 3 swords. :ronalaugh:
This is not about taming Enma, this is about King of Hell, something more powerful than Awakening of Sun God.
Oden tamed Enma and he didnt have King of Hell state. Nobody aside from Zoro has KOH or Asura. :fransuper:
KOH is just forced coc ryou

Actually king of hell is something y'all must want to get rid of since it's a "mode" where zoro can only use coc coating while in this mode and that sucks.

Other characters can use acoc casually while zoro needs enma and a whole new over-the-top mode.
He's not. Roger is proof of it. :goyea:
Zoro is the guy who releases more haki in his attacks than anyone else in the world.
Zoro is the inevitable #1 of this world. It's time to board that train before it leaves.
Unfortunately my man. Everything Kaido said is factually not true. Roger never conquered the seas, as in, establish dominance over each and every rival he had as a pirate. Kaido wasn't at the battle so he can't know that WB allowed Roger to conquer the sea by giving him Oden, meaning he never really beat his rival which is a big thing as his rival was known for his DF ability.

I'm sure that after the realisation that Zoro ain't the Protagonist and with him not getting ZKK but only a subordinate W even you my guy will understand that his standing in the world is not what you thought it was.

He's strong. Not Current Top 1 and he never will be.


Kitetsu Wanker
Unfortunately my man. Everything Kaido said is factually not true. Roger never conquered the seas, as in, establish dominance over each and every rival he had as a pirate. Kaido wasn't at the battle so he can't know that WB allowed Roger to conquer the sea by giving him Oden, meaning he never really beat his rival which is a big thing as his rival was known for his DF ability.

I'm sure that after the realisation that Zoro ain't the Protagonist and with him not getting ZKK but only a subordinate W even you my guy will understand that his standing in the world is not what you thought it was.

He's strong. Not Current Top 1 and he never will be.
Actually, Kaido's words are spot on.
Roger faced people with Devil Fruit abilities and we know for a fact that Haki is the great neutralizer that balances out the scales.
I never claimed that Roger beat his rival lol, I said that he dealt with abilities he didnt have through Haki.
Shanks' haki just conquered the DF ability of Green Bull and forced him out of Logia state.

Quite the contrary, Zoro's standing in the world is even higher than I expected. He got to chop up a guy even tougher than Kaido.
Zoro, without CoC, did in one round vs Kaido more than Luffy did in several rounds, even with CoC.
I have no doubt that Zoro will be #1 of One Piece world.
And I suspect he is already there. He has all he needs to overcome any challenge and factually releases more haki than anyone else.